Well….just got the coffee working and wanted to do a short one on an article that I just read on Huff post….the company Switch is putting in a new 1GW solar installation in Arizona that will produce electricity at 4.9 cents a kilowatt hour including the cost of the installation….if you’re not sure if this is good or not, you have to just look at the average cost of electricity from various other sources in Arizona…including coal and gas fired plants that cost consumers there almost 13 cents a KW hour. Now, the repubs and the idiot trump continually bleat that the “free market” is the most wonderful thing that has ever happened but don’t really mean it…doing everything in their power to continue to support the more expensive, dirty forms of energy since they get so much of their political funding from coal and oil companies…but, with people waking up to the cost saving that are available by using solar power, nothing they can do can stop companies from looking at the bottom line and saving their companies money by buying solar power. Coal is going to die no matter what idiot by does…he may be able to delay it some but it is inevitable….
Tag Archives: solar energy
Stupidity alert!
Well…was just getting the rest of my online papers read and ran across this huge piece of stupidity from Fox news….if you pay any attention to the right, and not just for laughs, you know that they hold any form of energy that doesn’t come out of the ground with utter contempt…trotting out the failure of Solyndra whenever anyone talks about solar energy. Yesterday, though, in looking for ways to denigrate the solar industry here, they held Germany up as the only success in the world and for a really startling and really stupid reason….Germany has more sunny days than anywhere in the world! Yep, they actually had a “scientist” come on and say that….and say that California only has a few sunny days a year so solar can never work in the US. The problem is that this “scientist” was just plain wrong…wrong, wrong, wrong….when you actually look at the data (yeah, I know, the right doesn’t believe in facts or data) every state in the US has more sunny days than Germany….well…it’s tied with Alaska but that doesn’t change the fact that Fox is at the top of the stupidity scale once again…..and they completely ignore the fact that the subsidies that the Germans have given their industry is many, many times more that that given to get the industry moving here….what a bunch of maroons…geez…