Category Archives: Misc

I’m on board Dana….

Well…just read an op-ed piece by Dana Milbank from the Washington Post where he proposes that all of the media declare February a “Sarah Palin free month” and I think it is such a good idea that I will pledge to do the same. So, after Jan 31…this will be a Palin free zone….even though she is such an easy target that on the days that I’m somewhat less than lucid I can still get a post out on her latest craziness….it is kind of a sacrifice for me since…as Dana said, when she is in the tags for an article, the article goes much higher in the search results…but that is a crutch I’m willing to do without if it will help to make her go away….

Nolan…you are still wrong, as always….

Well..I know I promised to be better in this post, to try to be less shrill and more reasonable, and to take no pleasure in the idiocy of the right and in particular to not name the commentators on the right who are so inconsistent in their writings. But, you know that hasn’t been true but I’m not here to apologize, since they just keep it up and no one is calling them out on this stuff. So, I’ll try to do it with one of my favorite people from the Detroit News; Noland Finley…again. His column today was this mish-mash of inconsistency where he blames the US for not taking care or having programs for delusional people like the shooter from Arizona, then moves on to charge that the violent images that Hollywood shows in it’s films and TV programs as the cause for many attacks by these deranged people. But, that’s not all, he goes on to assert that there is little that parents can do to counteract violent images in video games and today’s media.

How many ways can this guy be wrong and still have a job writing? First, let’s touch on his idea that there are not enough programs for the mentally ill but who is responsible for this? It’s the progressives out there who fight tooth and nail to keep just the skeletal safety net that is still there for ordinary Americans…and this type of social program is the first thing that the repubs attack as being the creeping “welfare state” whenever they are in power. Number two..if the media is so all-powerful, why did he, in an earlier column, assert that the right wing hate speech had nothing to do with the shooting…what is it Nolan? Does media matter or doesn’t it? Or is it just the media that is associated with the progressive leanings of many of those in Hollywood? And, your assertion that parents can’t effect the reactions of their children to these images, what about the millions and millions of children who see these same images and don’t go out and shoot someone? I don’t like to share the lives of my children here, but I have to add the anecdotal evidence that I have observed while raising my kids. They watched violent movies and tv shows…they played violent video games and still do to this day…but not once, and I’ll repeat that NOT ONCE did my kids ever get into a fight with anyone…and this is because their parents gave them the grounding of what is real and what isn’t…that when someone gets beat up or shot on tv…the actors can get up and walk away….but, in real life, there are real consequences to their actions and resorting to violence was a sign of failure; and not to be glorified like the right does today. These 4 young adults are the most peaceful, nice people you would ever want to meet and that is because of what Nolan says has no effect…parental involvement….geez…Nolan, think a little next time….

An explanation?

Well…coffee, newspapers, and music are quite restorative and I had an idea materialize that I wanted to get down before I forget it…it may turn out that I should have forgotten, but here goes….we’ve heard all of the parsing of the tragedy in Arizona; that the shooter was left wing, that he was right wing, that his actions were caused by the heated political vitriol, that he was just a crazy…on and on, and on. But, something that just came to me a few minutes ago may or may not be pertinent…it seems like crazy ideas now have an official stamp to them since they are spouted by ‘news” organizations and public figures….it used to be that the crazies only had their own brains and thoughts and they would live in that closed off little world, with the rest of the society acting as a normality counterbalance. But now, those with crazy ideas can get them reinforced daily by just listening to talk radio or Fox news…can there be a feedback loop that spurs these crazies to action? That makes them think that their thoughts are normal?

Just a thought….and I may come back later to add to it….oh…I did add to the one below so take a look if you want…

Still can’t figure it out…

Well…this thought came to me when I saw the Palin video and it’s reference to Reagan’s statement that ultimately individuals are responsible for their actions…not people that spew the imagery of violence and hate; that there is never a causal link between the two. Then why do the Islamaphobes on the right tar the whole religion as being one of violence and murder when there have only been a few individuals responsible for the terror attacks? Why do they oppose the building of mosques across the country and especially in Manhattan, when none of the people involved with these organizations have ever done anything wrong? I think we need to call these folks out on the inconsistencies in their statements…what is it, righties? Are individuals responsible for their actions or are the groups they belong to? You can’t have it both ways…geez…

Good to see and hear…

Well…it’s finally good to see some of those on the left starting to use their heads….the wholesale rush to politicize the Arizona tragedy has started to be repudiated, with apologies coming from many of those who jumped to conclusions for their own agendas….a good thing to see that even in this supercharged political environment, there are still lines of propriety and standards that we can all agree on….except sister Sarah…who yesterday put out a video with 8 minutes of the “I’m the victim” schtick she has used since she started in politics….defending her behavior like a petulant 8 year old and including no pledge to cool the rhetoric. But, she couldn’t do that…then where would she get her money? I know, I shouldn’t turn this into a bashing but…we are all in this together and words do matter….geez….

