Well…with ole elon propping up trump to the tune of 50 million dollars and counting, someone went into his background and found that he broke the law and lied about it when he was applying for citizenship here…when he came here from South Africa, he got into the country on a student visa…but the problem with that is he never signed up for any courses and then got a job here on that student visa which is illegal…and when he was applying for citizenship he lied about how he got into the country in the first place…and many, many times before, naturalized citizens have had their status revoked and were deported for lying when applying for citizenship…at the very least, the revelation that he has had regular phone calls with putin should cause his security clearance to be revoked and then SpaceX should be confiscated, especially since it was learned last week that he has been helping the Russian army attack Ukraine by providing internet access to them through his Starlink satellites…this is traitorous, helping an enemy of the US is the very definition of treason and he should be locked up for that…I’ve had enough of trump loving billionaire immigrants like elon, murdoch, and thiel who come here promising to live by the constitution and then do their best to subvert it at every turn..geez…
Category Archives: Politics
This is too funny…
Well…with men on the right spewing that they have the right to tell their wives/significant others how to vote and making sure their wives understand the threat that comes with them “betraying and undermining” their men, of course the Harris campaign has a new ad out there targeting this misogynist bullshit…giving women the permission structure to vote for Kamala instead of the orange ogre…some of these assholes are even equating voting different from their husbands as “cheating” on them…and that comment came from Jesse Watters from fox news who cheated on his first wife with his current wife…and a former trump WH advisor has gone farther saying that women should have their right to vote “revoked” if they are going to vote against their husbands…this is pure christian right wing bullshit that says that women should “submit” to their husbands in every decision made in a family…and it is one reason that women are going for Harris by the largest margin in history…and no matter how much they deny it, the idiot trump’s team doesn’t understand that the removal of women’s rights by the ending of Roe is still one of the most important reasons to vote dem in this election since the dems are the only party that will protect women’s rights from the kind of attacks that have come from everyone on the right…geez…
Getting to the end…
Well…we are getting to the end of the election season and I really do want to address the delusional people in this country about how the economy is doing…the latest reports show that the US economy is still growing at 2.8% which is the best of any country anywhere…and I wonder who is responsible for that? Of course it’s Biden and Harris who have brought manufacturing jobs back tot he US…more of them since the offshoring crap started 50 years ago…and infrastructure is getting the attention that it needed after being neglected for all of idiot boy’s term…you remember the joke from that time when the idiot announced almost every week that it was “infrastructure week” and not one damn project happened…the roads and bridges continued to crumble and he didn’t give a damn…after all, only poor folks have to use the roads and he sure doesn’t give a damn about them…oh, and inflation? Back down to 2% which is the target of the Fed…are prices still too high? On some things yes but just this morning gas out here was 2.95 a gallon and I got 10 pounds of potatoes for 3.59 when just weeks ago they were over 5 bucks…so prices are coming down and do you think the idiot cares about that other than as political weapon? Let me clue you in, he doesn’t…so don’t believe the bullshit pedaled by trump that the economy is terrible…he wouldn’t know if it is or not he is just so damn ignorant…geez…
Finally, some reporting on the racist, fascist…
Well…I am just so damn surprised today that the fascist, racist “rally” that idiot boy put on at MSG Sunday is being reported for what it was…pure hate for anyone who is not a white…calling Puerto Rico (whose residents are American citizens) a garbage dump and the people there nasty names that I won’t repeat here…so now you know who the attacks are coming for…and that is everyone who the idiot trump doesn’t like…doesn’t matter if you’re white, black, or brown…if you don’t kiss his ass, you are a target…this time it’s more than one paper that is not sanewashing any of the fascist bullshit that was on display all day Sunday…and even some repubs are backing away from the idiot…especially downballot repubs who are in fights and who know that the independents they need to get elected are just not down with full on fascism…gee…who knew? I really do hope they keep trotting trump out for this last week to remind people who he really is…cripes even Barbary Bush is out campaigning for Kamala…that’s how much some repubs hate trump…they know he’s ruining the repub party but where were they 4 years ago when they could have convicted him in either impeachment and we wouldn’t be dealing with idiot boy right now…it’s on you repubs, you did this…geez…
A burner phone?
