Tag Archives: stupid mistakes

One little bit of truth…

Well….if you missed it, the Donald gave what could be called an economics speech the other day in Detroit…and, in between the Hillary bad crap, there was just one little bit of truth that came through…ole Trump was going off about how bad the Michigan economy is and how it would be so much better if the dems weren’t running it…yeah, well, Donald…take another look…the dems don’t control anything here in Michigan so of course, the crappy economy is the repubs fault…that wage stagnation is a result of policies that take money from retirees and give it to CEO’s so they can buy another summer home while we struggle to pay our bills….and laws that allow the repub freeloaders to not pay their fair share of taxes, and that allow freeloading union members to reap the benefits of union representation while not paying for that representation…but that is the repub way…bitch about freeloaders and then put policies in place that allow repubs to be the freeloaders while everyone else can go to hell…sad….