Well…with all of the repubs still falling at the idiot trump’s feet and his takeover of the RNC complete granting him another piggybank to rob, my question to the rubes out there is when are you going to wise up? Just this past year, the RNC has paid over 50 million dollars in idiot boy’s legal bills that was a direct transfer from the rube’s pockets to trump’s…and now the new chair of the RNC is now one of his idiot sons wife who has pledged that all the money they raise is going directly to trump leaving all the rest of the repubs scratching for the crumbs left over and their only hope to get any financial help is if it will benefit trump in some way…and the house repubs see the writing on the wall and are retiring in droves along with a few senators who are all carping on the way out that they can’t work with the trumpers any more…and that made me laugh since they are all trumpers now…this is probably going to be another year that idiot boy will cost the repubs control of the government just like in 2020…and they barely took it back in 2022 when it was supposed to be a “red wave”…as I’ve said before, everything trump touches dies…RIP RNC…geez…
Category Archives: Politics
Joe is helping Michigan…
Well…I think we all need to do our parts to make sure all of the good that Joe Biden is doing sees the light of day…and that’s necessary since the polls show that not many people know how much he’s gotten done…so I’ll talk a little about what’s happening in Michigan sine I live here….sine Joe took office, companies have committed over 21 billion dollars in private sector investments here…creating thousands of jobs and helping us move to a clean energy economy…the big three are investing over 9 billion dollars in manufacturing plants here and those will all be good paying union jobs…and then there are the4.4 billion dollars for infrastructure projects that will help repair roads, bridges, and road safety…and another 1.7 billion dollars for clean water projects…since he took office, there are 332,000 more jobs here in Michigan…and then there is the 2K cap on medicare drug expenses and 35 dollar insulin…so when anyone says they don’t know if Joe has done anything for them here in Michigan, steal this post and show them…we sure need 4 more years of Joe…geez…
Don’t want to talk about idiot boy…
Well…have been writing about the idiot too much lately so today I won’t….so, what to talk about? Gym Jordan is trying to do another hatchet job on Joe Biden in hearings today and it’s another big swing and a miss and Jerry Nadler brought a supercut of the idiot’s decline for comparison…had to laugh about that…I sure hope we can hold all three branches of government here in Michigan this fall…so many good things have been done with the dems in control of everything and I’d really like to grind the repubs into the dirt…one of the things that I’ve read about that I really like is the possibility that we can take control of the entire federal government this fall and then Biden will be able to get a national anti gerrymandering law passed so the states don’t have to do it on their own…especially red states that want to be able to cheat in every election….that’s the problem with the repub party these days…it is built on cheating in everything they do since no one wants their ideas if they have any….okay, that’s enough for now…I’ll be back later for one more…
What the heck is wrong with old people?
Well…I have a question…what the hell is wrong with old people? They keep voting for repubs and every one of them has vowed to cut the programs that keep them and me alive…I sure as hell would never vote for any repub again with a party that is filled with liars an crooks…and just today, in a softball interview, the idiot trump lied about SS, medicare and Medicad causing the deficit which it isn’t…and the righties have now said if they are elected, they will abolish the SS taxes which will effectively kill the programs…and millions of Americans like me who depend on it to live…and I’m sure as hell not going back to work at my age…so, we need to vote for dems up and down the ballot…and the dems need to run ads with a supercut of every time idiot boy has said he will destroy SS…they had a good one up in one of the posts over at Kos today…go watch it, then vote like your lives depend on it…mine does…
The prize for the dumbest person in the world goes to…
Well…yeah, you know who I’m talking about…after paying an 84 million dollar bond on Friday after losing a lawsuit for libel, the idiot trump is back out there saying all of the same crap about E.Jean Carroll that cost him that money…I will bet she is going to sue him again to add to the 90 million he has to pay her…so I wonder if the next court is going to smack him down to the tune of quarter of a billion dollars? Doing this again has to earn him the prize for being the dumbest person in the world…has he deteriorated so much mentally that he can’t help himself? Or is he pissed that Biden tore him a new one in the SOTU and he’s trying to get the spotlight back on his orange hide? Who cares? I sure don’t…he should just have a stroke and get out of our lives…geez…
He borrowed the money from putin’s cronies…
Well…one of the big stories to me from this past week is not even in the news after one day and I think that’s wrong…on Friday, the idiot trump had to post an 85 million dollar bond since he lost both E. Jean Carroll cases and didn’t have the cash to put up…but where did he get the cash? I’ve seen a couple of stories that say that he got the money laundered through a man with contacts in the Kremlin which means Putin…I’m sure no bank here in the US would lend him a cent with all of the money he has stolen from them by manipulating the worth of his properties so he had to go somewhere and where else would he go? He’s tried to give Ukraine to Russia and I’m sure that putin sees it as a good investment just in case he gets re elected (he won’t)…but how much of national security risk does this make him? Damn, he and his idiot son in law were already giving away classified information before the loan so now he has even more reason to steal more and give them to putin…so, he should never be anywhere near any state secrets ever again…geez…
Did you see that speech?
