Tag Archives: life

January 1st

Well….just a short one for right now…waiting for the coffee to get done and waiting for Manchester United to get moving…a pretty low key night last night…just hung out here and had a couple of cocktails while watching hockey….didn’t even make it to midnight since I was really bored and wanted to just crash out…did sleep okay but need the coffee for some reason…so, I’m going to go get a cup and read the papers…more later…

Okay…I’m back and quite surprised…I know I read it somewhere that the times and post were going subscription today but no notice on the sites so I am a little happy about that….T is leaving for the Bahamas today and I will miss talking to her daily but this vacation will be great for her…and I get to take care of her house and kitties while she is gone…man, it’s only 9 am and I have everything done…well…didn’t really have anything to do but football today…and it will be kind of a pain because Michigan and State are on at the same time….not going to cook anything special today since I now have to start trying to maintain my weight better…not a resolution because I don’t do those but I have to pay attention…nothing new, really…might make a burger on the grill since I haven’t had my quota of beef…who knows? I’ll be back later…maybe some sports?

Doesn’t it feel like Sunday? Oh, one last thing…it’s 1/1/11….cool…

One last one…

Well…this might be the last one for the day or it might not be…there were some things I thought of out on the bike but I forgot them already….yep, you heard it right…out on the bike…in shorts…on December 31st..yay! I haven’t felt that good in a while…getting back in the saddle, working the shifters, and throwing the bike around with a huge grin on my face was just right…it was a nice way to put a coda on the end of the year. I can’t believe how fast my lungs have lost their fitness…no problem with the legs but it was hard to breath at times…I know, I’m 57 but that shouldn’t matter…and it doesn’t in my head. I think this is the muddiest I’ve been coming back…I’m going to have to take the bike over the the car wash to get it clean next week since the cold weather is coming back starting tomorrow and I don’t think I’ll get it out again until March or so.

So, I may be coming back later for more…I’ll try not to be maudlin and do the same crap as every commentator…but, you never know, I might….go, have fun, and Happy New Year!

December 31st

Well..it’s 5:50 and I’m up early again but he sleep was okay so I’ll take it…had a nice day yesterday with lunch with T…lots of good conversation and laughs…made me smile a lot. The rest of the day was kind of a bore but that is the measure of my days lately…it is already 48 degrees but there is a thunderstorm heading straight for west Michigan from the southeast so I may have to wait for the aft to ride my bike…I am determined to get out on it today for one last ride for the year and if I go I’ll be in shorts…need to give the girls at the coffee shop something to talk about next week…I do have things to do today….not much but some things…groceries this morning, then over to G’s to pick up my slow cooker, then over to the west side for supplies….going to open the sunroof if it’s not raining….I may have one of those year-end summary things for later this aft but everyone does that so I may just do the opposite….but what’s the opposite of a summary?…way too much thinking for 6 am …more later…

Oh, I did make it to 60 with this one…yay? One last thing..it’s a sad day for me since it is the last day that I will be able to get the Times and Post without paying an exorbitant fee for the priviledge….I know, as Heinlein used to say “there’s no such thing as a free lunch”……

December 30th

Well…another night of crappy sleep and it is starting to get really old…just like me I guess…but that goes unsaid…or is supposed to…I am a little excited this morning since it is a lunch day with T and it will give me something to do other than coffee and working out…I did get three out yesterday and I only need three more to get to 60 for the month..it has just been too slow of a news cycle for the last couple of weeks and I haven’t felt that creative…not much to do today…I may get a haircut this morning after coffee but I’m not sure…it was finally yesterday that I finished up the rib roast from last sat and I am looking forward to other food..will probably not do that for another year….I hope it does get into the 40′s today, if it does, I’m going to take the bike out to take a look and see if the trails are melted off yet….for sure tomorrow since it’s supposed to be almost 50….you bored yet? Yep, I am so I’ll stop…more later…

December 29th

Well….up and down all night and just couldn’t lay there anymore so I’ve be up since 5:15…but don’t feel as bad as I should, though, after the Ada trip…I won at pool but it came down to the last game….I’ve had this question running through my head for a few days now…why does it take all summer and 2200 miles on the bike to lose 20 pounds but then only takes about a month of not riding to put 10 of it back on? I’m just so tired of worrying about my weight and not looking how I want to…oh, well…I’ll stop whining now…not much to do today…might have to go out for supplies or a haircut but I’m not sure if I may just want to do a total veg today and get a few of these out…I do want to get to 60 for the month but I don’t want to just put out crap..Okay, if you’ve read some of these they can be crap at times…but I try..more later…

December 28th

Well…a short night out with G…ran into T at Peppino’s which was kind of odd…but I was not a good boy after I got home and feel like crap today…I still think I have a bug because I have a slight temp and I’ll stick to that story….it was cool that the Wings won for Ozzie last night….in OT but we’ll take a win any way we can…and it was his 400th which puts him 10th all time in wins for a goalie…pretty good…not much to do today…can’t get the onion smell out of my hands after cutting one last night…yeah, that really doesn’t mean anything but just thought I’d share…if I don’t feel better, I may skip coffee and pool today….more later….

