Well…I am tiring of the “institutionalists” in the dem party who will let the repubs walk all over them and allow them to ruin this country just because they don’t want to nuke the filibuster to get something done…so, let me ask these questions: Is the filibuster worth more than voting rights? Is it worth more than women’s rights? Is it worth more than LGBTQ rights? Because if Biden doesn’t change his mind and get off his ass and get the senate dems to kill the filibuster, all of these rights are gone…and no amount of collegiality is going to get this done without killing the racist filibuster and playing hardball like the repubs do….and we can’t wait til the election and hope that we gain in the senate and keep the house…I’m tired of waiting…times have changed and we no longer have a repub party to negotiate with…it is just a cult who has stolen the SC and is taking us back to the 1600′s…the court needs to be expanded and that will take nuking the filibuster, too…so get off your asses and get moving right frickin now….tick tock…