All posts by James DeVol

The grasshoppers are missing…

Well…just a little short one on an observation I made today on the bike..the grasshoppers are missing…normally this time of year there are clouds of them on the trail that popcorn into the air when I ride through…but today, I counted 5 of them in the entire 15 miles….and there are normally thousands of them by now…not sure what is going on but it is just weird….oh, one other weird thing…had a bee land on my handlebar bag and just stayed there for over 5 miles…not sure what the heck that was about either…

August 21st

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I got wet on the bike again…but, this one was not as pleasant as the other day since it was a lot colder…and I am waiting for the temp to come up to go out today…the first time since May that I have had to do is only 55 degrees outside and that is just a bit too chilly to go out in a t-shirt…slept okay last night for the first time in a couple of weeks but, with it being a cocktail night last night, I do feel a little slow this morning…hoping the coffee will do it’s job soon….and I am going to have a bagel with cream cheese in a minute since they were on sale this week….it will be interesting to see if having food in the morning will affect the bike ride….not much to do today…pool, of course, but that is abut it for the day…more later..

Oh…I forgot to say happy birthday to Robert Plant who turned 67 yesterday….

Another jaw dropper from the right….

Well….was reading some the past day and came across this jaw dropper from a right wing radio host…can’t find the article to get the particulars but here is the gist: his plan, which he espoused on his radio show was that we give all the undocumented people in his state….I think it was Idaho…30-60 days to ‘self deport” and after that, and here comes the jaw dropper…the state would “own” any of the undocumented that are found to be there and could be put to work doing work that needs to be done for the state for room and board…yep, the right is right back to what they still defend, slavery, for 11 million people in the US…I don’t know what to say about this one…the plan and words speak for themselves….the right still thinks slavery is a good idea….I’m shaking  head….geez…

Okay, here’s an update…I didn’t want to just post this without the facts so here they are: the radio host’s name is Jan Mickleson and he is in Iowa, not Idaho….and he has hosted Walker, Fiorina, Carson, and Santorum…all repub candidates for president….and his question was” “What’s wrong with slavery”….where the hell do they get these guys?…geez…again…


Just thinking…

Well…I have been thinking of what to write about this afternoon and have come up empty…Trump hasn’t said anything today and the rest of the idiots on the right are just doing the argle bargle that they normally do…Rubio came out and said he supports what BLM is trying to do but then said that the government has no role in fixing the disparity in policing that is felt by blacks in this country…trying to have it both ways much? Just another mealy mouthed nothing from the water boy…and we have Walker saying that he would appoint a Wisconsin education activist to his cabinet and the activist saying “no frickin way” he would serve in  a Walker administration and he hasn’t even talked to the idiot in over two years….another lying lie from the liar who is trying to blur his hard right hatred for education and teachers on the back of dems who are actually trying to make things better….I can’t believe there is even going to be another repub debate in September…really, what’s the point? they all read from the same talking points and are interchangeable, so why listen? The first one was for entertainment value and to laugh at their incompetence…but, that wears thin after a while so I won’t be watching the next one…geez…

August 20th

Well…it’s a gloomy morning and it looks like it is going to be that way most of the day….it may be the perfect day to take off the bike and let the legs heal some but we’ll see…if there is a break in the clouds I may try to make a run for it and at least get a short one in…slept crappy again last night but I have hope I can get back to the reasonable sleep I had a week or so back….don’t feel that bad today, though, so I’m not sure what is going on….I am running a little late today with the grocery run being done and not having a whole lot of energy to do it at my normal speed…then, I sit here and think “why” not sure why I have to do it fast when I have the whole morning to get it done…but, I do have to keep to the list to keep the spending down…and today was not bad at 38 bucks….and, I’m not too sore today so that is a good thing…not sure if I should take an ibuprofen this morning with the rain and getting on he bike being iffy…think I’ll hold off for now….not much to do today…and it’s true this time…I should clean but won’t…I did get some stuff done yesterday and I do need to build on that…more later…

