Tag Archives: platform

I just can’t believe this crap…

Well…it has been a day in politics…not a lot happened but we did have the tone-deaf ole Mitt spout in Michigan that “no one ever asked me for my birth certificate” and I’m not sure what he was getting at…did he mean that this is a difference between he and Obama that should matter in the election? It appears that ole Mitt has embraced the crazy-assed right wing of the repub party…no, that’s wrong…the whole republican party is a crazy-assed right wingers and all Mitt was doing was playing to the birthers. I hope he keeps this crap up because it is defining himself as one of the fringe…one other thing, the head of the repub party is tacitly admitting that the repub platform to be adopted at the convention is so far right it only appeals to the very right base by saying the the platform belongs to the repub party and not ole Mitt…how the hell does that work? Is Mitt not part of the repub party? I just love seeing them contort themselves to justify the craziness…this kind of stuff used to only happen with the real fringes like the John Birch Society…and now it is the repub party…geez…

The war on women continues…

Well…have been reading a bunch of stuff about the Todd Akin flap and the egregious nonsense this idiot has been spouting but the more troubling thing is that, while they try to distance the gop from what are radically stupid beliefs, the repubs are enshrining the same nonsense in the party platform…basically taking the rights of women completely away and giving them to any unborn fetus she may be carrying. Here’s the text:

“Faithful to the ‘self-evident’ truths enshrined in the Declaration of Independence, we assert the sanctity of human life and affirm that the unborn child has a fundamental individual right to life which cannot be infringed,” the draft platform declares. “We support a human life amendment to the Constitution and endorse legislation to make clear that the Fourteenth Amendment’s protections apply to unborn children.”

In these few sentences, the repubs have told every woman that gets pregnant in this country that the act of getting pregnant removes every right they have to control their own bodies and makes them less than those of the fertilized egg. There was an interesting article in Slate today that fleshed out what some of these effect could be…since the fetus has more rights than the mother, does that mean that there will criminal investigations of miscarriages? Since the fetus would now have rights that are individual to it, could a mother be prosecuted if she fell down some stairs and lost the baby? What if a women was diagnosed with cancer? Would she be required by law to not get treatment since the treatment may harm the fetus? Every woman in the US should be outraged at the repubs attempt to rescind their hard-fought rights and make them immediate second-class citizens just for getting pregnant…what a bunch of idiots…geez…