Tag Archives: republican voter fraud

Voter fraud?

Well…irony is really and truly dead as of last night at the idiot trump’s rally in NC…the idiot was in town to “help” another repub to get elected  to the House in a special election that is being held since the last one for this district was voided for…wait for it…voter fraud perpetrated by the repubs there…but that doesn’t matter to the first no truth administration in the history of the country…and trumpy boy went on and on with his schtick about “massive” voter fraud in California when there has never been a documented case of it there…but it happens all the time in repub controlled states. Why doesn’t the media ask trump for proof of his assertions? Why don’t they just call him a liar and then stop listening to him? trump hasn’t earned any respect from anyone and don’t give me that crap that is respect for the “office” that is keeping reporters from challenging him….while he is in office, there can be no respect for the office…trump has debased it too much…impeach…

This is how far they’ll go…

Well…we all know that the repubs can only win elections by cheating since their ideas are so unpopular with over 60% of the electorate…and cheat they do, gerrymandering, voter purges, and voter ID are just a few of the methods they regularly use to stay in power…but, in North Carolina they have come up with a new one in a little watched race….it appears that the repub candidate who is ahead by a little over 900 votes, has had people affiliated with his campaign, or maybe it’s the party go door to door collecting absentee ballots and changing the votes in them to repubs or, if they have dem votes and can’t be changed, just throwing them in the trash. This cheating is so bad that the repub controlled election board voted unanimously to not certify the election results…and the kicker is that the majority of the stolen ballots were from elderly black voters who certainly wouldn’t have voted for the repub….so they get a two fer…steal an election and be a racist piece of shit….anyone involved in this scheme, including the candidate who it appears did this same thing to win the primary needs to go to jail..after all, voter fraud is so damn important to the repubs…geez…