Tag Archives: anchor babies

Russian “anchor babies”

Well….if you listened to any idiot repub during the last election, you heard on of the false themes that they harped and harped on that Mexicans were coming here to have their children so they would have US citizenship and then could bring their families here after they turned 18…never mind that “Anchor babies” was never a thing…that the Mexican babies being born here were because their parents were here doing the hard jobs that Americans won’t do and it was just projection that they thought they were breaking the law….but now, guess who’s properties are being used for just that by the Russians? Yep, there are 5 trump properties in Florida that are being advertised in Russia for just that purpose…for “birth tours” where wealthy Russians pay upwards to 75K a month to come here and stay until their babies are born, resulting in the possibility of the children having dual citizenship…and then setting their parents up for getting preferential treatment when they apply to come here to live. What about it repubs? What about these “anchor babies”? Is it not a problem anymore because these babies are not “brown”? I don’t have any hope that any repub will do anything about this…but people need to know how corrupt trump and his cronies are…impeach….