Mike Huckabee IS the village idiot…

Well…I know you’ve heard all the just frickin nuts things that ole Huck has said over the past few months but yesterday just vaulted him into village idiot status when he took issue with Black Lives Matter activists and their tactics, saying that MLK would not approve of them…and then going into the right’s talking point that “all lives matter” and that no lives are any more special than any other. Where have you been living, Huck? In your bubble of white privilege, you just can’t understand what the problem is…after all, no one is trying to take black people’s vote away…oh, wait, yes you are….no one is jailing black people on trumped up charges or murdering them …oh, wait, yes you are….and there are no overt racists in your party that will do anything to ensure that blacks are second-class citizens…oh, wait, yes there are. MLK would be standing as he did through the 50′s and 60′s…standing up to the entrenched racism in this country, standing up for equal rights and opportunity for all…and that is what BLM is doing now…what do you expect, Huck? You and your ilk have treated minorities in this country like crap forever…do you expect them to just take it? I applaud the work of BLM for shining sunlight on the racists and racism in this country…keep up the good work BLM!

Bombardier squirrels and other things…

Well…there hasn’t been a lot happen today in politics so I think I’ll do one on some strange things that have been happening on the trail over the past week…going down the trail, I noticed a pile of hickory nut shucks that were put there by some kind of animal I suppose…probably squirrels…and the funnier thing is that on 5 of the past 7 days that I rode through that area, either the bike or me was hit by a nut that was dropped from above…now, I’m not sure if they are trying to hit me or if I just startle them when I come through but whatever it is, they have pretty good aim to hit me 70% of the time…one other thing, today when I was going up the hill to the last water stop, I ran across a huge painted turtle on the trial just ambling across it…it had really cool patterns on it’s shell and I think it’s probably only the second one I have seen in the 25K miles I have put in riding out there….pretty neat thing to see….

August 19th

Well…it was an okay day yesterday and another normal one where I didn’t get much done…I did get soaked on the bike since it started raining just as I took off and kept raining until I got back here…was not unpleasant since it was over 70 and there was no lightning but I skipped sitting in the park at the last water stop since stopping was a little chilly…..slept okay last night and no dreams but with the all of the Miata wreck dreams lately, it was okay to have a little break…not as sore as I have been lately but I still do need to take some ibuprofen before since my wrists were killing me yesterday…no back pain, though, so that is progress….not much to do today…oh, one other thing….Man U won their first leg match yesterday and looked a little better so maybe they will get to the knockout stage…okay, back to not much to do today…just the ride and cleaning since I made popcorn last night and found out that butter is not the right thing to pop the corn in…tiny little, burned kernels that were pretty darn tough…more later…

They’re at it again…more discrimination…

Well…just like always, the repubs are supporting new legislation that would codify the ability of the haters to discriminate against the GLBT community…again…now, we have the RNC endorsing the Orwellian sounding First Amendment Defense Act….which would prevent the government from enforcing any anti discrimination laws that protect the LGBT citizens of the US. Yeah, I know…just more of the same old crap from the right wing assholes that are running the repub party these days…but the thing is, the country has moved on from this fight after the supreme cout’s same sex marriage ruling but the repubs just can’t…they just have the need to feel put upon and to restrict the rights of their fellow citizens just to be the mean assholes they are…it is settled law that once you enter the sphere of secular business that you cannot discriminate against any group and cloak it in “religious freedom”…didn’t work when they tried it against black people… and it won’t work this time against gays…just give it up’ve lost….geez…

A little sports…

Well…I was going to do a political one talking about the Donald and his huge lead over the rest of the rider in the clown car but, there is a little bit happening in sports that I wanted to talk about first…just saw that Danica Patrick has signed a new deal with Tony Stewart’s team and I really can’t figure out why…I think her average finish for the year is in the 20′s and the only place she is competitive is at the restricter plate tracks like Daytona…and this is in the same equipment that Kevin Harvick has driven to 4 wins this year…I know that Tony Stewart himself isn’t doing much better but I don’t remember a race that Danica was even close in…and that would have gotten a mediocre driver fired at any other team…oh, well…I did want to talk a little about Manchester United and it’s inconsistent progress over the past two years…I know they have won both matches so far in the premier league, but they were unconvincing at best in both…I know they are kind of happy with 6 points in the first two matches with only getting 5 in the first 6 last year but I haven’t seen anything that would make you believe that they can win the league this year…the one suggestion I would make is to have Fellaini and Chicharrito start for a change…Rooney needs some help with service so he can be a striker again…or even better, move Rooney to the role just behind the striker and let him do his thing with the good set ups that we have seen him do…okay, that’s enough for now…more later…