Well…as conversation continues on what to do about the filibuster to get this country going again, we have the biggest obstacle to moving America’s agenda, Joe Manchin, going on and on that the filibuster can be preserved and get the laws passed that are needed to repair the economy and protect voting rights…and he thinks he can get the 60 votes necessary in the senate by bringing along 10 repubs to vote for Joe Biden’s agenda. Now, I should just laugh at the prospect that any repub senator, let alone ten, will vote for anything that benefits the American people…they have shown over the past decade that they don’t give a damn about anyone but the rich way too many times and Manchin must be the most delusional senator in DC if he believes that he can convince any repub to go against mcconnell and the hordes of trumpists who would howl to the heavens if any of them voted for anything the dems want. I wonder how long it will take for Manchin and Sinema to have reality smack them in the face and for them to finally realize that the American people are more important than any senate rule that allows the minority to block needed infrastructure spending or relief…not sure if they are bright enough to realize that they are playing into the repubs hands with this delusional belief in bipartisanship…and I wonder if they care….