February 27th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done other than some errands….slept okay last night but my back is having twinges of pain this morning like I slept wrong….but, it’s not too bad so I can live with it….my allergies are bad today so far and I’m not sure why…with all the snow, there shouldn’t be any allergens to react to so that is a little puzzling…I am a little tired this morning so I guess I didn’t sleep as well as I thought…I do remember waking up four or five times and I’m not sure why…oh, well…I just realized that the glue that I used to put the handle back on one of my coffee cups has lasted for almost a year now…didn’t think cyanoacrylates were supposed to be able to take water…I still think about it every time I lift the cup….not much to do today…going to clean a little and watch some races but that is about it…more later….

Snyder really is a liar….

Well….as you know, I have written a  few of these about the Flint lead poisoning crisis with some conjecture that our wonderful governor Snyder was lying when he said he didn’t know what was going on there until October of last year…with the release of some new e-mails regarding the crisis, we now know he was lying through his teeth about it…he and his top aides know about the poisoning from the start and didn’t do a damn thing about it since it would have cost money to go back to the Detroit water system…this is the problem about running government like a business where the bottom line is all that counts, whether it is outsourcing good jobs to put more profit in the owner’s pockets or poisoning people to give tax cuts to the rich, government is not business and clean water for Flint’s residents is not optional no matter what it’s cost. And cost was the only consideration in this mess….and the lying by Snyder and his cronies means that Snyder has to go…geez…

February 26th

Well….it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get a lot done…going out to get the papers was a pain with all the snow but the roads are clear now and it is going to be almost 50 tomorrow…slept okay last night and feel okay today even with not being good last night…I may be getting close to balancing my food intake with calorie usage and that makes a big difference on my energy levels….but, I won’t be on the bike for at least a week so I need to adjust some, I think….and I need to clean around here today and make a run out to Tom’s later in the day…not much to do today…I do need to do three more of these today to catch up and there should be topics with the repub debate last night….not much to do today…oh, already talked about that….more later….

11 dimensional chess….

Well…I was a little chagrined earlier in the week when a conservative repub was floated as the new supreme court justice to be appointed by Obama…but then I found that Sandoval’s name was just part of the 11 dimensional chess that Obama is playing…he is actually trolling the repubs to make sure their reactions are as terrible as they can be…making sure that they go on record as saying that no matter who is nominated, the repubs will not do their constitutional duty to advise on the legal appointment of a new justice that Obama has every right to do…thereby ensuring that we will take back the senate later in the year when the new dem president will appoint a true progressive and tilt the court back to sanity for a generation….and the cool thing is that the repubs just don’t see it…only seeing their obstructionist path that is going to lead to their doom…please proceed, repubs…

February 25th

Well….it was an okay day and I spent some of it prepping for the snow that came all day….I was able to get the car out this morning but the heavy, wet snow was hard to push and I almost got stuck in the FF parking lot…the snow was so heavy that the plows broke and left huge pile in all of the roads that I had to try to avoid…was plowing snow with the front and bottom of the car all the way and had to keep the momentum up to get back here…hope this is the last one….slept okay last night and feel pretty good today with the fourth day of being good under my belt…I could get used to this….got the grocery run in yesterday so I wouldn’t have to go out today and that now looks like a pretty good idea….my back is still good today and I think I’ll stop reporting on it since it’s 5 days now it hasn’t really hurt….not much to do today…going to just veg it out around here and do some cooking and cleaning but that is about it…more later….

Alito injects politics into the court…again…

Well…with all of the crap that the repubs are spewing on the nomination to the supreme court that Obama has every right to do…and that they should take up…we now have the idiot Alito injecting politics into the process by sending a letter to McConnell saying that he agrees with their obstructionism…something that has NEVER happened in the history of the court but is not new for this liar. During his hearing for his approval…Alito lied through his teeth when he said that he would be a neutral arbiter of the law when his actions on the court have been anything but; he has been one of the most ideology driven justices there has ever been on the court…always ruling for business and against women whenever those cases come up…toeing the extreme right wing line that he promised he wouldn’t…just another lie. So now, with this last outrage, whenever this ass speaks, you know it is not as a neutral arbiter of the law as written…but the worst kind of activist justice that is hell bent on making this country worse for you and me…geez…

February 24th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was cool….slept okay and feel okay today since I was good for another day and today will be the same…I am sitting here waiting for snowmageddon to happen today and even moved the grocery run up a day to make sure I don’t have to go out if it does get as bad as forecast….hope this is the one last blast for this winter….my back is still holding up with just a little pain and I hope that continues…just a little stiff and creaky but I can live with that….have been feeling better with being on the bike almost every day but the wind is blowing too hard already to go out today…so, I’ll just work out and then on to work around here….not much to do today…T is going in for some dental implants to replace a couple of teeth and she will be in my thoughts….and I should do some cleaning after I get my other work done…more later….

Another lurch to the right…

Well…the repub primary season has been a thing of wonder…as I wonder how they are going to try to appeal to anyone but their bigoted base as all the candidates lurch farther and farther to the right to try to appeal those troglodytes. The latest is ole Ted Cruz who yesterday said that, when he is elected, he will send US Marshals to find all of the undocumented immigrants in the country and forcibly deport them…never mind that they would be breaking up families and leaving their US citizen kids to fend for themselves…really, really Christian things to do, don’t you think? I wonder what the base would think of the additional “gubmint” workers that would be necessary to enforce this nonsense…and I wonder what his owners would think when the labor they need to make their obscene profits disappears? I do know that I just hope they keep this up…there will be so much ammunition for our side come the general that no independent could vote for these guys…geez…

February 23rd

Well…running early today since I have a ton of stuff to do today…and I have already started that by fixing the shifter on the bike…the pivot pins came loose again so I had to put them back in place and try to drift the holes over so they will stay put….slept okay last night and feel pretty good today with being good…and that will help with getting things done today….my back is on the 4th day of no pain and it is just so nice being able to get up and down without thinking about it…I wonder if it’s the fact that I’m back on the bike….but today looks like the last day for a week or so with the snow that is coming tomorrow…might be able to get out if I go early tomorrow, though…not much to do today…I have errands to run this morning and then again this aft…going to make a little cash and spend a little today so I guess it works out…more later….

What you never want to be….