Well…now, I wonder how many times a burner phone has been used to not commit crimes? Probably should ask the idiot trump since he is good at using them to hide his criminality…during his attempt to overthrow the election of 2020, idiot boy used a burner phone that was routed through Egypt to call and try to pressure the Michigan speaker of the house to reject the certification of the election and get him to send the fake electors to DC…now, let’s just think of that again…do you think this is an “official act” of any president? Where does it say in the constitution that the president’s duties include committing a crime to keep himself in power after he lost an election? This phone call happened and no denying it by the right is going to change that…they go on and on that this investigation is dems using the government to go after the perfectly innocent trump…and that is delusional…just plain delusional…but that’s what cults are…delusional…geez…
Here’s the thing…
Well…with the refusal of the Post and La Times owners to endorse Kamala after their editorial boards already had the endorsement statements crafted, it’s pretty easy to see that there are a couple of things happening…one is that Bezos and that LA Times asshole really do want to keep every damn dime they can steal from the rest of us by getting the tax cuts that idiot boy has promised them…but the second thing is that they are scared of what the idiot can and will do to them if they don’t kiss his ass and he is elected…trump is a fascist, after all and will illegally use the government for payback and these guys don’t have the guts to buck him…just a couple of scared little men who are already bowing to trump’s fascism even when he has no power…how lame is that? And these assholes aren’t scared of Kamala or the dems because they know we play by the rules and uphold the constitution not break it, so the first amendment will protect them not matter what the hell they do with their vanity papers…one bit of fallout from Bezo’s timidity is that there have been over 60,000 cancellations of subscriptions to the Post since he chickened out on the endorsement…and even the NYT has piled on to his cowardice by re-running their endorsement of Kamala on the front page this week…I think the Times has gotten much, much wrong during this election but they got this one right…geez
This is why there needs to be a wealth tax..
Well…with billionaires across this country putting their fingers on the scales of the election to try to throw it to the idiot trump, it highlights why there shouldn’t be billionaires and that can be prevented with a wealth tax that taxes every dollar over 10 million dollars that they “earn” at the rate of at least 90%…a great example of why there should be no billionaires came this week when the billionaire owners of the Washington Post and LA Times over ruled their editorial staff and stopped the papers from endorsing Kamala Harris for president, breaking a more than 50 year precedent for both papers…and the interference was so egregious that the editor of the Times and others at the paper quit in protest at the blatant bias they showed for the most unqualified candidate for president in the history of this country…and we all know why they did it…to make sure they get the huge tax cuts that idiot boy has promised them…so what should the personnel at the papers do now? They should go to the papers that have done the right thing for the country and write an op-ed why they think endorsing Kamala is the right thing to do to save our democracy…it’s obvious that Jeff Bezos doesn’t care about the US and some way of making him pay for this betrayal of democracy needs to be found..geez…
Elon is a Putin stooge…
Well…with the revelation that ole elon has been in constant contact with putin since 2022, how much do you want to bet that the money he is spending to install the idiot trump is Russian cash? You can be sure that every dime is going to reimbursed by putin and it is the same kind of crap that putin has pulled in every election since 2016…but he couldn’t do it without the help of traitors here in the US…and you know that includes the entire repub party at this point…but mostly three billionaires…musk, thiel, and murdoch…three “immigrants” who are a lot more dangerous than any person seeking asylum or undocumented immigrant who puts food on your table…so when are these guys going to be deported for being traitors to this country? They are naturalized citizens whose citizenship can be revoked if they are found to be criminals…do we need any more evidence that musk at least is a traitor? Look, musk is a government contractor and should have all of the government contracts he has terminated since he is obviously a security risk…get on it Joe, the country will thank you….geez…
Gas prices and inflation?
Well…the coffee has started to work so I’m going to try to continue the trend of doing a political one before I go down to ride the bike…in surveys when stupid people are asked why they are going to vote for the idiot trump, two of the things they cite are gas prices and inflation and I marvel at the shallowness of their thinking as they go on that gas prices lower during the idiot’s term…yeah, they would be after he crashed the economy and mismanaged the pandemic that led to over 10% unemployment so of course demand and prices went down…don’t any of these low intelligence voters understand economics at all? Prices are down under 3 bucks a gallon out here right now so what is their bitch? Look, yeah we know that inflation has been too high but we also know that almost half of that was just greed of corporations taking advantage of inflation to raise prices and profits…the largest grocery chains profits soared to their highest point ever during the recovery and that is a result of consolidation in the markets that led them to have pricing power to raise prices any amount they wanted…if you don’t understand that, go read a book on economics…I learned that in Econ 101 in college…and current inflation is down under 2% as the fed manages a “soft landing” and avoids a recession that all of the right wing economists have been bleating that was going to happen during Biden’s term…never did…so the delusion that things were better under the idiot trump is just that, a delusion driven by the addiction to fox news that trump supporters have…by all measurements, the US economy is the envy of the world and that is not by accident…it is by a reality based approach that uses economic knowledge to make decisions..not the bloated blathering of an idiot who has no clue what the word economy even means…vote for facts, not for fascists…geez…
Poor Rudy…
Well…I was laughing quite a bit yesterday when I read that poor old rudy had to turn over all of his property but his clothes to the two Georgia poll workers who he repeatedly slandered after the 2020 election…making up lies that they “stuffed” ballot boxes and other cheating that went on for over a year…so now rudy has to turn over his 6 million dollar apartment in New York along with any cars he owns and all other property that he has stashed around the country…and he is still going to owe them over 150 million dollars more so anything he earns from the right wing wingnut machine goes to them, too…how’s being trump’s puppy working out for ya, rudy? Look…we know that idiot boy doesn’t hire the “best people” but I think there is more to it than that…even smart people who come into the idiot’s contact seem to have their IQ lowered by half and will do things that any rational person would walk away from…just look at all the lawyers who have gone to jail or are under indictment after working for the idiot…I have no sympathy for them…they knew what trump was and they worked for him anyway…geez…