Well….running late as always on the weekend…just forgot to do this until now with needing to get the papers read and coffee made….not sure what is going on…fell asleep on the couch again last night and only had a couple of cocktails….but then slept really crappy in bed so I was up at 4 or so again….so, now you’re saying “what took so long to get this out?” well…I came upon a new show on Netflix called “The Borgias” and have been watching that when I get up….not a very good show but it is something now that I’m running out of episodes of “30 Rock”…..I am going to cook a recipe that I got from T that is a chicken pot pie without the crust and it is so good…forgot about it when the recipe fell beside the fridge but found it when I was doing the deep clean last week…so, that is about the whole day for me today..other than Michigan at noon and then the Wings at 4…maybe out for a couple with K in the aft but not sure yet…. okay, I need to get going out on the bike before the wind comes up…yesterday was just miserable trying to ride into the face of a 30 mph wind…
Monthly Archives: November 2011
Okay…it’s just noodling around…
Well…it’s been an okay day today and I got tons of stuff done so I don’t really feel that bad about not doing a political one today…I do have another Manny Lopez one for tomorrow that I should have done today but I didn’t really have the outrage necessary to do it justice…I did get a charge out of the demonstrations in NY last night that saw over 10,000 people come out to protest… a large amount of people for a movement that the right has been declaring is dead for the last couple of weeks…but when have they ever been right on anything? Oh, there was a nice little piece in all of the newspapers yesterday that showed what is really happening on taxes here in Michigan… we are now one of only three states that are raising taxes on the poor while giving tax cuts to the rich and corporations…doesn’t anyone else see this as immoral? Okay…..the repubs don’t think it is but how about anyone else? This is just one of the reasons for the “Occupy” movement that the right just doesn’t get. It just isn’t fair that the poor have to have their taxes rise so ceo’s can get bigger bonuses…geez…
Where are the jobs governor Snyder? Hey…I guess this one was a little political…see what noodling can do for you?
November 18th
Well…a kind of fun day yesterday…did get to hang out with T for a while and it was great to see her….and then later int he day it was out with K and V for a couple….still wearing shorts even though it was 31 degrees when I went out but I really wasn’t cold…maybe I should try to get to New Years day? Was kind of good when I got back so I feel okay today and the toothache is finally gone so it might just be a good day….I might not go out for the papers today since i am getting bored with the same routine…but if I don’t go it will even be more boring…a conundrum to be sure. Not much to do today…I do have to get out on the bike since I’ve been in for the past two days and I ‘m feeling sluggish….I will be back later for some political ones or maybe just some noodling around…who knows?
Even millionaires want to be taxed more…
Well…this will be a short one but I think it is an important development in the ongoing tax nonsense by the repubs…the other day, a bunch of millionaires tried to get to the deficit “supercommittee” and ask them to tax them more…I was shocked but heartened when I heard this…maybe some of the rich do have consciences….and maybe there are some people in his country that are finally starting to think? I think that the repubs are going to be in for a big surprise next year in the elections….this country is starting to wake up to their ruinious tactics and their fealty to Grover Norquist and his anti-tax pledge. But, one thing I do fear is that the dems have not learned anything and will give in again to the repubs extortion..then, the only hope will be winning the election and reversing what happens over the next couple of months.
Oh, one other thing, I am starting to hope that the supreme court will overturn the healthcare law…then we can go back to the best idea…a single payer system that will allow us to cut the insurance companies and their egregious profits out of the equation…that will save 20% right from the start….
November 17th
Well…a fun if a little fluid day yesterday with pool being off, then on and the same thing with meeting up with T…I did win at pool again and I’m not sure why….that could be 6 weeks in a row…strange…and it was a long day so I’m feeling a little run down this morning….it may be that I’ve been up since 5, too, and that is two days in a row now and I need to stop that. I had dreams of a 1988 Dodge Caravan that I once owned and a bar called the Tip a Few Tavern in GH…not sure what the reason was for that but it was interesting….not much to do today…I may go out and get the t-day food this morning so the turkey can thaw for a week but I’m not sure yet…more later….yeah, I know…this one is not too interesting but I’m not too interesting right now so it all fits…
Gonna be a little nostalgic…
Well…I am sitting here listening to Pandora on my computer and it sparked an idea in my head bout how much the delivery of music has changed so much just in my lifetime…I remember when I was young the nights where the weather conditions were just right and you could get WLS AM from Chicago and imagine that you were in that city….and listen to music that hadn’t made it to our little town yet….here in GR we had a heated rivalry between the two powerhouse AM stations that played rock and soul music…and there were even WLAV people and WGRD people who would only listen to the station they liked but I liked them both…in truth, they both played the same music fom Elvis, The Beatles, The Stones, the Temps, The Tops (that the Temptations and the Four Tops for those of you that didn’t grow up in that time) but that didn’t stop people from choosing their favorites…something like being a Ford or Chevy person…both perfectly good brands but you would never be caught dead buying the other brand. This continued until I was about 12 or thirteen when the magical new thing called FM came into being, but that was even preceded by some “underground” stuff that was being tried by the AM stations. One of the ones I remember was a show called “Campus After Hours” that ran on LAV, I think, and brought long form music that was beginning to break the 3 minute AM radio format and exposed us to bands we had never heard of and songs that were not the designated “hits” from bands we already knew.
