Well…I did get out this morning for the grocery run, depot and the library and getting out was okay but getting back to the garage when I hadn’t shoveled and with 5 inches of snow I had the car sideways trying to get into the garage…so that is something I learned…always shovel the approach to the garage before I go anywhere in the winter…I did get a bunch of deals today at Meijers including 5 lbs of potatoes for a buck and I even bought some extra butter microwave popcorn for a buck so that was cool…the roads were nasty but I went out in the morning so there was no traffic and I could slide the car around some and I miss that…got the wood I need to work on the door frame but didn’t work on it today since I had other thing to do and I barely got started on the 4 new books but I have til March 11th so it should be easy to finish them…making Masala tomorrow and then I have leftovers for the rest of the week…have some chicken thighs that need to be used so that will probably be the next food to eat…okay…need to read a bit…
Let’s try something different…
Well…look, I think you’re probably getting tired of me talking about the idiot trump all the time and I’m sure tired of writing about tha t asshole…so, let’s try something different for today…as I get older, my interest in doing things that will mitigate my chance of getting Alzheimer’s has moved up in importance and today I read about a new study that was done that showed that vaccines can lower your risk by up to 50%…and those are just your everyday vaccines like flu, pneumonia and tetanus…and that reaction is even better than the best treatments specifically for the disease…along with all of the exercise I get for my body and brain, I do have these three vaccines along with a current covid vaccination so I guess I’m doing everything I can…the one easy thing that has a correlation to prevention is reading…and I’m doing 3-4 books a week and really notice that my brain feels sharper than before I started to read every day…so there, something different and I feel better writing about that…
February 18th
Well…damn…it’s only 8 degrees out here and it snowed another 6 inches overnight and I am damn tired of being trapped here and not being able to get out…made some pour over coffee this morning and I need lots of it to get moving….have 32 minutes before I need to get on the bike and that appears to be a little daunting as I sit here….this may be the elusive two ride day I’ve been searching for a long time now and I may just say the hell with it and try to get the car out and do some errands for something different…not being able to get out of here could be all in my head and today could be the day I banish it…or bury it…who knows which? I did get a little done on the door frame but I’m not sure how much I want to do on that piece of crap before I paint it…as I’ve said before, the heavy lifting will be left for the next owner…okay, the temp just dropped to 7 and if I’m going to try to get out, I’ll have to warm the car up before I do…not much to do today…just the errands and the laundry I have going right now…will do the sanding on the first layer of filler later and I need to get some indoor white paint to start working on the trim in the dining room….more later…
Staying in…
Well…just got a call from my dentist cancelling my appointment for tomorrow with the hygenist out sick…so I really don’t have to go anywhere for a few days and that may be a good idea with the snow still coming down out here…I did go out and shovel the end of the alley this morning to ensure I could get out but since then it’s snowed another 4-5 inches that I will have to shovel before attempting to go out to the library tomorrow…and I need to hit depot to get some trim pieces I need to continue working on the door frame downstairs…and I just used my sander with the new vacuum attached to it and not a bit of dust got out…so I guess I can start on the trim in the dining room since that was the thing keeping me from getting started…just hate dust all over everything…I did pull the door stop molding off the frame today since I’m not going to hang a door on the frame again and I started filling all of the holes and cutouts to try to smooth it some before I paint it white…it only got to 11 degrees today and it will be in single digits tonight and tomorrow…brrr…oh, well…need to read some more but I finished all the books…darn…hope I can get out for more tomorrow…
The EU going it alone…
Well…with the putin toady trump in the WH and with idiot boy’s support of forcing some sort of a settlement in Russia’s favor that goes against the rest of the world including having “talks” about Ukraine with only Saudi Arabia and Russia invited, the EU has given up on the US as a steady partner for peace across the world and is going to go it alone an do as I suggested…just ignore the idiot and get on with it…and that even included the UK who just yesterday said they will send troops to help in Ukraine and are vehemently opposed to any settlement that doesn’t include the return of all land that the Russians took including Crimea…after all, you don’t make deals with dictators and invaders since that only rewards bad behavior…so, again, our standing in the world is diminished again with the dumbest person in the world in charge and we’ll have to do the repair work when the next dem president is elected…as always…geez…
February 17th
