Well…finally, the supreme court the other day drove a stake through another claim of “religious freedom” from a case in Washington State when they turned aside claims by some religious pharmacists who claimed that to have to fill prescriptions for birth control violated their first amendment rights to their free practice of religion. Now, maybe, this will drive religion back to where it belongs, in churches and not being used to force these fanatic’s warped view of religion on their customers….one thing that struck me was Alito’s petulant dissent that the only source of moral and ethical behavior is religion and by not allowing people to force their religion on others, religious freedom will die….that’s a paraphrase, not an actual quote but you get the meaning…and, as an atheist, I take extreme exception to this religious fool trying to tell we atheists can’t be moral or ethical…but, I assert that an atheist choosing to live his or her life morally or ethically without the fear of retribution that comes with religion puts our morality and ethics on a different level than when derived from religion….after all, with no hell to fear or no vengeful god to appease, we live moral and ethical lives because it is the right thing to do…and it’s our choice….
Tag Archives: religious freedom
Jeb just keeps digging…
Well…just read a new piece over at Kos and thought I should comment on it…but first, happy birthday to Pete Townsend…70 years old today…okay, back to Jeb…his pandering to the religious right just got deeper yesterday with his weighing in on the religious “freedom” laws that are propagating in repub controlled states and on the idea that christians should be allowed to discriminate against anyone they want since it is part of their “faith”….here’s the money quote…actually a paraphrase: faith means the ability to do whatever they think is right based on their faith…..did you get that one? Ole Jeb believes that faith gives you the right to pick and choose whatever laws you want to follow….so you think it’s right to murder doctors that perform abortions? A-OK with Jeb. If you think it’s alright to murder people that are not the “right” color….A-OK with Jeb….you can see where this pandering is going, right? They guy who is running to protect the Constitution and our laws is giving a little wink to the religious nuts with that old quote form Orwell’s “Animal Farm” ”everyone’s equal but pigs are a little more equal than the others”….so now he is going to create a “special” protected class that get’s to do whatever they damn well please…as if they don’t already…geez…