Well…my cynicism has been destroyed today but a simple act that is going on in the US House of Representatives today where the dems have had enough of repub obstructionism of sensible gun legislation and are staging a sit in on the house floor. They are joined by their Senate colleagues who the repubs obstructed earlier in the week when THEY tried to get some sensible gun legislation passed…and the repub response? The chicken speaker of the house, Paul Ryan, ordered the cameras for C-span shut off so no one can see this remarkable act of civil disobedience but he is so stupid that he doesn’t understand that there are many other ways to get pictures out these days…then he forbids cameras of any type on the floor…now, which party is the one of freedom and progress and which one is for suppressing the will of the people? I think you can guess…GO DEMS!
Tag Archives: House of representatives
Troglodyte Republicans rule in Michigan…
Well….if you needed a reason to believe that the repubs running this state are troglodytes from another era, you just need to hear what happened yesterday in the House here in Michigan. While there was a debate going on over putting onerous new restrictions on women’s freedom by restricting access to abortion, one of the female house members got up to speak and used the word “vagina” in telling them to keep their hands off her health….well…after this happened, two of the women that opposed these new restrictions and had spoken out against them were not allowed to speak on other bills that were pending in the House….silenced because they opposed the majority and dared to speak out against them…I shouldn’t really be surprised with the way that the repubs here govern…like they don’t have to follow the rules and will use any tactic to make sure the opposition has no voice…from the restrictions put on voting rights to this latest outrage the repubs here show every day that they don’t care about democracy, just the naked exercise of power to ensure their extreme right wing agenda gets jammed down out throats…geez…
The new do-nothing republicans…
Well….it has been an interesting time since the repubs took control of the House in 2010 and this congress is shaping up to be one of the most do-nothing congresses in the history of the country. Where are the jobs bills that will help put people back to work? Where are the infrastructure projects that will start to repair our crumbling country? Where are the forward thinking ideas that will help us compete in the future economy? The answer is nowhere…since it would go against the repubs stated goal of tearing down the government that is so “intrusive”…do they really believe that the private sector will take up the slack and build and repair the bridges, roads, and rural high speed internet that the country needs to prosper? This is the first time in my long life that I see this country going backward led by a party that, when you really take a long look, wants the country to fail for purely political gain and can’t see past party to do what’s right for all of us, not just their large donors. Maybe it’s a good thing that the House is not doing anything since the ideas they bring to the table are so far out of the mainstream that they would be laughable if the press would just say so….let’s remember that the repubs are the party of can’t do, who would like nothing better than to use policy to cement our status as an also-ran country while they profess to protect traditional values…the traditional values of the US are innovation, leadership, and inclusiveness…just the opposite of what the modern repub party stands for…geez….