All posts by James DeVol

Boycott “Roseanne”

Well….I’m not sure where the media and the right come up with the idea that Hollywood has a “liberal bias” when crap like “Roseanne” and “The Ranch” keep getting made. I wonder why the producers or the studio heads would approve of this trump fluffing nonsense if they are so liberal….probably because money trumps anything…money trumps the truth…money trumps morality…get the idea? Just read an article with Roseanne where she was asked about trump’s anti gay bias, his affairs, his criminality, and she just let it all go saying that she didn’t “believe” that trump has done anything wrong…giving him a pass during the week where he and Pence rolled out their new trans bashing policy that would throw all trans people out of the military…and where Pence spoke at a conference saying that gays shouldn’t have the same rights as the rest of us and that he will work for a constitutional amendment to permanently make them second class citizens. That’s not homophobia, or bigotry, or wrong…at least not in Roseanne’s eyes…and that is just the kind of normalization of trumpism that these shows are all about…that’s it’s perfectly fine to hate the “others” and live with no moral character at all…the only response to this whitewash is to boycott this toxic brew and make sure that this hate is not rewarded….geez….

March 28th

Well….not sure how to start this one today…didn’t win the Mega last night and that is a little disappointing but I feel okay today so that is something….slept okay last night and even had some dreams that involved the battleship New Jersey and that was a little weird…but kinda fun….did get out on the bike yesterday in shorts and no gloves but that was a little bit of a mistake…started to rain as soon as I left here and with the wind blowing over 15 I was cold by the time I got back here and it took all day to warm up again….so today, I’m going to wait a little to get out….but it is going to be sunny today so that will help some….didn’t get anything else done yesterday and the kitchen and bathroom are still waiting for attention so I think I’ll choose one and just do it today…after coffee and a little news, that is…more later…

The tax scam revealed….

Well…just go suited up to get on the bike and it started to rain again and it is nowhere near warm enough to get out in the rain, so I thought I’d come back here to do one of these while I wait for the weather to cooperate. Just read a short little article on Kos that is just another small bit of evidence that the tax cuts for the rich and corporations that the repubs passed, using investment and job growth as the reason for cutting taxes, is just the scam that those of us in the reality based world said it was. The Federal Reserve does a survey every quarter to judge the state of the economy, asking CEO’s to report if they are going to invest the tax cuts and/or crate more jobs….I think you can guess where this is going…almost 80% of those surveyed said that they have NO plans to increase investment or to hire anyone for both this year and next…let that sink in a minute…the entire reason that the repubs gave for screwing over most of the US and exploding the debt was to get the economy going and that they would create good jobs….but, I guess they didn’t check with anyone other than their masters when they did the tax cuts that ended up benefiting only their masters…with the rich getting over 90% of the cuts. But, don’t expect anything to change as long as the repubs are in charge…after all, they don’t believe in facts or empirical data…just their “gut” feelings….so, let’s get out and vote this fall…they need to go away soon….geez…

March 27th

Well…running a little early today and it may be boredom again….slept okay last night but just don’t feel right today…or, I should say I feel normal for just getting up…it usually takes a while for me to get going and today is no different….I did get the top down out and back to pool yesterday and got the summer tires back on the car…oh, and I lost at pool….I do need to remember to fix my cue stick sine the glue failed on one of the ferrules that hold it together….didn’t get anything done yesterday…well…that’s not true…I did work out, ride the bike, change the tires, and go out for pool so I guess that’s something…but today, I will get some cleaning done and come back here for another one….that will wait for a while until after more coffee….looks like I may be off the bike today since it is raining and that will continue most of the day….more later….

March 26th

Well….everything is on time this morning but I am a little annoyed that I always get up before 6…slept okay last night but have been feeling cold this morning and had to look a the thermostat to make sure that the furnace is still working….maybe the coffee will warm me up…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get anything done…again…even stayed off the bike since the wind was blowing almost 20 all day and, after Saturday’s ride in the same wind, my legs hurt like crazy so they needed to have a rest to repair…I am planning to put the summer wheels back on the car today but I may wait until wed…not sure….and I am going to get on the bike but it won’t be warm enough to go until 11 or so…not much to do today…pool this aft and maybe the car but that is about it…it is going to rain tomorrow so maybe I’ll spend the day cleaining….more later…

