Well….I have been following the sausage making on the bills needed to move this country forward that are supported by almost 70% of Americans, and the only thing I can say is that this is no longer a representative democracy…when two people can prevent the country from the progress that is needed to make this a fairer society and help people to have better lives, there is something wrong…and the excuses that Sinema and Manchin are using are as incoherent as they are stupid…nit picking that this 1.5 trillion dollar bill is too much and the country can’t afford it even though it’s cost is only 150 billion a year over the 10 years it would be in effect…and both of these idiots voted for the trump tax cuts that was the biggest giveaway to the rich the country had ever seen…and cost 2 trillion dollars, but when there is anything ever to help normal people they can’t be bothered to support it…they might just as well be repubs for all of the damage they are doing to the dem party and this country….one thing they don’t get is that there is no more business as usual, for this time our side needs to go big and these two don’t want to go at all…damn, they need to be primaried with some true dems but that won’t help now…they are giving the country away to the repubs and it will be the final nail in the coffin for democracy…hope you guys are happy killing the US…what a couple of preening morons…geez…
Tag Archives: Kristen Sinema
Sinema couldn’t be bothered…
Well…darn, I almost forgot to do this one today with cleaning all day…and I’m still not done but only have the bathroom to do so I’ll get that done in the morning…just today ole moscow mitch used the filibuster to keep the senate from passing the law that would set up the January 6 commission to investigate what happened when the right wingers attacked the capital…but the repubs sure don’t want that since all of them were involved if you look at the votes they took to dispute the election results…but the thing that burns me is that the supposed democratic senator from Arizona, Kristin Sinema couldn’t even be bothered to show up for the vote….and that made sure the filibuster couldn’t be broken….what the hell is her job? What is more important than saving our country? Now is the time to just end the filibuster and get the rest of Biden’s agenda passed…and that includes the law to nullify all of the voter suppression that the repubs have passed across the country…and tell Sinema to be the dem she is supposed to be and do her job….
Here’s your “bipartisanship”…
Well…I am just shaking my head at the lack of awareness that both Sinema and Manchin have when it comes to their magic pony of “bipartisanship” and their efforts to find it when they have actually met mitch mcconnell….just today, ole mitch directed his repub senators to “use” both Sinema and Manchin and string them along with lies about the possibility of “bipartisanship” to block any and all of Biden’s agenda…you hear that Sinema? You hear that Manchin? mitch has revealed that he and his caucus will lie to you all day long to make sure they can dupe you into blocking Joe’s agenda and the agenda that will help the American people…and guess what? You are swallowing it hook line and sinker with your preening bullshit while you wallow in your self importance…and that is just another tactic of mitch’s….stoking your crappy sense of importance so you’ll think you are in control but mitch is playing you like a stratocaster and you are either complicit or too damn dumb to realize it. Now, anyone with a tiny bit of self respect would tell mitch and his asshole caucus to go to hell and get on with doing right by America…the ball’s in your court…
It’s on you, Manchin…
Well…as conversation continues on what to do about the filibuster to get this country going again, we have the biggest obstacle to moving America’s agenda, Joe Manchin, going on and on that the filibuster can be preserved and get the laws passed that are needed to repair the economy and protect voting rights…and he thinks he can get the 60 votes necessary in the senate by bringing along 10 repubs to vote for Joe Biden’s agenda. Now, I should just laugh at the prospect that any repub senator, let alone ten, will vote for anything that benefits the American people…they have shown over the past decade that they don’t give a damn about anyone but the rich way too many times and Manchin must be the most delusional senator in DC if he believes that he can convince any repub to go against mcconnell and the hordes of trumpists who would howl to the heavens if any of them voted for anything the dems want. I wonder how long it will take for Manchin and Sinema to have reality smack them in the face and for them to finally realize that the American people are more important than any senate rule that allows the minority to block needed infrastructure spending or relief…not sure if they are bright enough to realize that they are playing into the repubs hands with this delusional belief in bipartisanship…and I wonder if they care….