Well…why the heck does Man U have to play so early? Their match against Everton is at 7:30 this morning and that means I have to be on the bike by 6:30 and that is in 15 minutes…and no, I can’t wait to ride until after they play…so I need to fly this morning to get my day started…and I sure don’t feel like it…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I do need to work on some sourdough today so I can bake it tomorrow to go with the potato soup I’m making…damn, I’m worn out today…I am looking forward to a little bit of thaw that is going to happen over the next few days and I may be able to get out of here next week if the snow melts on the alley…it looks like I won’t have to shovel any snow again today and I can use the rest…both of my thumbs have cracks in them that hurt like crazy from it being so dry so I probably should rest them today…or wear gloves if I work on the door frame….crap, I need to get moving…more later…
More frame work done…
Well…I was going to take it easy today but the door frame turned out to be more work than I expected and I spent a couple hours working on that today…lots of patching on the trim that will have to be sanded before I start putting it together tomorrow…I did get the new trim piece nailed in but the door frame trim at the top has to be glued in since there is nothing to nail it to…lots of duct tape to keep it in place til it dries…then I’m going to paint it white like the rest of the trim in the house…then start with gray on that wall that is a wallboard stud wall…at least I’m getting something done…and I made some more sourdough starter and with just two tablespoons of my son’s starter, it took off and is bubbling like crazy…going to make bread again tomorrow and that will get baked Sunday after the dough stays in the fridge overnight…and that will go great with the potato soup I’m making Sunday, too… but right now, I’m going to find something to watch tonight and read a bit….
The backlash begins…
Well…with all of the illegal slashing of jobs by co-presdent elon from the federal government, the backlash against these random cuts has started…even from repub voters…just last night a repub in Georgia held a town hall and hundreds of people showed up to shout and express their displeasure with what is happening…and this moron MCormick went on to just say that the cuts to the CDC were justified since AI is taking the place of workers…so the AI is going to go out and visit sites where there is a hot spot of disease? Again…these were trump voters who never thought the cuts would be to them or their neighbors or families…and some other reps are starting to feel the heat of the idiot trump letting elon swing the axe at the government saying that these kinds of cuts should be done by the legislative branch and not by an unelected, appointed moron….so this backlash has started really early in the election cycle and can give us hope that all of these illegal moves by idiot boy is going to cost the repubs in 26…geez…
February 21st
Well…I may have hit the wall this morning but I’ll have to wait til I have this first cup of coffee to see for sure…I know I feel so damn worn out that I could be 80 years old…so getting on the bike is going to wait til 7:30 so I can get through the second cup…it looks like it’s not going to snow for a few days but I’ll believe that when I see it after all the snow we’ve had up here this winter…I am going to feed the sourdough starter today so I can make another loaf early next week and that will go well with the potato soup I’m going to make and I have some chicken thighs that need to be used so I’ll have food to eat out of the freezer…have enough chicken to make another batch of stir fry so I can try the bottle sauce I got this week…not sure what I’m going to do today other than ride the bike and work on the door frame but I may not do that at all and just read…I guess we’ll see…right now I’m going to pour that second cup of coffee and watch part of a cheesy sci fi movie….more later…
Made some progess on the frame…
Well…I finally made some progress on the door frame and have all of the wood cut to start repairing it in the next couple of days…we are still getting more and more snow out here and it’s wearing me down…but we are going to be above freezing for 7 days in a row starting Sunday an three of those are going to be 40 degrees and I look forward to that…but then it goes back down into the 20′s for highs…spring is coming and but I won’t be able to get on the bike outdoors until mid April or so with how much snow we’ve had and how much is piled up still…unless it gets really warm really fast…oh, well…even with not having a lot to do today…I still didn’t get done til after 2pm and I am really tired of working all the time…going to feed the sourdough starter tomorrow so I can make bread in a few days….okay need to do my teeth and read a bit…
The big crash is coming…
