Tag Archives: Donald Trump

Murder, and it’s trump’s fault…

Well…if you were ever wondering what the ultimate result would be of trump’s demonizing of the media and calling for them to be beaten or murdered if they wrote things he didn’t like, we saw that in the past day when a reporter that worked for the Washington Post was kidnapped and murdered by the Saudi Arabian government…and trump’s only reaction is that we have an arms deal with them that is more important than a reporter…imagine just for a moment what would have happened if any other president had reacted that way…there would have been congressional hearings and every damn senator from both parties would be sponsoring legislation that would prevent any more arms sales to the murderers…but what did trump say? This: “what about the people who have jobs making these weapons?” Yep, the only thing he cares about is the businesses who make weapons and his cronies that run them…and don’t believe for one minute he gives a damn about any worker…just look at the 40,000 people that are losing their jobs at Ford from the idiot boy’s tariffs. This murder is direct result of trump’s rhetoric about reporters and news organizations and the constant hate that he spews at his “rallies”…and the fact that he talks this way gives all of the autocrats in the world a green light to murder anyone they choose since they know trump is going to give them a pass on it if they can bribe him or his kids with business deals….but, he is still responsible…and the repubs will again do nothing…impeach…

Knock off another 600 points…

Well…when I posted about the Dow this morning, it was only down about 100 points and I thought there may be a recovery in the offing…but, I was wrong…it’s down another 600 points today and that makes almost 1500 points in two days..or, almost 6% down…so if you had 100,000 dollars in your IRA yesterday, you only have 94,000 dollars left…tired of all the winning yet? This is what you get when you have an economic ignoramus surrounded by idiots who are setting policy in this country…I feel kind of okay that I had to burn through my IRA over the past 10 years to stay alive…no stress for me…

How’s the IRA looking today, trump voters?

Well…this is just going to be a short one on the crash in the stock market over the past two days…or should I say bloodbath in the stock market? In just the past two days, the Dow is off almost 1,000 points with all of the other major indexes following suit…almost 6% loss in two days and my question is: how’s the IRA or 401K looking today, trump voters? Had enough winning yet?” It appears that the people who know are bailing out of the trump economy since they know that the huge tax cuts for the rich are not sustainable and killing 40,000 Americans a year by deregulation isn’t either…if you ask any credible economist…no, not Arthur Laffer, no one in the WH knows anything about how the economy works or even asked what their bull in a china shop tariffs would do…because they just don’t care…trump just wanted to look tough on trade and didn’t and doesn’t care who it hurts. The really scary thing is that if this is the full blown crisis that has been predicted, who the hell is going to fix it? Nothing but clowns in the WH so this one is going to hurt the people who voted for trump..and I am laughing about it..other than the collateral damage it is going to do to the sane people, it couldn’t happen to a dumber group…impeach…

The idiot trump is killing Ford…

Well…I really do hate to gloat when people are losing their jobs, okay…maybe it’s not gloating but just pointing out how badly the idiot trump sucks when trade is involved…every economist in the world has said that trump’s tariffs are just the most stupid thing he could have done, and that they would cost hundreds of thousands of jobs and billions in corporate profits…and now those projections are coming true with the announcement from Ford that the tariffs have already cost them over a billion dollars in profit just in the 6 months since the tariffs were imposed, and today Ford announced that they are going to cut 24,000 jobs that are also a direct result of the tariffs…so now, how’s that MAGA bullshit working out for you Ford workers that voted for trump? This is just the first round of damage that has been done by trump and his idiot minions and it won’t be the last….Ford is warning that, unless the tariffs are rescinded, more and more cuts are going to happen that could imperil the company’s viability going forward…and if Ford fails, that’s over 350,000 jobs gone…350,000 good jobs that pay enough to live on…but that has been the repubs plan all along…they can’t have regular working people making enough money to live on…that means taking money away from the 1% and that is just not acceptable…impeach…

All out war…

Well…let’s get this straight right out front…I hate republicans…or the modern iteration of the win at all cost republicans who see no problem with destroying this country just to hang on to power a little longer as the demographic wave builds and we get ready to take back at least the house in a month and, fingers crossed, the senate, too. While we wait for that time, it is time to declare all out war on the repubs and states controlled by them….and this means boycotts of any companies that do business in states who take a way a women’s right to choose after Kavanaugh and his cronies strike down Roe…and any state that restricts voting rights to try to keep dems from voting and, with the economic power that blue states wield, that means no more conferences, travel, or even buying goods from red states…that also means that when we learn that executives at Facebook throw huge parties to celebrate Kavanaugh being installed on the SC, that Facebook and it’s advertisers are also targeted for boycotts…or just stop damn using it…it rots your brain anyway and is just a huge waste of time not to mention they can’t be trusted…and I am tired of the calls for “dialog” with the right in this country…no damn more…I don’t want to hear a damn thing from any of them and I will never, ever listen to any of those idiots again…I mean, how stupid do you have to be to vote for trump? Or, how much of a racist? This is all out war that we need to wage on every damn front…get out to vote, support voting rights and make daily decisions that stop supporting any company or person on the right…that’s it…they wanted a war? We’ll give them one….charge…

