Tag Archives: DNC

The convention has been fun…

Well…yeah, I know I haven’t really been too into politics lately since it was all doom and gloom all of the time coming out of the repubs and infighting on our side where they couldn’t agree on anything…and Joe read it and knew what he had to do…and he did it by dropping out of the race and passing the torch to Kamala and look what happened…look at the convention and the pure joy that is on display even in the roll call which is normally pretty boring…but not last night…every delegation tried their best to make it fun and there were smiles on every face while they did…and the speeches…yow…Michelle and Barack Obama brought the house down with their calls to action and they just felt so normal…not a screed or attack in them…well…a little, but they were good natured and truthful and I really did miss them not being around….so, I’ll be back to watch more tonight…I just wish they would put the speeches on earlier…this old guy can’t start a speech after 11…fun and hope is back…

Yes, I watched the convention..

Well…running a little late today with moving up the grocery run to today and getting three rides in, but I did want to talk about the DNC that I watched a good part of last night…wow! What energy and enthusiasm from the crowd and the speakers…not at all what the mainstream media was pushing all afternoon before the convention started…they were going on and on about the divisions that have plagued the dems for a long time and they even tried to get people to not believe their eyes while they were pushing the division angle…hey media, now do you why Kamala doesn’t want to talk to you? It was just one of the most joyous things I have ever seen in politics and it gives me hope that we really can do a miracle and elect dems up and down the ballot…because we need to…and the contrast of what our side proposes to move the US forward vs the repubs always looking backwards is so stark that I really can’t believe anyone would vote for a repub ever again…but there is lots of stupid here in the US and the repubs depend on it…but just one thing to remember, when we vote, we win…so let’s do that…geez…

These people are pretty sharp…

Well…I’m not sure who is running the Harris/Walz campaign but they are making me smile a lot…with their lightning action in response to idiot boy’s lies, he looks old and deflated…for example, the campaign posted a photo of the idiot’s “rally” in Pennsylvania  showing all of the empty seats and people leaving early and trump tried to say that it was before the thing started…but the campaign responded immediately directly to idiot boy showing that the photo was taken during his speech…and no response from the idiot from being called a liar…and last night, with the DNC starting today, the campaign has been trolling trump by shining various phrases on the idiot’s building in Chicago like “Project 2025 HQ” and “trump/vance weird as hell” and “trump-vance out for themselves” and yet there is still happiness and joy coming out of the campaign and I love to see that….you can be happy warriors like Tim Walz and Kamala Harris…smile and laugh and show people you are enjoying the process of campaigning…that life is not all doom and gloom like idiot boy would have you believe…keep it up…

Now we know…

Well….after the bombshell revelations of the indictments of 12 Russian agents who were some of the people who broke into the dem servers, we also found out that information was provided not only to the idiot trump’s campaign but to many other repubs who were running for office. With these new indictments, we now know why Paul Ryan has been helping Devin Nunes obstruct the House investigation…Ryan himself used this stolen information to help numerous House repubs running for election…now, let’s say that again…the speaker of the house, the person third in line to the presidency, conspired with Russian intelligence to help not only his own election, but to help many, many other repubs get elected. Every time he did that, it was a felony since accepting help from any foreign entity in a federal election is a felony…and that is not the worst part…he conspired with our greatest enemy to attack our country and then sits there with that granny-starving grin on his face and lectures the dems when they want to get to the truth. As I’ve said before, this is the biggest damn scandal in the history of this country and it only happened because the repubs are just fine with taking help from our biggest enemy if it keeps them in power…the party of values my ass….impeach….

The DNC…

Well…I’ll admit that I didn’t watch much of the repub convention last week…someone would have had to pay me to watch the idiots there spout their hate and nonsense…I did read about it though to get a pretty good idea what it was about…fear, fear, some more fear, and then more fear….the contrast of that crap to the DNC this week is just so striking I can’t believe that Trump is almost even with Hillary in the polls….and the narrative that the media is trying to push, that the normal, everyday disagreements that pop up between people is dooming the dems to a loss in November has gotten so bad, even from MSNBC, that I reverted to C-span to get rid of the commentary. The meme that Bernie supporters are not going to vote for Hillary is another one that is getting a huge push from every network…and they are conveniently ignoring the polls that say that over 80% of Bernie’s supporters are already on board….when did the media get so lousy? Oh, well…at least we have had inspiring speeches from our side…I mean I was clapping when Joe Biden was on last night…going to miss him when he is done in January….and I am looking forward to Hillary’s tonight and I laughed at a tweet that I saw today…that Trump’s speeches are rated as wonderful if he doesn’t punch somebody but Hillary’s have to be better than the Gettysburg address or they are a total failure…yep, that’s just about right….geez…