Tag Archives: Supreme court

Waiting on the Supreme Court…

Well…it’s been an okay day so far with a really nice lunch with T and getting soaked just walking to the car…but, it was supposed to be a day when we were to see at least one of the major supreme court decisions but they never came….so, I’ll be waiting on the court for a couple more days until Thursday when one of the big ones will be announced…there was one case that came out today that should have the police being, much more careful with the people they detain…when the court said that detainees have the same constitutional rights as anyone else and that if the prisoners are abused in any way, the police are liable to be sued for their actions…this one came about when the cops detained a man and took him to jail, then beat and tasered him for no reason….I just hope this extends to the cops facing criminal charges….it would be about time…

The supreme court isn’t one….

Well…I have had this little tidbit rattling around in my head for a little while yet and thought I’d take a stab at it before it rattles out one of my ears…with all of the bad,  bad decisions that this court has made, it is no longer a court…but it is the judicial arm of the repub party whose only goal is to further the aims of the right in this country. Starting with Bush v. Gore, where the case should have been sent back to the House where all election disputes are supposed to be resolved according to the constitution….this court took the case with the ruling that said this was a one time thing and could never be a precedent to be cited in any other case (something that had never happened in the history of the country) this court has been radically doing the right’s bidding. Then we have Citizen’s United that made corporations people in complete disregard with a hundred years of precedent and guaranteed the seven figure speaking fees for the justices when they retired…while ruining our political process and allowing the billionaires on the right to buy elections ( as they just did in 2014). Then there is Hobby Lobby, a decision that allowed employers the right to impose their religious beliefs on their employees and which gave the right one of the items that was high on their wish list….to impose Christianity on everyone in this country. In just these three instances, we can see that this supreme court is no longer the impartial arbiter of law they are supposed to be, but the judicial arm of the right using it’s power to advance the right’s aims to the detriment of the country…they need to go…geez…

The real death panel….

Well…during the repub fight against the ACA, one of their go to phrases was the law included “death panels” which would condemn people to death by restricting what type of care people would get under the law…ignoring the fact that that most elderly folks are covered under Medicare and it would have nothing to do with them….but, with a new study that came out today, the real death panel is going to be the supreme court if they rule against subsidies for people who buy their insurance through the federal exchanges…and condemn an extra 10,000 people to death per year since they won’t be able to afford unsubsidized insurance. This total can then be added to the estimated 17,000 people a year that die since the Medicaid expansion was made optional by the court and the governors of repub states decided not to expand the program. So, the only thing you need to remember is there truly is a death panel here in the US, and it is called the supreme court…geez…


Well…with all the howls from the right that any movement by Obama on immigration will be “the biggest abuse of power in the history of the world” and “an impeachable offense” I am laughing and laughing again at how stupid these folks are…or they can’t read or have really stupid staffs…if they didn’t, they would realize that two years ago the supreme court pre-approved many of the things that Obama plans to do…and that same ruling gave the executive branch wide leeway to do what they see fit on immigration….so, again, it doesn’t really matter what Obama does, if he breathes, “impeachment!” If he talks “Impeachment!” there is just no credibility that the right has these days since they refuse to do anything to deal with the problems with immigration…Obama has given the repubs two years to try to fix this mess and they have just sat there and bloviated without doing anything…so, it’s on their heads…I really do hope they sue Obama or impeach him over the immigration changes he will announce tomorrow…and then I will laugh when they get laughed out of court with the court citing the Arizona supreme court decision…what a bunch of maroons….geez…

Need to start thinking about catching up…

Well…it’s only halfway through the month and I’m already thinking about being behind so I thought I’d do one more right now and then the world cup one later….I am still stewing about the Hobby Lobby decision that gives employers the right to control their workers when not on the job…and it is so against the first amendment that I think the 5 catholics on the court that made the decision should be impeached….but, not only for this case, there is also the citizens united case that gave corporations free speech rights to spend as much they want to buy elections, and that overturned a hundred years of precedents…and, these are not aberrations, they are the ideology that these guys are pushing…that the rich and corporations are just a little more equal than the rest of us…just like the pigs in “Animal Farm”…..a cautionary tale that everyone should have read in high school…and that specifically had the point that inequality destroys societies…but these guys just don’t care, they have a vision of the rich running and ruining everyone’s lives and they are doing their best to make sure that happens…geez…

