Tag Archives: Jeep

Back to the “let’s scare em” playbook

Well…I am just appalled at the stupidity or the willful lying about the auto industry that came out of ole Mitt’s campaign yesterday….if it’s stupidity, then ole Mitt is not the sharp businessman that he purports to be, and if it’s lying…yeah, I know, he lies all the time so what is the big deal? Yesterday, in a speech in Ohio, ole Mitt came on stage and attacked Obama by saying that Chrysler is going to move all Jeep production to China because of too much regulation, yadda, yadda….but in the report that he quoted for his information, it was clear that Chrysler said no such thing…they said they were going to look at restarting Jeep production in China for the Chinese market….and they came out with a letter to ole Mitt saying that it was just an overheated fantasy that they were moving any production…and then stated they were ADDING 1,100 jobs in Detroit…something that ole Mitt didn’t want to hear since those jobs are a direct result of the auto bailout that he vehemently opposed. As always, ole Mitt didn’t think about the workers in those plants in Toledo that he said were closing…he didn’t think about the shock that would come from losing everything…he only thought of them as a prop for his campaign and as a way to get votes…what an amoral piece of crap ole Mitt is…geez…