Then came FM radio…I have such fond memories of WLAV-FM from here in GR and the wonderful times of the 70′s and 80′s…and the DJ’s from that time…Aris Hampers, Ed Buchanan ad Alison Harte actually knew and loved the music they were playing…and at that time there was no where else to get the insider information about the bands and exposure to new music you could get there. I heard “Nantucket Sleighride” by Mountain for the first time there…does any FM station have the guts or the freedom to play that live, over 30 minute song anymore? On any night you could hear George Carlin, then the Who followed by Pure Prarie League and Frank Zappa….then back to Cheech and Chong…I heard the “Dave’s not here” sketch for the first time listening to LAV and I can still remember laughing so hard that it hurt….I guess what I wanted to say is that those were wonderful days…and I know they can’t be recaptured….but I can still miss them, can’t I?
November 16th
Well…a strange thing happened last night…I actually slept pretty well and don’t remember a lot of tossing and turning….there were dreams, too, which I remember but don’t understand at all….but that’s okay. I wonder if it’s the three nights in a row of no cocktails? i do feel pretty good today so that is a bonus…I did have bad news on the car yesterday with another exhaust leak that I just can’t stand…but, since I’m so broke, I’m going to let it go for a while to see how long I can make it last before it gets really bad. Oh, well…I do have something to do today..going out to shoot pool with Tom and might be able to make the string of 4 wins in a row last longer….but that doesn’t matter, really….I will be back later for another one….and that one may be interesting…
More nonsense from Scalia and Thomas….
Well….if you had any doubt of the outcome of the court challenges to the new healthcare law, all you have to do is take a look at who was dining with the the major challengers of the law. The other day, both justices Thomas and Scalia dined at a dinner that was sponsored by the law firm that will be challenging the law in court…yep, you heard it right, the justices that are supposed to be the most impartial and held to the highest standards of any court in the land are out rubbing elbows with not only the law firm that will be arguing in front of them but with trade associations who are financially backing the suit. Doesn’t this look like a conflict of interest to anyone else? This doesn’t even include that justice Thomas’s wife is a leading proponent of repeal and makes millions of dollars as a lobbyist for the repeal crowd. This isn’t even the first time these two have done something that is, by statute, not illegal, but still stinks of influence coming from the big money folks on the right…they have been regulars at the Koch brothers sponsored events for years…and I don’t care how much they protest that they will still be objective, all you have to do is read some of their opinions to see that the right’s machine has friends on the court. Geez….
November 15th
Well…another night and no cocktails so I feel pretty good today..even slept okay but the dreams were about the Indy 500 but I don’t remember who I was there with or what the reason was for the dream…still, quite entertaining. haven’t heard from G in quite a while and I wonder what is going on there….oh, well….it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t move forward at all and that has become quite troubling to me….just another thing to feel bad about but I won’t let it get me down….the snow that is coming later in the week might, though, and it could be a problem getting to Thanksgiving wearing shorts but I’ll give it the old college try….not much to do today….still eating out of the freezer and I think I can get a couple more days before I need to replenish…trying to wait until I do the t-day run so I can get my turkey for about 4 bucks and I will need to get it by the end of the week so it will thaw…looks like no “orphans” t-day dinner this year but I will still make the whole big deal….just love the leftovers….more later…
Why do the republican candidates seem so small?
Well…when I was out on the bike today, I heard this lyric by Peter Gabriel..”the place where I come from is small town, they think so small, they use small words…” and it made me think of the current crop of repub candidates…I can’t remember a smaller bunch of politicians…I don’t mean small in the physical sense but in the size of their ideas. Over the course of the debates so far, there has not been one of them with any ideas on how to make the country greater…to move us to the next stage…they are all a just of counterpunchers that just say no, that just say what can’t be done, and who only parrot the failed ideas of the repub party of the past thirty years. Where is the person from the conservative end of the spectrum that can think for themselves and not just channel Grover Norquist? What happened to the time honored approach to foreign policy that said “politics end at water’s edge” and that the president should be supported when he deals with the rest of the world?
This group of tiny politicians remind me of a pack of Pekinese yipping and yapping around the ankles of the greats….geez…
Oh, and one last thing that should disqualify them all….at the debate a couple of days ago, every one of them has vowed to violate the Geneva conventions by the use of torture on terror suspects…and commit a felony at the same time…what a bunch of idiots…