Well…I know I’m a little late with this one but I had some stuff to get done…don’t feel as bad as I should today…had a fun night out with Tom and won at pool again…started to watch Avatar last night when I got home and had to finish it this morning..one of the reasons I’m late. Don’t know what all the excitement was about the movie…certainly not an oscar nominee to my mind but neither was the Hurt Locker, the movie that won best picture…I can’t remember a recent winner that really made you say “that was a movie!”
Don’t have a lot to do today but there is outrage coming about a columnist for the Detroit News who says that Obama should lay off business and go back to the policies of the Bushies….yep, you heard it right…I’ll be back after working out and running some errands to take that one on…more later….
Well…another early morning and my brain is still pretty foggy so I think his one will be short…not a lot to do today but since it is Wednesday, it’s out for pool in Ada later and maybe a haircut this morning. We’ll see…
As I said, not a lot to say this morning….I’ll be back after coffee with a clearer head and something to say…will probably post the rest of the novel if you’ve been waiting for it and I think I’m going to write a new one in real time starting this weekend so check back for that one…or not, if there is anything going on and I have something else to do. I don’t want you to think that this is all I have to do…well, it almost is, but I still have my delusions and I’m going to keep them for a while…I like them. More later…
Okay…that was almost an outrage overload but I had to get that stuff out…you know how that feels. But I also feel conflicted that I am adding to the anger in everyday discourse but, at least in the examples I’ve cited, I think the anger is justified. There’s a difference in being angry about things that exist and just inventing things to be angry about…
Let’s move on to more fun stuff…did go fishing with Tom in the Grand River this aft…I caught two suckers, one of them almost 15 inches long, and Tom caught a smallmouth…drowned a dozen nightcrawlers to do it but it was kind of relaxing to be doing things we did from the same bank of the river 35 years ago. And, this time, there were no bubbles in the river from the runoff from Amway or the smell of soap that used to permeate the air in Ada. Yay!
I think I’ve used up all of my outrage for a couple of days…but don’t let that stop you from coming back..I’m still working on that change thing that I have been promising…maybe just a chronicling of what changes have happened? But change only exists as to it’s effect on people so I think that needs to be part of it. It’s gonna hurt but not talking about it is even worse….more later.
Well..I hope you’ve seen the latest campaign ad by Rick Barber who is running for the House from Alabama, where he uses the image of Abraham Lincoln to drive home his point that paying your fair share of taxes is equivalent to slavery. Really, Rick? Let’s start with the fact that many people in Alabama still hate Lincoln and the north for the Civil War so, let’s trot out the president that raised the first income tax to pay for the war? And propagate the lie that he would agree with you?
I have my doubts that we have a sustainable gene pool if this is the best that Alabama has to offer; and that anyone who can think would vote for this moron…please Alabama, prove me wrong…Geez…
Well…in the last post, I neglected to mention another wonderful statement that came out of Boehner’s mouth today….another jaw-dropper that is breathtaking in its obtuseness…he stated that reforming the financial regulations that the Dems have been working on, regulations (or lack of them) that allowed the worst meltdown and recession in 8o years is like “killing an ant with a nuclear weapon”.
Oh, really, John? How did all that de-regulatin’ work out for the country? How many people are out of work because of you and your ilk whose only allegiance is to the corporations that buy your votes to stack the deck against ordinary folks?
Are you stupid or do you just not care what you say? Oh, that’s right, the repubs don’t care what they say because most of it is lies or comes form the little voices in their heads….
I’ve been working very hard to not be angry all the time about everything, and my friends can see I’ve had some success; but when I see this stuff from any public figure who is cynically using his position for the personal gain of his business friends…I can’t stay silent…I hope you can’t either…geez…
Okay folks..if you had any doubt of what the GOP is all about, all you have to do is open your ears and eyes and listen to the new assaults on the middle class that they have proposed in the last couple of days…first you have George Will (I know, not a legislator but he is a defacto leader and one of the “brightest” brains of the repubs) saying that there should be no more extensions of unemployment benefits for anyone since “doing so will just encourage people to stay unemployed”. Okay George, who in their right mind would chose to lose their house, medical benefits, and everything else they’ve worked for just to get a measley 300 dollars a week? Where the hell are those jobs they are not taking? I’d really like to know since I could use one as could many other people I know..one who is going to lose his house because you and your repub buddies are so worried now about the deficit. Where were you when you and all of your rich, repub cronies were getting millions in tax cuts that you knew were going to put the country in the red and you didn’t care…you got yours so the hell with everyone else.