Well…damn, I wonder what the repubs are going to use to attack Joe Biden after the SOTU speech last night? They have been going on and on that Joe is “losing” it…that he is senile and is too old to be re elected…but last night he blew all of that crap right out of the water with a fiery speech that highlighted the accomplishments of his administration and attacked the do nothing repubs who are holding up aid to Ukraine…he even got in digs against the SC saying that “women are coming for them” after their dismantling of Roe…anyone that watched that speech and still thinks that Joe is too old and feeble to do the job is just part of the cult of trump and should be ignored…even the media that had bought into the he’s too old thing they have been pushing begrudgingly admitted it was one of the best speeches Joe had ever done…now I want to see them comparing it to the word salad the trump spews out every damn day…if you haven’t watched it, do yourself a favor and go find it…it gave me hope for the fall election…
It’s the courts…
Well…if you needed more reason to vote for Joe in the fall than all of the good stuff he’s gotten done, just think about the damage the idiot trump has done to the courts and the resulting damage to our democracy….for the first time in history, the supreme court has taken rights away from US citizens and it’s all because of the corrupt justices that idiot boy put on the bench…and just this week they were up to the same corrupt antics again when the conservatives voted that the states couldn’t enforce the 14th amendment by keeping the criminal in chief off the ballot after he led the insurrection on January 6th…that amendment is plain and was used to keep hundreds of confederates from running for office and yet this supreme court ignored precedent, as they always do, making trump more equal than anyone else…so if you want that fixed, vote for dems up and down the ballot so we can take back the house, keep the senate and return one of the most effective presidents in the last 100 years to the WH…it’s up to us to save this country…so vote…geez…
The polls were wrong…
Well…with the super Tuesday primaries over and Nikki Haley dropping out, it looks like the idiot trump is going to be the repub nominee even if he has to run from prison…but one thing that blared out is that polls that predicted idiot boy blowing out haley, he underperformed in every election by anywhere from 7 to 35%…and one thing the he should be worried about is almost 70% of haley voters won’t vote for trump…and with Joe winning an starting to pull the dems together and will get more of the independents and moderates…especially since idiot boy just did a speech where he told the moderate repubs to go somewhere else…he only wants the maga assholes left in the repub party…and that won’t draw in anyone but his maga base…so, I think Joe is going to do okay and beat the idiot again now that it’s general election time…after all, the dems have more money since the idiot is hoovering up all the right wing cash and have a good record to run on…I guess we’ll see…geez…
Billionaires ruin everything…
Well…sitting here trying to find a topic and one just popped into my head…after the SC ruling putting the idiot trump back on the ballot in Colorado, it occurred to me that all of the troubles that this country has right now is caused by billionaires…billionaires funded the shady organizations that picked the unqualified right wingers on the court that is going to give idiot boy “complete immunity” to commit even more crimes…billionaires bought up all of the media Like the NYT and the Washington Post and now they are just right wing rags that are doing their best to get trump elected again…and then we have a billionaire named Sinclair who is buying up local tv stations across the country and turning them into right wing propaganda machines…and don’t get me started about the asshole musk who bought twitter and turned it into a cesspool of nazis and hate and who just loves him some putin…you get the point…all of the troubles and hate in this country is being actively funded by billionaires and they are hellbent on destroying all of the institutions that make this a good country…and it’s just because they can…because people don’t vote or vote for a 91 felony count rapist that can’t string two sentences together….so get out and vote for the good guys up an down the ballot…geez…