Finally, an investigation…

Well…aftuoer the idiot trump told oil company execs if they would give him a billion dollars, he would get rid of all environmental regs that Joe Biden has put in place in his first term…essentially selling the government for his own benefit…oh, but it gets worse…he even told the oil companies to write the regs they want and he’ll just sign them if they help him get elected and give him money…but, there is a little fly in that ointment since senate dems have started an investigation and are sending subpoenas out to all of the execs requiring them to send any and all correspondence they had with idiot boy along with any proposed regulations they are writing for him…look…this is just a frickin bribe or a quid pro quo that is clearly illegal…but where is the media in all of this? This should be on the front page of every paper and website and Joe should be airing ads about it in every market…if the media won’t do their jobs, then Joe has to…and he has to do it now…at least senate dems are doing something…geez…

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