Now trump has ruined the FBI…

Well…in keeping with the fact that the idiot trump ruins everything he touches, he has just done that to the FBI with his interference in the investigation of the sexual assaulter, Brett Kavanaugh. It has been revealed today that the FBI was limited to interviewing only 9 people and the ones they did interview were dictated by the WH and the old white guys who are ramming Kavanaugh through the senate…think of that again…the FBI, which is supposed to be an independent investigating organization was told how to do it’s job by the criminal in the WH to protect the criminal they are installing on the SC….what is going to be next from these criminal conspirators? No more elections? Outlawing dems? At this point, nothing McConnell and his criminal cronies do would surprise me…they are ruining this country and stand there grinning about how clever they are for doing it…but, they will pay at the ballot box in November…

This whole damn government is a sham…

Well…I am sitting here trying not to let the destruction of our country get to me too much but some of it is bleeding through and it pisses me off…there is not one honest person on the right in this country and trump an his minions are destroying more and more of it every day and it should piss you off, too. The latest in trump’s ongoing effort to turn the US into a third world backwater has him taking personal charge of the FBI investigation into Kavanaugh and has put so many limits on it that they can’t even talk to Dr. Ford, who brought the allegations of attempted rape against Kavanaugh…oh, and they didn’t talk to Kavanaugh, either…or to any of the more than 20 witnesses that have come forward to corroborate Ford’s allegations…so who the hell are they talking to? Not to one damn person that could shed some light on how bad of a person Kavanaugh was and is…and how many times he has lied to move up the ladder in the courts….I am starting to think that even if we take back the house, there is too much damage already done for the US to survive it…and it is all the repubs fault…I have never seen such a cynical, amoral group of people in my long lifetime…and I just hate them….

A few things…

Well…haven’t been doing a lot of politics lately and I think it’s from being overwhelmed with everything that is going on…there is just too much to write about but I am going to try to get to a couple of things here and just see where this goes….just read that the idiot trump is giving a speech at the UN and I think he forgot he’s not at one of his MAGA rallies that are filled with idiots, morons, and racists who buy into his bullshit…it’s not going over so well at the UN and idiot boy is being laughed at by the entire assembled body every time he uses one of his “go to” lines about how he has accomplished more than any other president in history…yep, this is what the US has been reduced to under this moron…we are now the laughing stock of the world. One other thing I wanted to talk about is the transparent attempt to use the firing of Rod Rosenstein as a “smoke bomb” to take attention away from the 4 women who have come forward to accuse Brett Kavanaugh of sexual abuse and attempted rape…yesterday the leakers at the WH were in overdrive trying to get the media to pick up on Rosenstein being fired…or resigning, or not being fired…you get the drift…but they picked up on the lies quite quickly and shifted right back to Kavanaugh’s lies and sexual assaults and that is still the big story of the day…sorry trump minions, you’re losing your touch and we’re not buying your bullshit anymore….okay, that’s enough for now….I may be back for another one later but I need to eat lunch….more later….

Manafort has flipped…

Well…not sure how long this one is going to be but I just wanted to acknowledge that Paul Manafort has flipped and is now going to work with Mueller to  fill in the gaps in the trump/Russia investigation, but not just that, Manafort has been in repub politics since back in the Reagan administration and has seen all of the scams and lawbreaking that has happened in the past 40 years by the repubs…but, more than that, he saw all of the conspiracy that got trump installed as president even though he was only campaign manager for 4 months..but those 4 months were the decisive ones in the election…so, I think Mueller has enough now to charge trump but I also think he is going to continue to build the cases in the methodical way he has done through the entire investigation…and remember that no one who Mueller has charged has walked away from the charges…and trump won’t either…impeach…

Grading on the curve…

Well…not sure how much I’ll be here over the next few days with getting ready to head out to Baltimore tomorrow and then on the move until I get home Sunday…but, I am taking my computer with me so I’ll try to come here for at least a short one every day.. But, first…I want to comment on the idiot in chief’s comments on the abject failures of his administration to deal with the hurricanes that hit the US last year…but, in the addled mind of idiot boy, he rated himself an A+ for his personal involvement and how well he did to help people that were hit by them…going so far as to say that, in secret, people are saying that it couldn’t have been handled any better…and people are going to find out soon how wonderful a job he did….hmmm…does that sound familiar? “Heck of a job, Brownie” is what ole GW had to say to his failure of a FEMA director and his response to Katrina where thousands died because of their ineptitude. Can you say “grading on a curve”…it’s an A+ that at least 3,000 and as many as 5,000 Puerto Ricans died on his watch due to the indifference that trump and his minions showed to the “brown” people that every damn one of his administration hates?  And now we have another huge hurricane bearing down on the country and the only work being done is to steal money from FEMA to build more places to lock up immigrants? I really hope that this hurricane is not as bad as the forecast but maybe people need a shock that climate change is real and is resulting in more and stronger storms…and there are two more backed up right behind Florence and 4 more in the Pacific heading toward Hawaii…and folks, there has never been 7 storms at a time…ever in the history of records…so I wonder what could be causing it? Impeach…