Troglodyte Republicans rule in Michigan…

Well….if you needed a reason to believe that the repubs running this state are troglodytes from another era, you just need to hear what happened yesterday in the House here in Michigan. While there was a debate going on over putting onerous new restrictions on women’s freedom by restricting access to abortion, one of the female house members got up to speak and used the word “vagina” in telling them to keep their hands off her health….well…after this happened, two of the women that opposed these new restrictions and had spoken out against them were not allowed to speak on other bills that were pending in the House….silenced because they opposed the majority and dared to speak out against them…I shouldn’t really be surprised with the way that the repubs here govern…like they don’t have to follow the rules and will use any tactic to make sure the opposition has no voice…from the restrictions put on voting rights to this latest outrage the repubs here show every day that they don’t care about democracy, just the naked exercise of power to ensure their extreme right wing agenda gets jammed down out throats…geez…

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