All posts by James DeVol

The First One

I’ve found that it is much easier to talk about writing daily than it is to do it, but I have some things to say and will be saying them as regularly as possible. Most topics will be fair game and will include politics, sports, and periodic posts of the new novel as I get the pages done. And, of course, the musings on life that come from having a long one but one that is still confusing at times.

One of the first things I want to say is thanks to my son, Jameson, for getting this whole thing up and running…but I am waiting for his call since it’s been an hour and I can’t remember some of the functions that I need to be able to use. It’s not that I’m computer illiterate, but you know how it is when you get a new piece of software? It usually takes a while until the thing is second nature…

well….that’s enough for now….the Red Wings are playing and are behind so I think I’ll go watch some…