Tag Archives: suborning perjury

The end is coming…

Well…cripes, this is what I get from watching Gotham and The Orville last night instead of watching Rachel…a bombshell report from Buzzfeed lays it out that there is testimony and evidence that the idiot trump told Michael Cohen to lie to congress about his trump tower project in Moscow that trump constantly lied about and said he had “no business in Russia”. So, what does this mean? To me, and to everyone else who is not a repub, it means that it is clear that idiot boy suborned perjury…meaning that he directed someone to lie on his behalf…and the second part of that is that this is clear obstruction of justice that has nothing to do with the Mueller investigation but is in addition to it…this also lays bare the leverage that Putin had on trump after trump lied and lied and lied on the campaign trail and even after he was installed as president…and it is exactly the crime that Cohen is going to prison for for more than 3 years. Now we know why trump has been kissing Putin’s ass for so long and why he has destroyed our middle east foreign policy to help Putin…he was scared that Putin would reveal that he was a criminal, and this is just normal spycraft for the Russians that they have used for years and Putin is an expert at it.  So, the end is finally coming and I expect there will be articles of impeachment filed before the end of the month or idiot boy will resign…but, this won’t be the end for trump…Pence may pardon him for federal crimes, but there are so many state investigations going on of trump and his businesses that it appears he will spend the rest of his life in prison…along with his children who are neck deep in all of this, too…good riddance…impeach…