Well….just finished up doing my last grocery run for a month and took a look at the dow averages…yow, down another 10% this morning or about 2300 points which took back all the gains that the idiot trump was crowing about last week…and these losses show that traders have lost confidence that idiot boy and his minions know what the hell they are doing…and this was after the fed just cut interest rates to zero and pumped 1.5 trillion…yep, with a T, into the banking system to maintain liquidity….now, I am not a great believer that the Dow is a gauge of the health of the economy, but it is an indicator of the carnage that is going to happen because trump and his cronies fiddled while the cornonavirus got a foothold here and is now exploding across the country…and it has been left to governors and mayors to do make the hard decisions as trump crows ‘I’m not responsible” for the lack of testing and information about the spread of the virus….information that is vital to keeping the virus from killing thousands here. To emphasize the depravity of trump and his minions, you just have to look at the news reports from Reuters that detailed trump’s efforts to buy a German company that is working on a vaccine…and the big stipulation that trump put on the transaction is that the vaccine would be exclusively for use in the US….yep, as normal, trump is saying “go to hell” to the rest of the world in the midst of this crisis an showing that he really is “the worst person in the world” to steal a phrase from Keith O. I wonder how long it will take to fumigate the stench from the WH and get our allies to trust us again? I guess we’ll find out in November….