Well…economists are starting to figure out that firing 200K federal workers and stopping the funding for projects all across the country is going to plunge this country into a deep recession later in the year and it will all be the morons running the country into the ground’s fault…and this quarter is going to see the biggest job losses since the great recession or 2020…and guess who was in charge then…yeah, it was the stupid repubs and dems had to clean up both of those messes…and with the repubs ongoing attempt to destroy and accomplishment of the Biden administration like the Infrastructure and Chip acts…which had a huge impact onshoring jobs in huge chip plants that are currently being built but which are the next targets of the idiot trump and his minions…and when they are stopped, think of all of the engineering, construction, and ancillary jobs that are going to be lost along with all of the jobs that support them like truck drivers and material suppliers…and these are not thing you can just shut of and on like a switch…the stalling of funding is going to kill a lot of those project…and you maga morons still believe the repubs are “better” on the economy…welcome to the unemployment line idiots…geez…
February 20th
Well…it’s a hell of a lot of work to be old…feel so worn out today but it’s going to be an easy day with no plans other than to do three rides…have leftovers to eat and did the laundry yesterday so my afternoon is going to be nothing but reading and shoveling the damn snow…it is going to warm up a bit over the weekend but I just looked into the first week of March and it looks like more Feb weather with temps in the 20′s….oh, well…I do have to get the sourdough starter fed so I can make another loaf next week or this weekend…and that will have to set on the prep table for a few days for it to be ready to use….it would be nice to melt some of the damn snow out here and that might happen with three days of 40 for a high starting Monday…I should get on the bike right now but I’m taking another half hour before I do…and I need to work on the door frame later today to keep the progress going…it’s another morning of the temp in the teens and I am so damn tired of the cold…and now the next few weeks are going to be grinding out the last of winter…and I can’t wait til I can get outdoors on the bike…that looks like it’s going to be April again…ick…more later….
I hate every damn tump voter…
Well…with the idiot trump and his team of morons taking a meat axe to the government, my son in law lost his job at the USDA Monday…and my daughter found out she has two huge kidney stones that are going to be broken up next Thursday…here’s the thing, the morons making these cut don’t give a shit about the pain they are dealing to families with these cuts…now, my daughter and SIL will be okay but what of the people they are cutting who live paycheck to paycheck? I really hate the people who voted for trump with all of my being…and I never want to talk to one ever again…geez…
More stupid tariff tricks…
Well…here comes the effects of the tariffs on auto parts and the industry is starting to look at ways to stay alive in the face of the mounting costs for all automakers who build cars and trucks here…and the discussions are starting with moving production out of the US, putting any manufacturing plant expansions on hold and warning that any increase in costs due to supply chain disruptions could shut down the entire industry, putting more than a million people out of work and triggering a recession that would decimate the economy….and the idiot still hasn’t said what problem the tariffs are supposed to solve…they are just a tantrum from an ignorant idiot who has a 5th graders understanding of the economy…I’m just going to sit here and watch the economy go into the toilet and will be saying “I told you so” when it does…I really hope the trump voters get hurt by this nonsense…it will serve them right…geez…
February 19th
Well…sitting here drinking 2 day old coffee and I probably should have made new stuff like I did yesterday and I may still grind some pour over…I curse the idiots who randomly call my damn phone at 5:54am and shock me out of bed when I was in that almost sleep zone…it feels good that I don’t have to go anywhere today and I have enough food for the next week…need to make Masala today to go with the large amount of leftover stir fry I made a couple of days ago…it did snow again yesterday afternoon so I will be out shoveling again after the rides and it is cold out there at 13 degrees…this is the kind of February I remember when I was young…cold and snowy but March is coming and the sniff of warm weather is happening this week and we may get up to almost 40…but then it goes back down into the 20′s…oh, well…not sure what I’m going to do today other than ride and cook but I should work on the door frame to keep that project going….but right now I just need more crappy coffee and to stop grinding my teeth….have been doing that for a full day now and that’s not good for my jaw….more later…