Tag Archives: revoked passport

Paul Manafort isn’t going anywhere…

Well…I’ll admit I had a pretty big smile on my face when I read the news that Paul Manafort was yanked off a plane this morning in Miami and his passport revoked as he was trying to make a run for it to Dubai….and it seems a little funny that this would happen to the fully pardoned trump flunky unless there are other things going on at the Justice department that are going to break soon…like more crimes in Ukraine to go with the the ones he already committed there that helped lead to Putin’s invasion….or even maybe that this could be part of a criminal complaint against the idiot boy (we can hope) that could land them both in jail and the JD is making sure he is going to be here to face the charges…and this time he will stay in jail since he doesn’t have the idiot to give him a pardon and that fact may even get him to cooperate this time. This will be an interesting one to watch over the next couple of weeks…and it couldn’t happen to a bigger crook…oh, okay…trump is a bigger crook and I hope they get him in this one, too…geez…