Well….I have been following the sausage making on the bills needed to move this country forward that are supported by almost 70% of Americans, and the only thing I can say is that this is no longer a representative democracy…when two people can prevent the country from the progress that is needed to make this a fairer society and help people to have better lives, there is something wrong…and the excuses that Sinema and Manchin are using are as incoherent as they are stupid…nit picking that this 1.5 trillion dollar bill is too much and the country can’t afford it even though it’s cost is only 150 billion a year over the 10 years it would be in effect…and both of these idiots voted for the trump tax cuts that was the biggest giveaway to the rich the country had ever seen…and cost 2 trillion dollars, but when there is anything ever to help normal people they can’t be bothered to support it…they might just as well be repubs for all of the damage they are doing to the dem party and this country….one thing they don’t get is that there is no more business as usual, for this time our side needs to go big and these two don’t want to go at all…damn, they need to be primaried with some true dems but that won’t help now…they are giving the country away to the repubs and it will be the final nail in the coffin for democracy…hope you guys are happy killing the US…what a couple of preening morons…geez…