Well….have been busy today and just got caught up on the news on my twitter feed and all I can say is yow! Another 1100 point drop for the Dow today bringing the week’s bloodbath to over 3000 points…something that has never been seen in the history of the country…I guess the traders and businesses are showing that they know that trump and his cronies are in no way qualified to handle the coronavirus and it is going to get much, much worse before it gets better…that puts the stock market in official correction territory by losing 10% of it’s value…and that has happened not over months but over the past 4 days…and we still have another day this week…I don’t know if idiot boy’s memory is gone but just a few years ago he spouted off at Obama, saying that “if the dow drops 1,000 points in two days the president should immediately be impeached”….and I think there is another one where he said that if he were president and that happened, he would resign….so, donnie, what’s keeping you from it? You’ve been running on Obama’s economy and the huge deficits that your repub cronies helped create but now it looks like the happy fun times are over and you just don’t have the people or smarts to do anything about it….so, moron, resign since you are just a rotting stain on this country and the stench is spreading everywhere….hey, the weekend is coming…any bets on if idiot boy goes golfing?