Tag Archives: Donald Trump

A crack in the maga wall?

Well… a couple of weeks ago I talked about what was happening in the repub primaries that was a little surprising…that Nikki Haley, who dropped out of the race two months ago, was still getting almost 20% of the vote and I wondered if this was bad news for the idiot? Last night, there was another primary in Indiana and the trend seems to be getting worse for the idiot trump…once the votes were counted, Nikki Haley got 22% of the vote and I wonder if people are just getting tired of idiot boy’s schtick? I mean he’s still indicted with 90 felonies and his behavior in the courtroom where he’s on trial for election fraud is that of a spoiled 7 year old…and he has been fined 10 times for violating the gag order he’s under…and he sure doesn’t look like the superman he projects himself to be sitting there sleeping and farting all day…so maybe there is a crack in the maga wall happening? We can only hope…geez…

The judge is finally getting trump trained…

Well…I was laughing my butt off as I just read that the idiot trump attacked the judge in the case on his scam social media site but then immediately deleted it so as not to run afoul of his gag order…but, hey donnie…you can delete all you want but it’s still out there that you did it and this one could be jail time…I hope, hope, hope…getting that orange nightmare behind bars would be a dream come true for all of the people that this asshole has damaged…and the relatives of the 800,000 extra people who died of covid because the idiot couldn’t be bothered to do something hard and he felt like it was a “blue state” disease and he wanted all of us dead anyway…what he was too stupid to understand that, because of the resistance to the vaccines, red states had 90% more fatalities than blue states…so red state governors and legislatures actually killed off the people they needed to have vote for them…losing at least 4 house seats from it…okay, so I’ve strayed a bit from the title…sue me…more later…

Next time, jail…

Well…it’s been a damn busy day today but i did want to talk about this for a bit…this morning at the criminal trump’s trial, the judge ruled that idiot boy violated the gag order for the 10th time and fined him another grand…but that’s not all…the judge also said if idiot boy does it again, there will be jail time since just fining him the limit of a grand in NY for every count is not enough to get him to stop…now, I’ll believe that when I see it but it may be fun to see since contempt sentences are entirely up to the judge and he could lock him up every night and just let him out for the trial…oh, and even though it was a bit boring, the money me from the trump organization testified today that the money that idiot boy signed the checks for were highly unusual and had never been done before or since, making the point that the money couldn’t be to pay cohen for work since idiot boy told them it wasn’t when they were cutting the checks…and they were in on cooking the books for the payments…so some fun developments today and the blows weren’t delivered by progressives or Joe Biden as the right wing assholes believe…it was done by people who worked for idiot boy for over 30 years and knew where the bones were buried…tick tock, trump…jail is getting closer…geez…

Judge Merchan isn’t screwing around…

well…this is good to see…the judge in the idiot trump’s trial is not screwing around when it comes to idiot boy violating the gag order he has against him…and yesterday when the idiot whined to the cameras that he could testify because of the gag order against him, Judge Merchan squashed trump like the bug he is and set him straight that the gag order has nothing to do with testifying, just idiot boy’s attacking anyone involved with the trial…and trump talked about filing a “constitutional motion” because of the gag order…whatever the hell that is…look, we all know that trump is a chicken and this is just angling for excuses for him to not testify in the trial…if he did it would be the biggest disaster sine the Titanic…cripes, idiot boy can’t even handle a deposition where he is given all the time in the world to answer and his lawyer can whisper the right answer in his ear…I really think he is delusional and still in control of his life…he’s not, and is going down for these 34 felonies…jail time, baby! Geez…

Why are they scared?

Well…i sit here and marvel at the complete lack of courage with the GOP caucus where the idiot trump is involved…they are acting like he is still a power but if you look at the trouble he’s in, where is it? He may control the maga folks, but looking at the last two primaries, even though nikki haley dropped out a month ago, she is still polling at 20% soo there are a lot of repubs who are looking for anyone other than the idiot…and, if I was one of those repubs, I’d have enough self respect to tell him to go to hell and look for ways to move forward without the constant conspiracy theories and investigations…that part of the political spectrum is wide open and someone should be the one who steps into it and makes it his or her own…I mean a reasonable repub? Who knows if it would work but damn, someone needs to try because being under the thumb of a indicted felon who is daily succumbing to his dementia and getting less and less lucid is something that should appeal to anyone with a brain…okay, I don’t see any brains on the right but there may be one at some point….geez…

Why Time?

