Well…this is probably a little too obscure do most people haven’t heard of it yet…just the other day it was reported that Roger Stone, one of the idiot trump’s henchmen who he pardoned just before we threw idiot boy out of office, was plotting to kidnap and murder Rep Eric Swalwell and Rep Jerry Nadler before the election in an attempt scare people into not voting for Biden…and he was conspiring with a police office who was working security for him…and they have the whole thing on tape…and as many other people have pointed out, a conspiracy does not have to be successful to be a crime…so I wonder if the justice department will do anything or is this just another time where the repubs can commit crimes and walk away from it? I am so tired of these repub assholes ruining this country with no consequences…geez…
Category Archives: Politics
Trump’s lawyers are really arguing this?
Well…not sure if you’ve heard or not, but the idiot trump’s lawyers are arguing in front of the DC court of appeals today as he tries to get blanket immunity for all of his crimes since he was president once…and one of the judges asked the lawyers a hypothetical question that if it’s true, then Biden could use this to have trump shot today…and the lawyer answered “yes”…and then the lawyer tried to argue that to have any charges leveled against him, any president would have to be impeached and convicted first before anything could be done…and that is not anywhere in the constitution so they are trying to make up new powers for the office of the president…but it sounds like the appeals court isn’t buying it and they shouldn’t…the founders lived under unaccountable kings and never wanted that to happen here…so do the right thing appeals court and laugh these guys out of the building…geez…
Repubs are killing Ukrainians.
Well…did you ever think you see the time when the repubs would side with Putin over an ally? That is exactly what is happening right now as they hold up emergency funding for Ukraine and Ukraine runs out of the anti aircraft missiles they need to protect themselves…up until last night, the shoot down rate was close to 95% of what the Russian criminal is throwing at them…but the count from last night is only 14 of 70 shot down since they now have to prioritize when and where they use these now rare missiles…and the only place they can get more is from the US…so now the asshoile repubs have Ukrainian blood on their hands as sure as Putin does…and now Putin is getting just what he wanted when he funneled heaping piles of money through shell corporations to the right wing assholes who do not care about anything but money and power…and they are doing Putin’s bidding by making sure our allies can’t depend on us anymore…and the repubs just don’t care….god I hate these assholes…
Trump is senile…
Well…just one more shorty on some ranting that the idiot trump did during a speech yesterday…and no one has been able to figure out what the hell he was talking about…while he was ranting, he stopped and said that he could defeat magnets by dropping them in water…that they don’t work in water…just like the cancer causing windmills, this is just another bit of evidence that idiot boy is not all there….of course magnets work under water…didn’t he ever read…oh, yeah he can’t read so maybe someone can show him some magnetic ship mines from WWII…or draw him a crayon picture which is all he can understand he is just so damn stupid….
Poor fox “news”…
Well…not sure if you saw Joe Biden’s speech that he did yesterday but the consensus is that it was a good one…and I thought so too as he called out the right wingers trying to destroy this country…and even mentioned the idiot trump by name for all the crap he pulled and called out fox news for beingĀ cheeerleader for the plot…and boy, they have their fee fees hurt and are sulking and trying to spin it to the point that they are now calling a really hopeful speech “divisive” while trying to puff themselves up by saying most of the country watches their channel…and that made me laugh when it is well known that maybe 1 percent of the country watches fox regularily and the major networks have 10 times more viewers each than they do…I think Biden hit them where they hurt by using the truth to call them out and they really, really don’t like truth….suck it up snowflakes…geez…
Still looking…
Well…I have been pouring over the internet for the past hour trying to find a political topic for the day with little luck…oh, I just read an article about the over aching theme of the Biden campaign is going to be how dangerous the idiot trump is to democracy in general and I think it’s about time that was started going after the idiot head on…we’re never going to get any of the maga idiots to vote for Joe or any dem, but independents and centrist dems are persuadable…and since the news media is not doing their job reporting on the danger, the job falls to Joe and his campaign. Look, we’ve already seen that the repubs just ignore laws they don’t want to follow and you can see that in the red states that are ignoring the courts rulings on violations of the voting rights acts…and here’s CNN’s take on trump the dicctator…”The widespread fear that trump will actually be a dictator is misplaced” …so even when idiot boy comes right out and says he will be a dictator “from day one”, CNN seems to know something that no one else does…but they don’t…we got to this pace in politics because we kept projecting normalcy on repubs and didn’t fight them tooth and nail from the 80′s on…so now we are deep in an existential fight for our democracy and the media needs to get on board and tell the truth…and do it now…geez…
Where’s the recession?
Well…I really like it when everybody is wrong about the economy….for the past year it seemed like all of the pundits and news media were certain that Joe Biden and his team couldn’t engineer the “soft landing” they were shooting for after cooling the economy and getting rid of the inflation that was causing problems…but they were all wrong…inflation is down to 2% and growth in the past quarter was 4%…and our economy is the best of any of the G7 countries by a large margin…but do you ever hear about this absolute miracle? Do you ever see anyone give Joe credit for how he handles anything? No you don’t because the media has chosen to both sides everything instead of printing the truth…and that is because the owners of that media are right wing assholes that don’t want their taxes raised, that don’t want anyone other than the rich to have nice things…I finally think this is starting to change as even fox news had to report how well the economy is doing…man, I’ll bet they were gritting their teeth when the reported that…geez…
Now we know…
Well…if you’ve ever wondered why the repubs went from strongly anti Russia to doing putin’s bidding, now we know…it’s money…the new speaker of the House, Mike Johnson, is being paid by 3 Russian oligarchs who are laundering the money through American companies in the wake of the Citizens United ruling that lets companies donate as much as they want to House members and Senators…I will bet that every damn repub is now on Russia’s payroll and they know they have to cut off aid to Ukraine or the money will dry up…and that’s just what they are doing…that’s how unpatriotic the modern repub party is…like Nikki Haley who has said she will pardon the idiot trump if she is elected…someone who is the biggest criminal to ever squat in the WH….and the rest of the candidates are falling in line…so, if you vote for any repub, you are voting for putin…it’s as simple as that…
The idiot trump is blocked two states now…
Well…a news story just came out that Maine has joined Colorado saying that idiot boy can’t be on the ballot there and, of course, the right wingers have gone crazy about it…howling that the 14th amendment is too old and we don’t have to follow it since it only applied to confederates…hey righties, the 2nd amendment is lots older than that and you all think it was handed down by god and it MUST be followed…you know how I feel about it…it was an insurrection and idiot boy led it and the 14 amendment is clear that people who tried to overthrow the government can not ever serve in government again…and the right gets even more disingenuous when they howl that this hasn’t happened to any other president…hey, guys…no other president tried to overthrow the government or had 91 felony charges against him, either…I have no faith that the SC will follow the law and disqualify the idiot so we all need to get out to vote…geez…
Oh, so it wasn’t slavery…
Well…we all know how much the repubs hate teaching about history or even knowing any history and the latest thing is to ignore that slavery ever existed or that it was the cause of the Civil War…a few days back when one of the front runners for the repub nomination, Nikki Haley, was asked if she thought slavery was the cause of the Civil War and she couldn’t even say slavery but launched into a word salad about freedom and lots of other bullshit when she knows her state, South Carolina, launched the war and were quite blunt that it was all about slavery…no “states rights” or any other made up reason…just frickin slavery and being able to own other human beings…now I think this should be the question all of the repubs should be asked every time they pop their heads out from under the rocks they live under…let’s get their radical right wing asses on video and then crank out the ads…geez…