All posts by James DeVol

There are still good people…

Well…just a shorty on a video I just saw on twitter….a woman drove by a homeless man standing in the snow next to a street with no coat and then did a marvelous thing…she turned around, went to a store and bought the man a coat…..what a wonderful thing…it tells me there are still good people in the country and I have to hang onto that until next year….thank you Christina Calvo of Waterbury Conn.

December 20th

Well….running late today with already doing three errands….did get the grocery run in but had to stop and put gas in the car and then to FF for vermouth…I wonder why Meijer’s never has the stuff I like? Slept kind of okay last night and didn’t get up until almost 7 which put me scrambling since I like to get out to get the groceries by 7 am to beat the crowds…and I went today instead of Thursday just for that reason with the holiday coming up…I did get the car washed yesterday and I swung by the site of the old car wash and it’s gone as I expected….not sure if I like the one I used yesterday since the dollar bill slot wasn’t working but someone had left two dollar coins on the ground so it was free and that was cool…I did get some stuff done yesterday and today I should be able to continue that….more later….

Found my thermometer!

Well…not sure if I mentioned this or not, but a few weeks ago I lost my meat thermometer somehow…in a little place like mine, that is some doing…I had assumed that it had gotten caught up in some plastic grocery bags that I had thrown away. But, today, while I was fishing out some bags to recycle my newspapers, I found my thermometer stuck in the handle of a bag….that made my day not having to buy a new one…I know they’re not expensive but even at 10-12 bucks, I just didn’t want to spend the cash….little things can make me happy….

This is their defense?

Well…the atrocious tax bill that the repubs are jamming through congress without any hearings or even reading it is being defended in a really strange way…not really strange but revealing….repub senators know this bill that gives 83% of the tax benefits to the 1% is a piece of crap but their defense is that future congresses will repeal it….yeah, these idiots are so cynical and hungry for any kind of legislative win that they are justifying it and saying “hey, don’t worry about it, legislators in the future will clean up our mess”…..and guess who those legislators will be? Yep, it’s always the repubs screwing things up and it’s always the dems that have to come along and fix it…and the repubs really don’t care how bad they are screwing people…the end game for most of these repub idiots who will be voted out of office next year is to take care of their donors so they can then become lobbyists being paid 7 figure salaries by the same people they are handing the country to. How much longer will you idiots who vote for repubs take this crap? No tax cut and losing your health insurance….just frickin brilliant on your part…

December 19th

Well…running early today with getting up early and I’m just shrugging about that….have been sleeping okay lately but that ended last night with another up and down night….feel kinda crappy today and I think it’s the calorie restriction that is doing it….should be able to tell for sure later in the day….have been fighting cracks in my right heel and it is starting to hurt when I walk…this happens every winter and I am pretty tired of it….oh, I did win at pool yesterday and had  a nice drive out and back….I still like that crude old car….didn’t get anything else done yesterday but today I will…going to wash the car and then clean a little around here but that is about it….more later…

Indian movies….

Well…as I talked about before, I am quite a big fan of movies from India and spent the nights this weekend watching a couple that popped up on the server….Baahubali 1&2….now, there is a wonderful strangeness to most of them, with most of the ones I’ve seen having lots of music and dancing…and that is even in the gangster movies that they make. Baahubali was no different….a huge, sprawling epic set of movies that reminded me of American movies from the 30′s in the way they were almost naive and simplistic in how they treated right and wrong. The only problem I had with the movies were the subtitles and the work it takes to read them that distracted from the visuals somewhat…and they were gorgeously shot movies…but, at 2 1/2 hours each….it took quite a bit of work to get through them….worthwhile, though to see the world through a different culture’s viewpoint…..

December 18th

Well…not running early or late today… I guess that means I’m on time? But, for what? I just realized I haven’t had a watch on for 15 years…I wonder if the one I have still works…probably not…oh, well…slept okay last night but it was another boring day yesterday that I really didn’t do anything….should have cleaned some but just couldn’t get motivated but I will have to do some things today with it being a pool day…and, I want to get my hair cut but that will be about it for the day….I do need to work out to try to stay in shape this winter….I think I’ll do that every day from now until March…don’t have a lot of energy today with the calorie restrictions that I have to do over the winter and I can tell it’s going to get pretty annoying trying to stay around 1,000 cals a day….but, I guess it’s just like the early start to the winter…I’ll just have to live with it….more later….

Now we know why….

Well….haven’t seen a lot about this on the news so I thought I’d talk about the reason none of the repubs are holding the idiot responsible for his destruction of our democracy….they know they are in it, too…in a long article in Newsweek yesterday, it was described how deeply Russian money has infiltrated the repub party…with Mitch McConnell’s PAC getting more than a million dollars from Russian billionaires that was laundered through American citizens to circumvent the ban on foreign money in our elections. And, this goes to one of the reasons that Paul Ryan is thinking about not running for re-election…he got money from the Russians that was then distributed to many, many other repubs for their campaigns. While not technically illegal since the money was run through Americans, it still came from Putin and his cronies and, while the ignorant idiots that vote for repubs won’t care, the rest of us do and they will be held responsible as the traitors they are…..impeach…

Taking it to the streets…

Well…with the criminal in the White House edging ever closer to obstructing justice even more than he already has by trying to get the justice department to fire Mueller, and with the repubs in congress ignoring their responsibilities by aiding and abetting this attack, we move on to the next phase for us as concerned citizens…and that is to take it to streets in massive protests that will shut this country down until the criminal is removed. Now, it has been many, many years since I have taken part in active protests…the last one when I was in high school and walked out to protest the Vietnam war and the lies we were being told on a daily basis…and I am no longer young, but I will be joining them next Friday when the idiot trump is going to try to subvert the rule of law by firing Mueller….and this will just be the beginning, next year we need to vote every damn repub out of office since they have shown that they don’t believe in democracy anymore….with their voter suppression, their payoffs to the 1%, and their constant lies, the cancer on this country that is the repub party needs to be cut out and I am going to do my part….I have my warm clothes out and I will be on the front lines come Friday…and every person who cares about this country should join me…it’s almost too late….impeach….

December 17th

Well…I’m already tired of it being so damn cold lately…I’m almost in hunker down mode and have started to count the weeks until March…slept okay last night but still feel worn out today so it looks like I’ll just take it easy for a while until the coffee starts to work….have been fighting cracks in my heels already this year and that normally doesn’t start until later in winter…it’s not even officially winter yet and it seems like it has been snowing and cold forever…okay…no more obsessing about that….it’s warm in here, after all, and I really don’t have much to bitch about….didn’t get a lot done yesterday but laundry so today I’ll have to clean some…no cooking since I have leftovers and I am trying to limit calories, again….more later….