I don’t agree, Keith…

Well…just as I predicted, many commentators are using the Arizona tragedy to try to further their political goals…and the attacks by the left on Sarah Palin, particularly by Keith Olbermann have me dismayed…but, I guess he’s not one of the reasonables that I talk about. Let’s get this straight at the top….the shooter was just frickin crazy; no political component to it, no connection to the abhorrent, hate filled speech from the right or to SP’s crosshair imagery…just another nut that heard the voices in his head and acted on it. So, what do we take away from this? is there anything to take away from this? There have been calls for tighter gun laws that may have prevented this nut from getting guns but we all know that it’s not true. Even if all guns were outlawed, rounded up and destroyed, it would take an enterprising criminal about 10 seconds to figure out how to make a profit and supply the underground demand that would result. What would have stopped this nut from just ramming his car into the crowd?

I didn’t really think about it until now but I guess this is somewhat of a defense of gun owners, most of whom are responsible and their legal guns never used for any purpose than what they are supposed to be used for. I grew up around them and many friends still own them…not once have they used them for illegal purposes. That said, there is a problem with them here in the US….just saw a statistic that between 1979 and 1997, more people were killed by guns in the US than in all of the wars we’ve fought since 1775…it makes the 3,000 plus killed on 9/11 kind of pale by comparison. I don’t have the solution..but I do know that it is wrong to exploit this tragedy for political purposes…shame on everyone that does…geez…

I guess I’ll weigh in…

Well…the tragedy in Arizona has my thoughts all over the place….and I’m really trying to make them coherent, to understand how we got to this place. But, one of the things I think we can’t forget in our rush to categorize it is that 6 people died…why can’t we just mourn for these people? Why do we always feel the need to explain, dissect, and assign blame, then have everyone come out of the woodwork to try to take political advantage for their own agenda? A nine year old girl died….isn’t that enough? Isn’t it enough that these families have been torn apart?

There will be plenty of time for analysis as time passes…just not now.

Happy Birthday Donald…

Well…I would be remiss if I didn’t send out birthday wishes to Donald Fagen….half of the wonderful songwriting duo that is Steely Dan…if you’ve been here before, you know how much the snarky lyrics, sleek music, and general hipness of these two have made me smile over the years…I think this would be the group that I would pick to have if I was stranded on a deserted island and could only have one…followed, of course, by Led Zeppelin….you Dan fans out there know what I mean….how can you not like “there is nothing in Chicago for a monkey woman to do”, a lyric from ‘Your Gold Teeth” that has been running through my head every day lately.

So, everybody, send some good thoughts to Donald on his 63rd birthday…..

Nolan Finley…again…

Well…you’d think that someone that always gets things wrong would be out of job, but I guess if you’re on the right, it just doesn’t matter…you can predict whatever you want, you can be sure of things that are not true, and you can ignore the successes of the opposition because that is what the ignorant right wants. In Nolan’s column this week, he rails and rails about the “job-killing” Obama administration in one sentence and then he says that the automobile industry is in a turnaround and adding jobs…all the while ignoring the fact that he excoriated the administration for the bailout that kept those jobs and set the stage for the automakers to thrive.

He then goes on to the next talking point…that it is Obama who is at fault for gas prices rising and that it will kill the auto industry if he doesn’t do something about it….can anyone say “drill, baby, drill”…
Hypocrisy, thy name is Nolan Finley…geez….

More union bashing..

Well…today may be a day of a lot of short ones in response to lies and omissions that are coming out of the commentators on the right…I’ll start with Daniel Howes of the Detroit News…in his column this morning he talks about “failed states” and makes the assertion that the reason they have failed is the high incidence of unionization in those states, and the people that live there are at fault because their unions have been able to wrestle a living wage out of their employers instead of giving millions to the ceos. What he conveniently forgets to mention in his trashing of the middle class is that the conservative’s star state, Texas, with one of the lowest union membership rates in the country is on track to have a 25 billion dollar deficit this year; even with the destruction of the minimal social safety net they used to have, ranking it next to California. What do you say to that Daniel? Just another incidence where the right will make up facts and use outright lies to try to destroy the hated unions….Daniel, you should be ashamed…