Well…what the hell is wrong with Time magazine? They gave the liar in chief an “interview” where he rolled out the old lies, added new ones, and didn’t really make a whole lot of sense…but let’s take a look at what he plans to do if this country goes completely crazy and let’s putin install him again…how would you like to see him and his cronies build concentration camps and round up 11 million immigrants for deportation…he would let red states monitor every women’s pregnancy and prosecute them if they have an abortion…and that includes not letting them travel to states where abortion is legal…he would take over all law enforcement and tell the AG who he wants prosecuted and fire him if he doesn’t do it…idiot boy would gut the civil service and fire anyone with expertise to be replaced by his cronies…he will shut down any government agency that dealt with pandemic…okay, you get the picture…he has told everyone he will be a dictator on day one…believe him in that and vote to keep him away from any office ever again…geez…

Stop calling it a “hush money” case…

Well…I am so damn tired of the lazy media calling the trump trial that is ongoing “the hush money” trial…it is so much more than that..it was a conspiracy to affect the outcome of the 2016 election…and a coverup of the conspiracy by altering business records…in there is the FEC violations that come with the National Inquirer paying people to “catch and kill” stories that would hurt the idiot trump and running lies that would hurt his challengers…all of those things are campaign contributions that were never reported by NI or it’s owner at the time david pecker…so, the media needs to do a better job with their reporting since calling the bribes trump paid “hush money” minimizes the seriousness of the felonies he is charged with and allows the right an attack point that the charges are not serious at all and it’s all personal…not legal…geez…

The first frickin witness…

Well…the idiot trump’s trial continued today and the first witness…the first frickin witness drove the nails into idiot boy’s coffin when he said he conspired with trump to both effect the election by helping pay off Stormy Daniels, and also to do the same thing by running false stories about Hillary Clinton in his paper, the National Inquirer…and there are more to come with one of the idiot’s top aides, Hope Hicks, who was in the meetings when they talked about the conspiracy to commit election fraud…and then the paper trail that the idiot left behind will be introduced and, from what I’ve read, that nails him to the center of the conspiracy…cripes, they even have the check that idiot boy signed personally to pay Cohen back for paying off Stormy…oh, and at the hearing on trump’s violation of the gag order he is under, his brilliant lawyers revealed two more times he violated the order…and he’s paying these guys a million bucks a week? Geez…

He has to just sit there…

Well…this is just so rich…as his trial in the election payoffs start, none of the tricks he uses to make his points like scowling at people, talking over them, and lying constantly are going to be allowed to work in the courtroom…so he has to just sit there as the prosecution calls witnesses and they testify that yes, he was involved in the business records fraud and the only time he can comment is before or after court…and even then the gag order he is under prevents him from commenting on them or anything that happened in court…he is not in control of any of it, and he doesn’t have the comfort he gets from his glassy eyed followers fawning all over him…and I don’t feel bad about that at all…for someone who has done so much damage to the US and world, he deserves anything he gets….geez…

He really does stink…

Well…the idiot trump in the courtroom is too damn funny to start with as the potential jurors laid into him and told him the truth about what non maga people think of him…and he has to sit there and listen to it under penalty of contempt of court if he makes faces, comments, and generally tries to disrupt the courtroom…and do you remember the stories from a couple of months ago that quoted a bunch of people who have been around him that he has a bad smell to him all the time…and that was confirmed yesterday when it was reported that his lawyers commented that he farts almost constantly and the smell is eye watering…and those guys have to sit next to him the entire time…so now I guess trump stinks both figuratively and literally…I sill think he’s going to have a stroke bottling up all his rage when he is chastised by the judge for his antics…and we have at least three more weeks before he is convicted…geez…