Hidden damage…

Well…with the huge march yesterday against gun violence across the country and the world, a realization came to me about the hidden damage that this violence causes that no one talks about. Since the shootings at Columbine, there have been over 180,000 kids who have been in a school shooting situation….and what hidden damage has this done to these poor kids? Why should they have to live their lives with this pain just so a few white guys get to keep their killing machines? Can you imagine it? Every day having to live with their fear and panic…and even ones who have not been in a shooting still live with it…with the shelter in place and active shooter drills…can you remember being in grade school? Now add to that your teacher explaining to you that there could be a killer coming in the school to get you so you have to learn how to hide from him? How could a 5 or 6 or 7 year old deal with that? Why should they HAVE to deal with that? Just so a few white guys can have the same firepower as the army has? Every other damn amendment to the constitution has been altered over time as the society has evolved so why not the 2nd? Don’t give me the crap that you need all those guns to protect yourself from the government or from crime…do you think a few idiots with AR-15′s are going to take on the US army? And, crime is down sharply across this country except by guys that just have to prove how tough they are by lugging their guns around everywhere they go….and it doesn’t make you tough…tough is going through your life unafraid…and unarmed….and standing up for a safer, saner America even after 17 of your friends and teachers are gunned down in front of your eyes…that is tough…something the gun nuts will never understand…

March 25th

Well…running a little late today with trying to get through the paper and not feeling that hot….slept okay and didn’t get up until 7 or so and that is pretty unusual….not sure if that helped, though, just feeling a little run down so I think I’ll just ease into the day…it is too damn cold to go out on the bike anyway and I wonder if spring will ever get here….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I will do more today….my bathroom needs cleaning and I do need to do some laundry but not right now….need more coffee and to watch the rest of the first F1 race….I did get a letter from the IRS yesterday that they lost my 8965 form so it will be another 6 weeks before I’ll get my check back and I am a little irritated about that…but it is nice that I really don’t need it and there is no stress from it….I am going to buy a new set of tires for the car when I get it…if I can still get the size I need…more later…

A million people!

Well…have been following the coverage of the march for our lives today and I am just so proud of the people who have had enough and are showing the NRA and their lackeys that their time is up…and it was just announced that there are over a million people marching in DC…a million frickin people! Five times the people who were at the idiot trump’s inauguration…in NYC, Paul McCartney is leading the march since his friend, John Lennon, was killed with a gun and it is just time to say enough…no more damn guns everywhere….

When I was out on the bike today, the perfect song came on…”five to one” by the Doors:

“The old get old and the young get stronger, may take a week or it may take longer, they got the guns but we got the numbers, gonna win, yeah we’re takin’ over…Come on!

The march for their lives…

Well….have just been watching the news coverage of the huge marches going on across the country to show how much support there is for sensible gun law reform in this country. Hundreds of thousands of people are marching in DC, rivaling the largest turnouts for any issue in history…and there are rallies and marches going on in over 800 cities across this country as well as across the globe where youngsters are showing their support of the youth of this country who are going up against the NRA and their bought and paid for legislators who won’t even talk about what can be done to keep any more kids from being slaughtered. This has a feel to it of real change….that it is the start of something new…that millions of young voters are not going to let these murders happen anymore….one heartening thing is that over 60% of the young voters identify as dems and that has to have the NRA and it’s lackeys shaking in their boots since this is the largest generation in the electorate…but it is not just gun control, if we can keep this new generation engaged there can be sanity restored and finally we can consign the repubs to the ash heap of history where they belong….go kids!

March 24th

Well….running a little late today and I just can’t get started…not sure why I feel so crappy this morning but I think part of it is the allergies that have flared up the past two days…slept okay last night but that really didn’t help how I feel now…could go back to bed if I could sleep but I know that won’t happen….had a nice lunch with T yesterday and that was fun…but, I didn’t get anything else done and that will probably happen again today…if my motivation level doesn’t increase, I can see just vegging the day away….but, I will get out on the bike later after the temp comes up enough…but that looks like it won’t happen until the aft with it being only 25 right now….not much to do today…don’t have to cook since I have leftovers but I may make some more pickles to have later in the week…and the bathroom needs work so that should be done but who knows? More later…