Okay…I’m back for a few and I do feel quite a bit better after working out, so it looks like Ada is a go…had to fix my cue again and now Tom is bringing one of his since all of the good ones at Victory Club are broken…and I do like my stick better anyway….I am a little excited that the Mega is up to 200 million….so, If you don’t see any new posts tomorrow, I won’t be back…I’ll be on a beach somewhere doing what I was made to do…relax…but, I am going to try to buckle down and get another one out today…maybe…

December 27th

Well…you know, it hard to come up with topics when the congress is not in session…but, I guess I don’t have to write about politics all the time…I’ll start branching out today and come up with at least a couple so you’ll keep coming back…I did mention that December 26th used to be my favorite day of the year didn’t I? You know the day…everything is done for the holidays…not more presents, no more trips to relative’s houses….just screwing around until I had to go back to work after the new year. I still kind of feel that way…not about the work part but no more christmas commercials and everything will be open…enough about that, it was kind of a boring day yesterday…skipped SF since I was feeling like I have a little bug…started thurs and I still feel like I have a slight temp…coughing, too, so it might be the first cold of the year….so, I stayed in and watched the Lions win….yeah, the Lions won their third in a row and I am still in shock…it is fun to have them have a chance every week now….and a comeback from 10 down? Pretty cool…and then the Wings won in convincing fashion but they still look slow…it will be interesting to see how they do in the back to back against Colorado tonight….not much else to do today….I am a little excited that I may be able to take the bike out Friday..it’s supposed to be 47 degrees but raining….if there is any way…I’m going to go out for a short one anyway. oh, back to today…just the normal stuff I guess….I do have to go out for supplies either today or tomorrow…but I’ll just play that by ear…should go wash the car since I can’t see out the windows anymore…more later…

December 26th

Well…another night of okay sleep last night but the combo of wine with dinner and the couple of mans last night has left me kind of logy this morning…go ahead look up logy, I’ll wait….the dinner came out great but I don’t know if it’s anything I did…the rosemary and garlic made a nice crust on the outside of the prime rib, though, and that WAS my idea…I still feel full this morning. Waiting for the coffee to get done so I can retire to the couch with the paper and then back here for more of this. Not much to do today…might have a SF today with K but I’m not sure yet..it’s only 8:30 after all…and I will have to watch the Lions today to see if they can make it a 3 game winning streak…yeah, I can’t believe it either…and then there are the Wings at 7 so there will be some boredom killers today….more later….

Happy December 26th!

December 25th

Well…I wanted to title this one happy Saturday but then I decided to stay consistent….since this is just another day to us non-believers serving out our forced exile….okay, that’s a little harsh…especially after seeing “A Christmas Story” this morning…one of the funniest movies ever made and one that distilled what Christmas was like when I was growing up; what life was like when I was growing up. It made me think of the path that got me to here; how the little kid that used to be is now the old guy….and the simpler times that were. Oh, well…not going to wallow in that today….had a nice night last night with movies, a few cocktails, and slept okay….well…I do feel a little slow but that’s to be expected. Not much to do today…I’ve already told you that I’m making a rib roast today…32 bucks of great looking beef that I’m going to cook bleeding and then add glazed carrots and baked potatoes with fresh baked bread and au jus….yeah, I know…it’s inconsistent that I’m cooking a special dinner on just a Saturday… but it’s been so long since I’ve had red meat that I just had to…don’t know if any of the boys are coming over but that’s okay…just going to veg all day and watch some tv…might get another one out later…

December 24th

Well…it’s 5:03 and I’m up again…another night of ugly sleep but I think I may be getting used to it again….had a little fun and made a few bucks yesterday…went out to meet up with C at Vinny’s and had a couple of beers, played Keno and lost but that is okay..I am going to spend a couple of bucks today to get a Mega Millions ticket since it is up to 168 million…have to go out this morning to get the groceries I need for the weekend…I hope I can get a small rib roast…I haven’t made any beef in quite a while and I am getting excited for a rare to medium rare slab of meat, and a nice bottle of cabernet…I am a little irked that we are all forced to observe a religious holiday..after all, there are about 15% of us that are the rationalists and don’t celebrate…oh, well…other than that, not much to do today…did most of the cleaning yesterday so it looks like just coffee and working out today…maybe out to have a couple with K this aft before the bars close but I’ll be okay with just hanging here…I’ll try to get a couple out later this morning since I haven’t talked about politics or sports in a while…