Tag Archives: filibuster

So the filibuster is worth more than these?

Well…I am tiring of the “institutionalists” in the dem party who will let the repubs walk all over them and allow them to ruin this country just because they don’t want to nuke the filibuster to get something done…so, let me ask these questions: Is the filibuster worth more than voting rights? Is it worth more than women’s rights? Is it worth more than LGBTQ rights? Because if Biden doesn’t change his mind and get off his ass and get the senate dems to kill the filibuster, all of these rights are gone…and no amount of collegiality is going to get this done without killing the racist filibuster and playing hardball like the repubs do….and we can’t wait til the election and hope that we gain in the senate and keep the house…I’m tired of waiting…times have changed and we no longer have a repub party to negotiate with…it is just a cult who has stolen the SC and is taking us back to the 1600′s…the court needs to be expanded and that will take nuking the filibuster, too…so get off your asses and get moving right frickin now….tick tock…

Sinema couldn’t be bothered…

Well…darn, I almost forgot to do this one today with cleaning all day…and I’m still not done but only have the bathroom to do so I’ll get that done in the morning…just today ole moscow mitch used the filibuster to keep the senate from passing the law that would set up the January 6 commission to investigate what happened when the right wingers attacked the capital…but the repubs sure don’t want that since all of them were involved if you look at the votes they took to dispute the election results…but the thing that burns me is that the supposed democratic senator from Arizona, Kristin Sinema couldn’t even be bothered to show up for the vote….and that made sure the filibuster couldn’t be broken….what the hell is her job? What is more important than saving our country? Now is the time to just end the filibuster and get the rest of Biden’s agenda passed…and that includes the law to nullify all of the voter suppression that the repubs have passed across the country…and tell Sinema to be the dem she is supposed to be and do her job….

It’s on you, Manchin…

Well…as conversation continues on what to do about the filibuster to get this country going again, we have the biggest obstacle to moving America’s agenda, Joe Manchin, going on and on that the filibuster can be preserved and get the laws passed that are needed to repair the economy and protect voting rights…and he thinks he can get the 60 votes necessary in the senate by bringing along 10 repubs to vote for Joe Biden’s agenda. Now, I should just laugh at the prospect that any repub senator, let alone ten, will vote for anything that benefits the American people…they have shown over the past decade that they don’t give a damn about anyone but the rich way too many times and Manchin must be the most delusional senator in DC if he believes that he can convince any repub to go against mcconnell and the hordes of trumpists who would howl to the heavens if any of them voted for anything the dems want. I wonder how long it will take for Manchin and Sinema to have reality smack them in the face and for them to finally realize that the American people are more important than any senate rule that allows the minority to block needed infrastructure spending or relief…not sure if they are bright enough to realize that they are playing into the repubs hands with this delusional belief in bipartisanship…and I wonder if they care….

The filibuster is gone…

Well…have been waiting for this day for a while now…with all of the repub efforts to nullify the results of the last two elections in the senate by the egregious use of the filibuster, Harry Reid and the dems have finally said enough…enough of the lies from the repubs, enough of the obstruction, and enough of coddling the children on the right, and have changed the rules today to allow presidential appointees to be approved by a simple majority instead of the 60 votes that was the standard until now. But, to hear the repubs whine, and whine, and whine…you would think that this rule was enshrined in the constitution…it’s not..the senate gets to set it’s own rules and change them any time the current rules will not let the senate do it’s job. It is on the repubs that this rule had to be changed…they have done nothing but obstruct qualified nominees for nothing but ideology…to make sure that Obama is not successful…this never happened under ole GW when the repubs ran the senate…the dems voted for qualified candidates and most of his appointees were approved..even while we were holding our noses at some of them….it’s about time we took this weapon away form the children on the right…they have shown that they are not responsible enough to use it…good for you Harry…geez…

Last one for the month…finally

Well…this has been a long month doing these but I have started to regain my political outrage and that has led to finally getting back in the political arena…and there is one big thing that is going to happen in the next week or so that will be worth watching…the repubs have again broken their promise (big surprise) to not filibuster presidential appointees, especially judges, so it looks like support is building to kill the filibuster and get rid of the obstructionism that is the hallmark of the modern repubs…they have nothing that the country wants to hear anymore so all they can do is try to sabotage government, take away rights, and make sure that people they don’t like don’t have any….so, I say to Harry Reid and the rest of the dems in the senate…nuke ‘em…they deserve it…and the country will certainly support getting things done….geez…

Losing the political game…

Well…just wanted to comment a bit on the nonsense that has been going on in the senate since Obama was elected…where the repubs, as always, put political concerns of their party above the good of the American people; blocking nominees for executive positions and filibustering popular legislation just to suit their crazy assed right wing base. But, now it appears that even some of those in the crazy party are tiring of never getting anything done and have teamed up with Harry Reid to end the obstruction and start getting the people’s business done. It’s about time…Harry Reid has been bringing a knife to a gun fight for far too long…not believing he also had one…an even bigger one called the nuclear option where he can change the rules of the senate with just the dem caucus…and then, with those rule changes, he can tell the repubs to just go to hell if they don’t want to really govern…which describes most of the tea party folks. I am glad that ole Mitch McConnell played the petulant little child that he is right to the end…even going so far to show up at Reid’s office and try to get himself included in the reform, only to be told by Harry to basically “not let the door hit you in the ass on the way out..” something he deserved considering that he reneged on the January agreement about an hour after he made it with Reid. What a lying sack of crap….and now the rest of the repubs have lost the selfish political game they have been playing with the lives of all Americans and I hope that leads to more and more losses as the people understand that the repubs don’t give a crap about them…geez…

Had to get to Rand Paul….

Well…after getting out to Kava I feel quite a bit better and might even be lucid enough to make some sense so I’m going to give it a try. I just have to comment on Rand Paul’s speech last night…where the true colors of the Tea Party have finally been allowed to come out. The gist of the speech was that Paul was going to personally block any legislation that he doesn’t like…no talk of moving the country forward, no talk of creating jobs, just a screed that stakes out the position that his vision is government of, by and for Rand Paul. If it wasn’t so dangerous, I would just laugh at this kind of thing…of the tea party’s supposed reverence for the Constitution until it get’s in the way of their radical right-wing agenda. I, for one, don’t want the senator from Kentucky setting the direction for this country, when he has stated his hatred for anything progressive…including the Civil rights act…Social Security, and basically anything that the government does. They want to go back to the days of child labor, industrial poisoning of workers, and sweatshops…the time that these nuts revere.

A thought came to me as I was mourning today…with Michigan going back to the bad old days of the repubs…that the Red Wings will still play, that it could have been worse and the Senate could have fallen, too. But, it didn’t and it may be a pretty interesting couple of years…and I know it’s going to give me a lot to write about and some of it is going to include “I told you so”, but I’m going to try to maintain the reasonableness that has been a goal…so, go about your lives…I’m going to try….more later…

Oh, one last thing, it made me feel good when I saw that the richies that tried to buy elections in many places generally failed to do it…especially in Cali where Meg Whitman lost after spending 140 million of her own dollars…and Carly Fiorina also lost…but the best news was that the know-nothings queen, Sharron Angle lost to Harry Reid in Nevada….silver linings in the cloud that now covers this country…