December 24th

Well…feeling a little slow this morning and there is a good reason for it that I won’t share right now…slept okay last night and that is a good thing…but I forgot to take ibuprofen before I got on the bike yesterday and that leaves me sore today…but it’s a good sore that will have to do me for a couple of months….didn’t do much yesterday but I did get out to see K for a couple and that was fun…hadn’t seen her since the early part of November and that’s too long….didn’t get anything done yesterday but I will try to do something today…don’t need to cook today with leftover stir fry and tacos….and I forgot to have dinner last night so I may have to double up on calories today for fuel…not much to do today….just going to ease into the day and take it as it comes….more later….

Last ride of the year….

Well….just finished looking at the weather forecast for the next week and it looks like today was the last ride of the year…and that is really depressing…but, there is no way I’m even going to try to go out next week since the highs are only going to be in the teens and that is just too damn cold even if the trails are clear….so I guess the total for the year is going to be 3,072 miles which is not bad for and old guy….and for wearing out a bike and having to shift to the antique…I think I’ll keep it in running order this time so I can still take it out even after I buy the new one in February…..didn’t get to the thousand miles that I hoped for on the old one but that’s okay…one weird thing is that I haven’t had a flat on the old bike when I normally have two or three a year on the mountain bike….I guess it’s hibernation time until April….but, I’ll keep my fingers crossed that we may get some dry times this winter and I can get out again to start the year….

December 23rd

Well…sitting here a little disappointed that I got distracted and forgot to put the water in the coffee maker and now I have to wait for it to cool down so I can start it….luckily, I did have a leftover cup in it so I can have some coffee while I wait…slept okay last night and really don’t feel too badly this morning….I am sore from riding the bike the past couple of days and it looks like I’ll be able to get out again today…will take some ibuprofen before going out today to keep my legs from getting worse…hope it’s dried up some on the trail today…it was wet with the perfect temp for ice formation on the bike and by the time I got back here, the small front sprocket was unusable with ice buildup that covered the teeth….my shoes were even blocks of ice when I got back here and it took most of the day for my feet to thaw….not much to do today…going to make some pork stir fry for lunch and do a little cleaning but there are soccer matches on all day with Man U finishing it up at three this aft and that may keep me busy….more later….

Are they all damn liars?

Well….it’s beginning to look like being a huge liar is the only skill that is necessary for the idiot trump’s administration…I mean, have you ever heard any of them ever tell the truth? Now we have a local boy, Pete Hoekstra, who has been added to this liars group as the ambassador to the Netherlands…and ole Pete really stepped in it yesterday when the Netherlands’ press asked him a question about his lies about “no go zones” that were supposed to exist there…where no one but Muslims could go…you remember that one from the campaign don’t you? Yep, and it was supposed to be in every European city that this was happening…never mind that it was all a lie pushed by fox news. Of course when asked, ole Pete went to the liars playbook and denied ever having said it,calling it “fake news” but then the reporter played him a clip with him saying exactly that…when the reporter called him out on the fake news comment…from earlier in the interview guess what ole Pete did? Of course he lied about even saying it…saying “I didn’t use those words today”…but he did. This crap, and these idiots are why the standing of the US in the world has plummeted since trump cheated his way to the election win….and why the rest of the world is just ignoring us now…that sure is making America great again….impeach….

December 22nd

Well….just got the first cup of coffee but it isn’t working just yet…hope it starts soon since I feel a little slow today…slept okay last night and didn’t get up until late so this one is a little late…but, again, late is just relative these days….I’m not as sore as I expected today and it didn’t snow as much as expected so I think I’ll get out on the bike again today….but I have some errands to do today first….don’t want to be out in the stores after today….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but today will be different…okay…it MAY be different but I’m not going to promise anything….don’t have to cook today but I am going to make a pork stir fry tomorrow out of some pork loin that was in the freezer….not much to do today…going to clean a little but that is about it….more later…

On a lighter note…

Well…have gotten almost all the bile out of my system with today’s posts so I think it’s time to end the day on a lighter note. I got out on the bike today! I really was thinking that I was done until March of next year so today was a nice little bonus….and I can’t believe how fast my fitness level regresses…I was only off the bike for two weeks and it feels like the I’m just starting out in the spring…my legs and lungs were burning today and I can still feel the pain right now…might even have to take something for it to keep the inflammation down…but, I was still was grinning the whole time…and, I may be able to get out again tomorrow and Saturday if it doesn’t snow tonight….

“Papa John” is out….

Well….add this one to the “karma is a bitch” list….amid falling sales and the need to publicly disavow the Nazis that made Papa John’s their go to pizza, John Schnatter is out as CEO of his own company. and, it couldn’t happen to more deserving asshole….you remember one of his greatest hits as a repub moron? Where he said he would cut everyone’s hours that work for his company if Obamacare passed so he wouldn’t have to provide health insurance? The Obamacare that would raise the price of a pizza all of 9 cents? But the vindictive bastard didn’t stop there….lately he is blaming falling sales of his crappy pizzas on the NFL letting the players protest the abuse that minorities frequently suffer at the hands of police in this country…a really racist move since most of the protesters are minorities. I think he’s finally seeing that there are more people like us in this country who will use whatever small economic power we have to not support the assholes who continue to take, and take, and take and make this country worse. The bottom line is that Papa John is just an asshole prick trump lover, who builds a 30 million dollar house while figuring out ways to screw the employees that make his company successful…or the typical repub these days….good riddance….

We now know why they are attacking Meuller…

Well….with the increase in attacks on Robert Mueller and his investigation into the idiot trump and his treason against this country, we now know the reason for it….the revelation that Mueller has all of the e-mails from the idiot’s transition team, and has had them for quite some time. A long enough time that he had them before the transition team was questioned in the investigation…and you know what that means? That every time these morons lied to Mueller, and you know they all did, he has evidence that they did…and the e-mails were used to shape the questioning. Now, one of the themes that these desperate idiots are floating is that the e-mails were private and Mueller got them illegally….and that just made me laugh since they were stored on government servers and that makes them public property…and we know that Mueller has done everything by the book….and that will be proven when the charges start flying to this crime family….impeach…

It’s not illegal to protest the idiot trump…

Well….it there was any doubt that the idiot trump was a fascist, that was put to rest when when his justice department arrested and charged people who were protesting him with multiple felonies. Yeah, you heard that right…in the huge protest against trump and everything he stands for, hundreds of people were arrested for exercising their first amendment rights just because it hurt the little man’s fee fees…and the reason they used was that there was some property damage along the parade route done by someone so everyone who was at the protest was guilty, including journalists who were covering it. This nonsense was put to rest today when a jury came back with a not guilty verdict on all charges for the first 6 people charged…but my question is how could this trial even start when courts have ruled many times in the past that protesting is protected speech? This is just another instance where the idiot trump and his minions are seeking to destroy the constitution since it’s protections are inconvenient to their goal of making the US into Russia where dissent is met with jail time, murder, or worse. Trump needs to go now…impeach….

December 21st

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but the only thing I got done was the grocery run…and I think I’m getting a sore throat which will mean there is some kind of bug coming and that is a little disappointing…just got over oneĀ  a week ago and that one lasted a month….slept okay last night but feel a little slow today and I’m not sure what I’m going to do today…probably some cleaning and I do have to cook today since there are no leftovers left…think I’ll make some venison tacos to have something different than the ham I’ve had for a week….and I’ll make some pork stir fry tomorrow….not much to do today…going to just ease into the day and then get a workout in to start….more later…..

What you never want to be….