Tag Archives: life

January 26th

Well…probably the worst night’s sleep in a while….have been up and down since about 1:30 and it’s not a good start to the day…so…my energy level is quite low and I guess I’ll have to take it easy for another day..no flu chronicles today but I think I still have some of it…weird, weird dreams last night that had Helen Mirren and John Malkovich in them…they centered on Walmart selling tiny, real bunnies in happy meal containers that they had on racks throughout the store…and no one thought that was a bad thing…I told you that it was weird inside my head…I did win at pool yesterday and that was fun…made a few shots at the right time….not much to do today…have a few errands and some work to do here but I think I’m going to take it easy….I will have a comment on the SOTU and the repub response that has been predictable to say the least…

January 25th

Well…a semi crappy night of sleep and I don’t think I’m completely over the flu yet…yeah, I know I said I thought I was yesterday but it was just another one of those teasers that come when you are starting to feel better…and then relapse…kind of disheartening since I needed to feel better today…have lots to do and need some energy to do it with….but, I can throttle back if need be….things may be looking up on the job front…had ten resumes go out yesterday and I am of mixed feelings about that…I know I have to go back to work but it’s intoxicating not working….I am becoming bored as heck, though, so it might be a good thing to find work. Other than Ada…which I’m still not sure about, I do have to run a bunch of errands and get some work done around here…I’ll try to get a topic out later but it is Tuesday, after all…….more later…

The flu chronicles…the last one…I hope

Well….got up this morning with an inkling that it might be a good day since I had a couple of cocktails sun night and felt quite a bit better when I got up….still tried to be smart and took it easy other than going out for coffee…just vegged and read on the couch all day…finished a whole book today, it just felt right to have the music on Pandora and watch as the shadows sundialed across my living room….okay, I’m sounding kind of poetic now and you know that’s not me…I had this blast of energy about 5 or so and I have stopped coughing for the most part…even felt good enough to go out and walk a few miles but we’ll see later if that was a good idea….felt good while I was out so that is a good sign….so, this flu was not so bad…it is quickly fading from memory as I feel better and the prospects of a better tomorrow are making me smile a little…

January 24th

Well…another day of feeling crappy yesterday and it is getting really old…not much better this morning so it looks like another day of laying low…neither team that I wanted to win did yesterday….and if the Packers play like they did yesterday, it should be a blowout for the Steelers…but, I don’t really have any interest in it…weird dreams again last night and I can’t figure out why I still have the college dreams about losing my schedule and not being able to find my classes…have that one almost as often as I have the phone/computer dreams where I can’t make the damn things work….yep, it’s scary in my head at times…it would be nice to have a different one sometimes….not much to do today….I do need to get back to getting some exercise so I may get a walk in later….but, maybe not….I’m still sitting here with a fever and I want to get this crap over with….there should be topics for later today….and I need to get a last sister Sarah one out before the ban on her starts next week…

The flu chronicles…continued…

Well…I really thought I was getting over this damn bug but it doesn’t look that way….got up this morning feeling as bad as I have felt all week…and now we have new symptoms…yay? I have the worst headache and the itchy eyes and plugged up head have started in earnest….all I have to say is WTF? Maybe I didn’t get the start day straight…and T said that this would last 9-10 days so I might even have 4 or 5 more left…hope not…this is taking a lot out of me…I’m going back to the couch…watch a little football and just hang on until I feel better….have had to turn the heat up to about 80…just can’t get warm, either….

January 23rd

Well…kind of a weird night last night…just hung out here and watched some tv…but that’s not the weird part, a couple pf my remotes lost their programming at the same time and the only thing that I could think of was an EMP of some sort..or someone is trying to drive me even further crazy than I am….but I did get them fixed so I guess that’s okay….the rest of the sat was about normal…don’t have a lot of cash so I decided to stay in and just veg and with the flu still hanging on for dear life, it was probably a good idea. Going out for the paper this morning was an adventure in the deep freeze….the old wreck protested starting and then, since it’s a stick, it was like shifting in concrete….hardened concrete..it took two hands to get the thing from first to second and I let it run sitting in the Family Fare parking lot since the insta fog set in on the inside of the windshield. I will be happy when this cold goes away this week….I hate to have to plan to just make a quarter mile trip. Not much to do today….I’m still coughing and hacking so I think I’ll lay low and watch a little football….might have a topic or two for later…

Flu chronicles…continued

Well…I was a little smug yesterday when I thought I was getting over this bug a few days sooner than was expected…that’s smugness is gone now…I got up this morning feeling like I did a few days back…still feverish and so damn tired….I know, I had a couple of cocktails last night but I’d have to double what I did to feel this way. The coughing has come back, too so I guess I’ll just have to pull back and rest again through the weekend…not too hard to do. No other topics so far today….I do have one about our new governor here in Michigan…and it is already looking like the talk of new ideas is being replaced by the same old bs…take away from the workers and give to business…geez….

January 22nd

Well….I think I may have been a little premature in thinking that I was over the flu…and, it didn’t help that I had a couple of cocktails last night but I was bored so that’s my excuse…I did see “Inception” last night and it was probably one of the best movies I’ve seen in a couple of years….both in concept and execution…made me work a little which I like in a movie….other than that, yesterday was just a take it easy day, didn’t really cook anything special…just leftovers. I don’t know what I’ll cook today….probably just dig through the freezer to see if there is anything that I can get creative with. Other than that, not much to do today….just coffee and papers here and then probably some cleaning if I feel better…might just milk the flu chronicles for one more but who knows? More later…

January 21st

Well…up kind of early this morning but a tolerable night of sleep so that’s okay…and the Wings won in OT so it was a good night. Still kind of worn out from the flu but there is light at the end of the tunnel…but I am going to milk the Flu Chronicles for one more post today…have to get the numbers up after last month….it’s been one of those weeks that has just been a blur and I don’t really remember doing anything…I wonder if it’s s defense mechanism against remembering feeling like crap or is is just getting old? I do have a few things to do today….I have to get groceries since I have emptied the freezer…well…that’s not true…I do have a few pounds of chicken but I am really tired of chicken….maybe I’ll make some chicken stir fry over the weekend….does anyone else get tired of eating healthy? See, the flu has affected me…not very lucid right now….I think I may need some fast food…okay…just not thinking so I’ll stop…more later….

One more thing…it’s 9 degrees here in the frozen wasteland….but spring is only 8 weeks away…

The Flu chronicles..day 2…

Well…damn…I thought I was going to get at least a week of using the flu I have for a new topic but it looks like a good nights sleep and being a very good boy is taking that away from me…I feel pretty good this morning, still sick and coughing but it’s 11 and I still have energy and the couch is not calling me yet. I know it will be after I have lunch and run the energy tanks completely dry but not yet….should I be hoping for a relapse? Naaa….there are enough topics for later today…in fact, I’ve got a shorty for right now that I am going to get out…