Tag Archives: Amnesty International

Not safe for refugees….

Well….take a look at the title of this one….Amnesty International has just deemed that the US is not safe for refugees…never in the history of this country has this ever been said about us…and we have trump and his minions to thank for it…as every day goes by, trump is destroying the good name of our country by his fascist notions of what we are….and the majority of us who did not vote for the ignorant asshole are being sucked down onto the black hole he is creating by his policies, by his using his gestapo of the CBP to harass immigrants, tourists and citizens alike this country has now been made much less safe than it was under Obama…and the dark vision offered up by president bannon is being implemented in our name….I am ashamed to be an American for the first time in my life…and you did this, trump…this asshole needs to be impeached….