Well…when did criminals get to say what evidence against them can be seen by prosecutors? Just this morning, trump and his criminal minions asserted a non-existent executive privilege to keep the congress from seeing the entire Mueller report, adding to his obstruction and turning it into a full-blown coverup that is being run by his toady AG William Barr…now it’s the time for Nancy Pelosi to step up and say that this can’t stand and start impeachment proceedings against idiot boy…if you discard all of the Mueller report, this action by itself is the “high crimes and misdemeanors” necessary to start the investigation process which gives the House broad powers to access anything they want…and this has been upheld by every court in the land since the country was founded. It appears that the dems are starting to grow a spine with the vote to hold Barr in contempt of congress this morning but that is not enough…Mnuchin and all of the rest who are part of this conspiracy need to be hauled in front of congress and charged with breaking the law and that includes Barr….the very existence of our democracy hangs in the balance and the dems need to stop thinking of the political fallout of impeachment since there may be no country left if they don’t get moving…impeach…