Tag Archives: russian disinformation

All the dirt falls flat….

Well…the lies aren’t getting much traction this time since people have figured out that all this administration does is lie. Over the past few days, two of the right’s biggest conspiracy theories have fallen like a lead balloon…just as I said months ago….the “biggest scandal in the history of the country” as touted by trump has just been shown to a huge nothing burger…so much so that the lawyer who was tasked with the investigation by the criminal Barr has even resigned from the justice department after he found that the whole “unmasking scandal” had no basis in fact…to recap…the right wing went nuts when the Obama administration “unmasked” some names of people who were in contact with the Russians that had been redacted as they normally would be…and it was all part of the counter intelligence investigation into the trump campaign’s collusion with the Russians…something that has been proven many times over…and this unmasking process has happened over 17,000 times during the idiot’s administration…and the investigator found absolutely no wrongdoing on anyone’s part….so no “October surprise” that Barr and trump could use to attack Biden. But, since that one didn’t work…they tried the Ukraine bullshit again early this week with a story so filled with Russian disinformation that both facebook and twitter shut down multiple right wing accounts for pushing these debunked lies…including the idiot’s official campaign account…and now guess what the biggest scandal in history has changed to? Yep, CENSORSHIP! Finally, these social media platforms are following their own rules prohibiting lies in political tweets and posts…where the hell were you guys in 2016? At least this time the dirt has fallen flat, although the NYT parroted this crap yesterday and I’ve not seen an apology today….3 weeks and trump is gone…