Well…if you need another example of how destructive the repub party has become…and you really shouldn’t…just look at the response of the two parties to the potential of a coronavirus outbreak here in the US. The dems have come out in agreement with the professionals in the government health community (what few of them are left) that we should start to prepare just in case the worst happens…which is how every damn outbreak in the country has been handled until idiot boy trump and his minions were installed by Putin…very reasonable by my estimation…but the response of the repubs and the pundits on the right are all filtered through a political lens that says that there is no problem, it’s just the dems trying to scare us for political gain and to hurt the idiot boy…so I guess that the dems got to every investor and trader on Wall Street and forced them to sell their stocks? And the dems forced ole Rushbo to call this deadly virus “just an exaggerated cold” that no one has to worry about? And the dems forced China to quarantine at least 5 major cities and shut down factories, schools, and offices for no reason other than to make trump look bad? This is the problem when your entire world is based on conspiracy theories and lies…those on the right can no longer see what is true and by minimizing the threat, they are preventing the basic steps necessary to mitigate the effects if there is a huge outbreak…let’s just ask on simple question: do the dems control the CDC, the NIH or the funding for these essential pandemic fighters? Nope, it’s all on the morons including the moron in chief and they will continue to live in their delusions as the country waits for the worst…