Well…yeah, I’m sure you noticed that I skipped day 4 until the election…I decided to stop counting election day itself so that makes it three days…and I’m writing it so I can change if I want…if you’ve been here on the weekends, you’ll know that I usually slack off some with the political ones on the weekends but with the election so close, I thought I’d try some discipline and make sure I do one…so, here goes…after the past four years of stress every damn day with waking up to some new outrage that the orange asshole has foisted on the US and the world, it has gotten considerably worse over the past month or so and I think my stress o meter is pegged at 11…it sure feels like my body is reacting to the news with ever greater nervousness as I see the repubs abandon democracy to try to cheat in the election with their willing enablers on the SC and other courts across the country….I remember when when there was a repub party that was somewhat honest and listened to the will of the people….or at least they didn’t cheat so openly or so widely…but now it appears to be all cheat, all the time across the entire country since they know that 70% of the country don’t want the policies they are selling…and that includes repubs who think that every vote should be counted no matter how long it takes…I mean how does counting mail in ballots a few days after the election proper in accordance with state law make them invalid? But that is the attack that they are going to make…and since some states, like Michigan, can’t start to count the votes until election day (another repub law that is designed to allow some votes to not be counted) we may not have the entire count done until a few days after the election with the huge increase in mail voting due to the pandemic. It is so disheartening to have one of our major political parties abandon democracy to try to protect their power and abandon the principle of “one person, one vote” that has been the bedrock of our country…okay, yeah…that sounds naive and I know that the history of the country is spotty at best giving everyone qualified the vote…but, isn’t it an ideal to aspire to? This is going to be a tough three days….
Tag Archives: republican cheaters
Crooked damn Michigan republicans…
Well…I guess the will of the people means nothing to Michigan republicans…of course, we knew that with their continued efforts to rig elections here to make sure they control the state when they get massively less votes in every damn election. The latest from these anti-American assholes sees them trying to destroy the constitutional amendment that would undo their partisan gerrymandering and that was approved by 61% of the voters here that would take the drawing of congressional districts out of the hands of these cheaters and put it into the hands of a bipartisan commission that would draw the lines fairly…but no, the repubs know that fairly drawn districts would put them permanently in the minority here so, of course, they are trying to defeat the Michigan constitution by refusing to fund the commission, trying their best to prevent our democracy from functioning for purely partisan bullshit. Now, since we control the governorship and the attorney general’s offices here, we can stop them from passing any of this last gasp of cheating by the repubs…but why should we have to? Why do we have to put up with the repub party here never ever doing anything to solve the problems we have here but just continual naked power grabs that make life here worse. We need to throw every damn one of them out and burn that party to the ground….