There’s been an interesting development here in Michigan in regard to texting while driving. There are bills in the legislature that, with the urging of many police departments, would make texting while driving a primary offense; meaning that the police could pull over any motorist if they suspect they are texting. Does anyone else see the potential for abuse here? It’s the same old dodge they have been using for years, similar to “you have a burnt out taillight” or a similar car has been used in a crime, that has led many overzealous officials down the path of gutting the 4th amendments protections against illegal search. Fortunately, at least at this early date, there will still be a requirement to get a warrant to actually look at the device in question. But a police chief quoted in today’s “Detroit News” has said that his officers will be instructed to ask to look at every phone and I fear that most people will not know that it is their right to refuse. Now, don’t get me wrong, being a police officer is many times a thankless, dangerous job, and I support them when they follow the rules like you and I have to, and I agree distracted driving is a problem that needs to be solved. But to give the police the power to pull over any motorist that they suspect may be texting (how about all Fords that have Sync installed) is too large of an intrusion given that the number of accidents in most of the country are declining. Just my opinion…
All posts by James DeVol
Wings are in!
Just a short one before I work out and get a bike ride in….thank you Blackhawks for beating the Flames. We’re in the playoffs for the 19th straight year! Thank you Wings and let’s get going for the playoff run. Osgood looked rusty but I still think he should get some games in before the playoffs.
bad weekend for sports
Well…this weekend was pretty terrible for the good guys…the Wings lost two and then Michigan State went down…but congrats to Butler..hope they win it all. Don’t know why I want them to win but when my teams go out, I’ll take the underdog to be the one. Not logical but that’s that’s just how it is for me.
At least the Formula One race was kind of interesting but verged on being Napcar. I am a huge Nascar fan but over the past few seasons, we have taken to calling it Napcar…since you can start the race, see about 50 laps or so, then take a nap, and wake up for the last 50 laps and you will be able to get the gist of the race. Used to be a big fan when the teams were allowed to be innovative (read cheat) and the cars were not identical. Loved it when, I think it was Curtis Turner, took his 67 chevelle race car and cut 8 inches out of the center to make it narrower and thus faster. Back then, and into the 70′s and 80′s, it was always interesting to read about the sport and who got caught; then you could marvel at their creativity. Now people get caught for a bolt missing from an oil tank or being off from one of the templates by a 16th of an inch…just not the same.
Red Wings and Preds
Well, that was a little disappointing to get to overtime by a great goal by Pavel with 36 secs to go, only to lose it 16 secs into overtime. But a great game, we got a point, and Nashville only has 2 games left and we have 4. so, Go Wings! Can’t wait for the playoffs to start. I think we Wings fans can finally stop holding our breaths.
The First One
I’ve found that it is much easier to talk about writing daily than it is to do it, but I have some things to say and will be saying them as regularly as possible. Most topics will be fair game and will include politics, sports, and periodic posts of the new novel as I get the pages done. And, of course, the musings on life that come from having a long one but one that is still confusing at times.
One of the first things I want to say is thanks to my son, Jameson, for getting this whole thing up and running…but I am waiting for his call since it’s been an hour and I can’t remember some of the functions that I need to be able to use. It’s not that I’m computer illiterate, but you know how it is when you get a new piece of software? It usually takes a while until the thing is second nature…
well….that’s enough for now….the Red Wings are playing and are behind so I think I’ll go watch some…