Category Archives: Politics

Not a landslide…

Well…how damn dumb is our media getting? after the Iowa repub caucuses yesterday, predictably. the media went on and on about the “landslide” for trump and are bleating on about him being unbeatable…blah, blah…but let’s take a quick look at the numbers…how the heck can trump only get 51% of the die hard maga asshole repubs? That’s not a landslide to me at all…and let’s also remember that only 15% of all repubs even voted in Iowa…so he got 51% of 15%….which is what, around 8% of the possible voters? If I was on his campaign I would be hitting the panic button about now since 49% of the repubs that came out aren’t buying what he’s selling….which is hate, stupidity, and graft…so, before we give idiot boy credit for what he didn’t do, let’s just relax and see what happens…geez…

Who cares?

Well…as you know, I’ve been a politcal junkie for a long time but I think that is starting to change…I mean today is the Iowa caucuses for the repub nomination and I could not care less…the repubs are just a cult anyway and it doesn’t matter who they pick anymore…none of the candidates have any policies except taking away women’s rights, tax cuts for the rich, and hating on immigrants…no nuance at all but just shouting out what will get their cretin followers worked up…one thing I am going to look for later is how badly desantis did so maybe he’ll be out of the race…what a worthless human being…okay, they all are so I shouldn’t single him out…the idiot trump will probably win anyway so who cares about that, either? I would think that his followers would be tired of getting lied to and having their donations used to pay his legal bills and settlements…I mean 5 million bucks to E. Jean Carroll? every penny of that came out of the pockets of the morons who follow him but it doesn’t matter to them…it is a cult after all…;geez…

Warmest year in 100,000…

Well…it’s cold and snowing outside so climate change can’t be real…I’ve actually read that in the media today and when I hear it, I wonder why people would say it…are they so ignorant they don’t understand the science behind it? You don’t make profit from it unless you’re an oil company so why would the ordinary person go out of their way to deny it’s happening? Is it they fell for the right wing propaganda? Look, scientists have been shouting that CC was happening for almost 50 years now and their predictions have been proven to be way too conservative…the climate is getting worse faster than they predicted and that results in the warmest year in 100,000 years happening in 2023…and the next 10 have happened since 2008…so yes, we are warming the planet and we are quickly approaching the point of no return as we do noting about it…as an aside, the best state to be in to survive this emergency is Michigan since we are far enough away from the oceans to not have to worry about strengthening hurricanes or sea level rise and we have the great lakes for a water supply…it is predicted that we are going to have 30-100 million people in this country as climate refugees in the next 50 years who are trying to find some place safe to live as the coasts become uninhabitable due to flooding…but year…climate change is a hoax….morons…


Well…not sure if your system carries the MeTV+ channel but you have to stop watching it…I turned it on for the old tv shows the other day and every damn commercial is a maga one…lots of them from Hillsdale college pushing their free right wing “propaganda” classes where they are trying to groom the next generation of maga idiots…and lots of the ads are thinly disguised attacks on democrats and especially Joe Biden…they seem to think everything Joe does is unconstitutional and “destroying our freedoms”…and the main theme running through that is that we need to go back the the original meaning of the constitution where women can’t vote and men should be the only ones in charge…I’m not sure who owns that station but propaganda like that should be illegal….it could be that the one I get is from Florida which we all know is a sinkhole of maga bullshit…please don’t reward these assholes by giving eyes to these ads…geez…

Idiot boy’s first trial ended…

Well…just saw it come across the news that the idiot trump’s trial for business fraud ended this afternoon…and the judge who is deciding how much more than the original 250 million dollar fine he is going to have to pay said he will have a decision by the end of the month…the AG has asked for at least 370 million and a ban onĀ  any of the family ever owning or running a business in NY again…I for one don’t think the penalty fits the crime at all…they should all go to jail for an ongoing fraud that has been going on for 40 years at least…can’t wait for the criminal cases to get going and take up all of the asshole’s time an shut him the hell up…geez…

The polls are swinging…

Well…I can’t believe I haven’t slept since Wed morning and I still can’t take a nap….but I did want to talk a little bit about the polls that are starting to swing toward Joe Biden….just yesterday, one was released that showed Joe with a 7 point lead in NH, a repub state with a repub governor…and almost every poll for the past two weeks showed Joe with a growing lead…I think he should be up by 50 but that’s just because I read the news that is not fox…one surprising poll that came out earlier this week polled people over 65 and this is where I want to wait for another one before I believe it…that poll has Joe up by 64 to 36%….I think that older folks like me are getting tired of living in fear of the repubs destroying the SS we live on…and that’s the thing…the dems do everything they can to make Medicare and SS stronger while the repubs want to steal the money we paid in to give tax cuts to the rich…and we need to be shouting this from every rooftop and asking this question to every repub who crawls out from under their rock…we need to keep pushing them because it works…geez…

Roger Stone should be arrested…

Well…this is probably a little too obscure do most people haven’t heard of it yet…just the other day it was reported that Roger Stone, one of the idiot trump’s henchmen who he pardoned just before we threw idiot boy out of office, was plotting to kidnap and murder Rep Eric Swalwell and Rep Jerry Nadler before the election in an attempt scare people into not voting for Biden…and he was conspiring with a police office who was working security for him…and they have the whole thing on tape…and as many other people have pointed out, a conspiracy does not have to be successful to be a crime…so I wonder if the justice department will do anything or is this just another time where the repubs can commit crimes and walk away from it? I am so tired of these repub assholes ruining this country with no consequences…geez…

Trump’s lawyers are really arguing this?

Well…not sure if you’ve heard or not, but the idiot trump’s lawyers are arguing in front of the DC court of appeals today as he tries to get blanket immunity for all of his crimes since he was president once…and one of the judges asked the lawyers a hypothetical question that if it’s true, then Biden could use this to have trump shot today…and the lawyer answered “yes”…and then the lawyer tried to argue that to have any charges leveled against him, any president would have to be impeached and convicted first before anything could be done…and that is not anywhere in the constitution so they are trying to make up new powers for the office of the president…but it sounds like the appeals court isn’t buying it and they shouldn’t…the founders lived under unaccountable kings and never wanted that to happen here…so do the right thing appeals court and laugh these guys out of the building…geez…

Repubs are killing Ukrainians.

Well…did you ever think you see the time when the repubs would side with Putin over an ally? That is exactly what is happening right now as they hold up emergency funding for Ukraine and Ukraine runs out of the anti aircraft missiles they need to protect themselves…up until last night, the shoot down rate was close to 95% of what the Russian criminal is throwing at them…but the count from last night is only 14 of 70 shot down since they now have to prioritize when and where they use these now rare missiles…and the only place they can get more is from the US…so now the asshoile repubs have Ukrainian blood on their hands as sure as Putin does…and now Putin is getting just what he wanted when he funneled heaping piles of money through shell corporations to the right wing assholes who do not care about anything but money and power…and they are doing Putin’s bidding by making sure our allies can’t depend on us anymore…and the repubs just don’t care….god I hate these assholes…

Trump is senile…

Well…just one more shorty on some ranting that the idiot trump did during a speech yesterday…and no one has been able to figure out what the hell he was talking about…while he was ranting, he stopped and said that he could defeat magnets by dropping them in water…that they don’t work in water…just like the cancer causing windmills, this is just another bit of evidence that idiot boy is not all there….of course magnets work under water…didn’t he ever read…oh, yeah he can’t read so maybe someone can show him some magnetic ship mines from WWII…or draw him a crayon picture which is all he can understand he is just so damn stupid….