I predicted this…

Well…in the wake of the wrong headed HL decision by the supreme court, I predicted that this was not going to be where this blatant attack on women would end…and, I was right…as of yesterday, there have been over 100 companies who have applied to no longer cover birth control due to religious reasons…what I want to know is what are women going to do about it? I think those of us that think that women can make their own decisions about their health need to start making these companies pay for this naked aggression by boycotting anything they make, any service they provide, and being loud about it…starting with Hobby Lobby…the creeps that run that company should be made to pay….religion belongs in church, not in business and any business that starts this crap should be cut out of any government contract that they may apply for….we on the left need to start pushing back…after all, the majority of the country agree with us…geez…

The bible is the new “get out of jail free” card…

Well…with the ridiculous ruling that came out today from the supreme court, a few thoughts came to mind as to what the true effects are going to be…and they will not be limited to contraception coverage as the court has asserted…and, I think they specifically mentioned that this is the only exception to set the ACA up for other challenges in the future…after all, how long will it take for a christian scientist that owns a corporation to  sue since they still have to cover transfusions that their religion specifically forbids? What this court has done is given every religious, or supposedly religious, idiot the right to not follow any law because…bible? Want to discriminate against gays?  Bible. Want to not promote any women? Bible.  Want to not pay taxes? Bible. This ruling is a virtual get out of jail free card for the bigots and religious idiots to continue to hate anyone who is not white and christian…geez…can this country get any worse?

The court gets it wrong again…

Well…as we all expected, the supreme court today gave religious employers the right to discriminate against women by granting corporations religious rights. Yep, you heard that right, corporations now have religious rights and are allowed to single out women for discrimination by not having to cover their contraception in their health plans…and the court was naked in it’s discrimination specifically stating that it only applied to contraception, not any other health service that the plan would cover…so, men continue to get everything covered but women can go to hell. I have had enough of the supposedly religious in this country getting their way all the time with help from this court who regularly discard hundreds of years of precedents to make law for their right wing masters…geez…

Hobby Lobby tomorrow…

Well…not sure if you have been following this case that has been decided and will be released tomorrow where a corporation, Hobby Lobby, that is owned by religious zealots, has an objection to having to provide contraception in it’s health care plan and has sued to be exempt. Yep…they want this corporation to now have religious rights to go with the free speech rights that were granted them in Citizens United…what’s next? If this is decided in HL’s favor, basically all federal and state laws have been voided if you assert that you have an objection for religious grounds….want to speed? The Bible has no mention of speed limits so you don’t have to follow them….want to stone someone to death for sleeping with the neighbors wife? Says you can in the Bible so the laws against it made by man no longer apply…you get where I’m going here? If the idiot supreme court goes against 200 years of precedent and gives HL these rights, there is no law that can’t be challenged on religious grounds…we’ll just be another theocracy run by Christians…and I won’t want to live here…geez…

A few things…

Well…there have been a few things happen over the past couple of days that I thought deserved comment so here we go…first, a federal court has stricken the new, repub sponsored voter id law for doing exactly what the repubs wanted it to do…disenfranchise the poor and minorities and I hope that this is the start of the end of the false “voter fraud” crap the the repubs have been pushing for decades now even though none has ever been found…there was another good decision by the supreme court yesterday that says that the EPA really does have the power to regulate greenhouse gasses under the clean air act…this is another one of those repub sponsored attacks on the EPA since they truly believe that their bosses should be allowed to pollute as much as they want while pushing the costs of that pollution on the American people; not the polluters who are actually doing it…so, this should put the rest to these types of suits especially since this was a 6-2 decision with no wavering by the majority…so sorry polluters…geez…