And now we have Boehner today saying that the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan should be paid for by pushing the eligibility for social Security back to 70 and then means testing for anyone to get any money at all. Now, you know how these guys are about taxes, doesn’t he realize this is one of the largest tax increases in history if his plan is followed? Oh, but is not a tax on his beloved corporations but on the middle class so that is okay in his eyes. It is just another way to minimize the importance of Social Security and for the repubs to get what has been their goal since the 30′s; the elimination of any and all safety nets for everyday people…just listen to their senate candidate from Nevada, Sharron Angle, who has stated that Social security should be eliminated and everyone should be on their own.
I sit here amazement that anyone listens to George Will or John Boehner anymore…they are despicable people that need to go away and take their ideas with them….geez….
Well…not so long a night last night but was up watching tv at 4…oh, promised I would talk about that any more…so I won’t. It was kind of a busy day yesterday but that means that today will be kind of slow. Found out some things last night that I was expecting to hear but that didn’t make it any easier. I may share it at some point but let’s just say that it involves more and more change that has left me kind of numb to the effects over the past year or so…or not really numb but resigned I guess…
I am going to go fishing today with Tom so that will be fun and relaxing even when we don’t catch fish…what can be better than sitting in a park, watching the water, and getting some sun? I’ll let you know how it goes later in the day and I also will have another somewhat lucid comment I hope…the environment is getting target-rich again. More later…
Oh, the comment will probably be about Rick Barber and Sharron Angle and the absolute craziness coming out of their campaigns…it makes me smile….
Well…the gun rights people are happy today after the Supreme court made it harder for states and cities to have their own restrictions on guns. Now, I’m a pretty liberal, progressive person but when it comes to the constitution, I sometimes have to side with the righties when they have an absolutist view of the rights that they hold dear. My big problem is that most people pick and choose the rights they want to defend having more than once heard these very same righties utter the phrase “if you don’t have anything to hide, you won’t mind having your home, car, or person searched” on the capricious authority of any police officer. You’ve heard me tell of the horror stories that come from this kind of power and of the gutting of what is the most important amendment in the bill of rights; the fourth.
So why can’t we agree that the entire constitution is important and needs defending by both the right and left? Where was the right when their darling boy GW made the biggest attack on the constitution and their rights in history? Geez…
Well…I’m kind of reluctant to share yesterday with you since it was really quite a boring day…no calls or texts from anyone, which I’m starting to get used to but don’t want to. There was the Germany England match in the world cup but it was so lopsided that I didn’t watch the whole thing. I did watch “Crazy Heart” with Jeff Bridges that I got from Netflix and I think that his Oscar was not earned for this one…kind of pedestrian writing, but was more a career thing.
What’s happening today? Hmmmm…not too much…need to work out and get a ride in and then do a bunch of stuff around here…still haven’t recycled the newspapers or worked on the wreck yet so that has to be done but I’m still not too motivated right now. Maybe after coffee…and I’ll try to get outraged about something and put together a post that will be of some interest…more later…
Well…not the result I wanted or expected from the USA Ghana match yesterday but our guys tried hard and did overcome a lot of bad calls and adversity to get to the knockout round….so guys, I salute you! I am still going watch the rest of the games and we have a Germany England match going on right now that is going to have a great second half…the game should be tied at 2-2 but, inexplicably, England had a clear goal nullified since none of the refs saw it…I guess England knows how we feel now, huh?
I’ll probably update this later today after the Mexico game…might even go over to the Mex place for a beer but should probably give the stomach and liver a rest.