Well…look…all of the hand wringing about motivating trump’s base by impeaching the idiot boy is bullshit…and even thinking about that and having it dictate our actions is even a bigger pile of bullshit….nothing, and I mean nothing that the dems do is ever going to have any damn effect on that cult of personality and hate so I say just ignore them and do what’s right for the country and for protection of the constitution…that means that impeachment has to be on the table now and forever until the criminal in chief is safely ensconsed in his cell at club fed. After the early reticence of our leaders in congress to even put impeachment on the table, it appears that most of them have had enough of the obstruction and defiance that idiot boy has shown at every turn and Nancy Pelosi is now building the impeachment case against the whole damn lot of them including Mnuchin, trump and Barr that will convince any court that they are criminals committing criminal acts every day….a smart bit of strategy that may be taking longer than we want but will give an airtight case for removal of the lot of them….let’s just have a little patience…but just a little…impeach…