Well…don’t like the idea of Philly getting even with the Blackhawks in the Stanley Cup playoffs….but that will make it more interesting to watch the game that I can see Sunday since it’s not on Versus. Still want the Hawks to win, though.
Oh, and the USA beat Australia today 3-1 but looked like crap….if they play like that next Sat against England, it will be 6-0 England in the first half…guys, let’s avoid going out in the first round again, please.
Well….can’t believe how sensitive the shifter is on the bike…about a 16th of an inch of adjustment and it works better than it ever has…yay! Now I need to clean the thing up before I go to Chi-town Thurs to visit my daughter…will probably go down thurs evening and stay until the USA England match is over…coming back Sat night..or not, who knows, I may do what I normally do and that is to get out of dodge as soon as possible.
It has been a somewhat boring day but I did get my bathroom cleaned and the whole place vacuumed; getting ready for the sports car race to start at 2…have some chicken brining for dinner but will have to bake it since the grill is gone…brined chicken is no good on the grill anyway. It kind of feels good to have had a no-drink night last night…have a lot more energy today but that may be the coffee…
I did re-watch Burn Notice this morning…must have been the booze thurs night since it was not bad today…probably should stop
drinking completely for a while and give the liver a rest….at least for this weekend….well…maybe not…
I promise more later about other subjects…you may be getting bored with this stuff..but I wouldn’t know without comments…;-)
Well…it’s early morning and I’m sitting here thinking what to write today….hmmmm..the weather, the bike? Nope, the US takes on Australia in a World Cup tune up game in a few minutes so that is something that I have to see. I have been working on the bike and was so bored yesterday that I took the brakes apart to change the pads from front to rear; since the rears get all of the use…well…after I took them apart I remembered that I had already done that earlier in the spring. I did try to adjust the shifter to get the downshifts better and will find out if that worked later this morning when I go out after the soccer game. What else? Oh, burned my grill to the ground last week when the burner split down the side and went up in a huge fireball…only a couple of months old but I had problems with it since new…but now I have to find another one which isn’t too easy since most of the stores are already stocking winter stuff…geez….
Well…as has happened the previous two seasons, Burn Notice disappointed me somewhat last night…they just never hit their storytelling stride but I have hope that they will get better. Not much else to say today…just bored silly and nothing to do for the weekend…hmmm…I guess I’ll have to start making my own fun again since I never really hear from anyone anymore. Yeah, I know, stop whining…more later….
Well…as you already know, one of the Detroit Tigers pitchers lost a perfect game this week due to a bad call from one of the umpires. What surprised me was the reaction of the pitcher, umpire, and Tiger’s manager to the mistake… and of the Detroit fans the next day; cheering the ump and Armando Galarraga (the pitcher) when he brought the lineup card to the ump who was the home plate umpire that day.
This was a display of class that I thought I’d never see again in my lifetime…thank you for making me smile…
Well….I wish Newt Gingrich would get the hell out of Michigan and stop spouting his class warfare nonsense that has polluted our air here for the past few days. His latest prescription for the ills that were visited on Michigan by his repub buddies that were rewarded for moving jobs out of the US is to make anyone who is getting unemployment benefits work to get them. Doesn’t he get how stupid that sounds? If there were jobs for the people on unemployment, they would have them. Or does he think that people will lose their homes and devastate their lives to just cruise on the generous benefit of $300 a week? The next question that comes to mind is: whose work would they do? Newt’s answer is, of course, the jobs that union workers do now. Which goes along with his other suggestion that Michigan be made a right-to-work state for public employees which would destroy the gains that people have fought for since the early 1900′s. These guys don’t give a damn about anyone but their little, inbred world where they talk about merit but practice the ugliest form of preference to their own kind through connections that are passed from generation to generation.
Haven’t you gotten tired of these idiots who have never had to work a day in their lives telling you what’s best for you? I know, I’ve used that phrase before but I have to keep repeating it to make people understand.
One last comment that I have to pass on that came from ole Newt, someone that is supposed to be a spokesman for the Repubs: “Poor people respond to money and will turn to illegal activities if it’s not available through other means” Which is funny since I don’t think he knows any poor people and the ones I know (including me) work hard and just want the game to stop being rigged for the rich. Geez….
Well…finally won a week shooting pool last night…but forgot it was Tom’s birthday…just don’t remember anyone’s except my kids and T’s really…but we had fun and I won 11 bucks toward the tab so that was not bad. Feel kind of crappy today but don’t think it’s from yesterday, probably from not sleeping and getting up at 5:30. No plans for the day today except to get back on the bike since it rained all day yesterday….and, I know this is kind of strange, but one of my favorite shows on tv comes back on tonight and I’m really looking forward to the entertainment. More later…
I can’t believe what happened today…when a man goes crazy and kills 12 people in England and the majority of comments come from idiots that want to promote their gun-owning agendas….where are their hearts for the victims and their families? I am so disgusted with people that will use any tragedy to try to make a point that I grieve for the human race in general if that is what we have to look forward to….all I can do is apologize to those families…forgive the Americans…we are not all callous idiots…..
Well…I think this may work if you click on the link below…the first 10 pages of the novel should come up…if it doesn’t, please let me know so I can get the geek son (and I say that lovingly) to show me how to do it….I hope you enjoy it….
Haven’t figured out what the interval will be for posts so if it’s not fast enough, leave a comment and I’ll get off my butt and get more uploaded…
well…reading the newspapers over the last few years has revealed a troubling theme the I just have to comment on. Even with the overall middle-class tax burden at it’s lowest point in the last 50 years, the prevailing wisdom is that the only way to get the states and federal budget under control is to cut services, to cut the wages and benefits of workers, and cut the gains that have made the middle class the engine of our economy. Just yesterday, ole Newt suggested in Michigan that the only way out of the problem is to cut benefits that teachers and other workers have fought for the last 50 years to get.
I just have to relay what one of my professors in grad school told our class; that you can’t cut your way to prosperity and growth, that a monkey can come in and take away benefits and lay off people…but that is all I hear today…cut, cut, cut….is this jealousy from the people that are now on the outside looking in without protection that comes from being part of a unionized workforce? Where is the shared sacrifice that made our country unique in the world? I truly believe that this is a plan by the righties to fragment the opposing powers that they have fought with for control of the profits of the economy; and they are winning the battle to demonize workers to the benefit of their corporate sponsors. Why is there no uproar on the right when their leaders champion the outsourcing of American jobs which puts downward pressure on the wages of the remaining workers here? Why doesn’t anyone think that a rising middle class in wages and benefits is a good thing? Who is going to buy the 40,000 dollar Suburban when the average wage is being pushed down to minimum wages level?
I think it’s sad that our supposed leaders have stopped leading us to the future and the ideals that have been part of this country since it’s inception; that we can do anything if we just work together and that the future will be better than today….small minds think small….geez…