Well…damn, getting up and getting moving is getting to be a long process these days that takes about an hour….and it’s a lot of work…okay, drinking coffee and doing these is not a lot of work but it is work that helps my brain get started…so, more coffee….slept okay last night but was up at 4, as always, and that is getting wearing…I actually got some work done on the house yesterday with patching the door frame of the bike room and getting it stabilized and attached to the studs with nails instead of duct tape…I wonder if the previous owners knew how to use a hammer? I guess they didn’t with the 20 bent over nails I removed from the trim when I fixed it….it did snow overnight so I’ll be back out shoveling after the rides and it does look like I’ll be out shoveling the alley since I have a dentist appointment at 8:30 tomorrow morning and I’m going to do the grocery run after it so I don’t have to go out again this week…lots of dollar stuff at Meijers this week so I can refill my staples…so I need to do some meal planning today along with reading so I can go to the library and get more books…it’s only 14 degrees out here with the low in single digits the next two days but there is a warm up coming next weekend…and the high today is 15 and I am so damn tired of the cold….more later…
Couldn’t do it…
Well…when I got up this morning, I fully intended to just do two rides and take an easy day today but I just couldn’t do it….I had the first two done before 10am and still had enough time to get another one in before Man U lost so I did…and I even took time to continue the work of the frame for the bike room door…I can’t believe how half assed the work on this house is…I mean, really…holding the trim together with duct tape that they then painted over…and the trim on the left side of the door was even at the top and off plumb by 2 inches at the bottom and they used 3 different kinds of nails along with some screws to hold that piece on…and the frame is not even attached to the studs at all…just to wallboard and the top piece is held on with screws that just go into the wallboard, too…and there is a big hole in the inner piece of the frame where it looks like they ran out of wood and then just covered the hole with the duct tape…oh, well…will need to take some time to fix it all this week….
Abandoning Americans…
Well…with the closing down of USAID by the idiot trump and his minions, the US has basically abandoned the Americans that work for that organization overseas…and some of them and their families live in unstable areas that USAID protected them from…but musk didn’t even care that there was a system in place that was sort of like a 911 for these workers if they needed to get out of an unstable area quickly and safely…but elon didn’t give a shit and just shut off all of the systems that went with USAID…so now some of these people are suing elon and the idiot trump for allowing that to happen…for petting them in danger and voiding the contracts that set out the obligations of the government…so, the next time you hear that the repubs care about regular Americans, just think of the thousands of Americans who have been abandoned overseas…and the deaths that are going to happen from it…geez…
February 16th
Well…the huge snow we’re supposed to get hasn’t gotten here yet but the alert is on until 7pm so we will probably still get 6 inches or so…ick…it’s looking like I’ll probably have to cancel my dentist appointment for Tuesday morning since they haven’t plowed up here all week and I won’t be able to get out…and I am so tired of the stress from it…slept okay last night but I am so damn tired that I may just do two rides today and then work on the door frame downstairs…I started the latest Harlan Coben book yesterday afternoon and will finish it this aft…and that leaves another one for tomorrow…he sure can write…damn, it 6:45 and I need to get on the bike by 7 so I can watch Man U play at 11:30 but with only two rides, that will be easy…it’s going to be cold the next two days with highs below 20 and lows in the single digits but then a little warm up and I can use that…my gas bill was 131 bucks this month and that is the highest one I’ve had since I bought my house…and I’m even 14% under the average for a house the size of mine…not much to do today…and for once, I may hold myself to that…I am going to miss the race today since the idiot trump is going to be there and I will not look at that asshole’s face….more later…
Just a Saturday…
Well…just found out that the idiot trump is going to be at Daytona for the race tomorrow so I won’t be watching it…I refuse to have his ugly mug pushed into my face…the rest of the day today was okay…didn’t have to cook and won’t have to until Monday when I’ll make the stir fry chicken that I just took the chicken out of the freezer for….the chicken burritos will last two more days and maybe three so the Masala won’t be made until Tuesday…that chicken will have to come out tomorrow…I did get the rides in and then out to do the 4 inches of snow that fell overnight and it looks like another 5-10 inches tonight and through the day tomorrow…I really am thinking about getting an electric snow thrower next year even though shoveling is still pretty easy…okay, just looked on amazon and I can get one for about 250 bucks so I can swing that…and they are pretty light so I can hang it on the wall in the garage…I’ll start looking later in the summer…have been looking at a stupid repair on the door frame of the bike room and today it just got to me so I tore off the duct tape they painted and cleaned it all up and have wood to do it right so I’ll work on that tomorrow…oh, and I gave myself a hair cut and trimmed my beard so I look human again…okay, back to the race and reading…