Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I slept okay, too…that, in itself, is weird….and I had dreams with a 65 Cadillac convertible and Hugh Hefner in it…not the old, dried up current one but the swinging one from the 60′s….and, I was good again last night so I feel okay today…have to do the grocery run this morning and take back the bottles and cans that have been around here for the past year…only about 3 bucks worth but they won’t be in my kitchen anymore…I did get the kitchen floor scrubbed with a scrub brush yesterday and even did the cupboard doors…today should be the countertops and sink along with getting more resumes out…not much to do today…other than cleaning, I still just want to hibernate with the cold and snow….more later…
Oh…one last thing…Joe Walsh turns 67 today…so, Happy Birthday Joe!
Well…with all the howls from the right that any movement by Obama on immigration will be “the biggest abuse of power in the history of the world” and “an impeachable offense” I am laughing and laughing again at how stupid these folks are…or they can’t read or have really stupid staffs…if they didn’t, they would realize that two years ago the supreme court pre-approved many of the things that Obama plans to do…and that same ruling gave the executive branch wide leeway to do what they see fit on immigration….so, again, it doesn’t really matter what Obama does, if he breathes, “impeachment!” If he talks “Impeachment!” there is just no credibility that the right has these days since they refuse to do anything to deal with the problems with immigration…Obama has given the repubs two years to try to fix this mess and they have just sat there and bloviated without doing anything…so, it’s on their heads…I really do hope they sue Obama or impeach him over the immigration changes he will announce tomorrow…and then I will laugh when they get laughed out of court with the court citing the Arizona supreme court decision…what a bunch of maroons….geez…
Well…it was an okay day yesterday but all I did was hibernate with all of the snow…and it looks like there is 6 more inches on the car this morning which does not help my mood at all….slept crappy and have been up since before 5 since this time I couldn’t get back to sleep….so there will be lots of coffee this morning…it was a little weird yesterday with the car freezing the brakes after the run out to get the papers but it seems like it is okay after I took it out to check them later in the day…don’t need anything to go wrong with it when it’s this cold…not much to do today…and this time it’s true…I am going to do the kitchen today with a floor scrub but that will be about it…have been good the past three days so even with not sleeping, I feel okay today…we’ll see how long that lasts…more later…
Well…with the votes that are going on in the congress this week on trying to force Obama to approve the Keystone XL pipeline, I find it just delicious that the head of the Canadian company that wants to build the pipeline to bring dirty, dirty tar sands oil to the US has exploded the biggest repub argument for it….if you have listened to any of these morons on the right, you will have heard that the pipeline will bring anywhere from 5,000 to 50,000 permanent jobs to the US…but, there is one little problem, the person that really knows has said just today that there will be a maximum of 50 permanent jobs from the pipeline…yep, all that pollution, all the price increases that will hit the midwest (estimated to be upwards to 50 cents a gallon for gasoline) is all for 50 jobs…now if you’ll let me do a little bit of crude math with some assumptions in it…say a billion gallons of gas times a 50 cent per gallon increase is 500 million dollars that you and I will be paying out of our pockets to buy these 50 jobs….a cost of 10 million dollars per job…in anyone’s book, that is just stupid…I don’t mind paying more for gas if it fixes the roads here, but to just raise costs so the Koch brothers can make billions more is just frickin crazy…I hope Obama vetoes this ugly bill and gets back to the environmentalism he espoused on the campaign trail…we just don’t need this pipeline and the pollution that will come from it…geez…
Well…it was an okay day yesterday and had a nice lunch with T so that was cool…but I just looked outside and can’t find the Miata there is so much snow…that is really, really depressing and it looks like a hibernation day for today…slept better than I expected which is poor for most people but I lived through it….I do need to go out and get the papers and that is going to mean getting cold and snowy here in a few minutes and I am not looking forward to that….not ,much to do today…I got the oven cleaned yesterday with just a little damage to the hands so that was cool and today I may just do the rest of the kitchen, even the floor and then maybe a little tv time today….need to get caught up on Homeland so that might be an idea…and, one more of these today since there are things happening I do need to comment on…more later…
Well…I am laughing and laughing and laughing about the new repub talking point they trotted out in the past few days that says because Obama won’t do everything they want him to, and is going to do an executive order on immigration, he is “poisoning the well” of cooperation that the repubs are lying they would consider. I mean, c’mon…the fricking repubs have cornered the market on poison over the past 6 years…starting with ole Mitch stating that his only goal for the country was to defeat everything that Obama tried to do…and then you have the entire right going on an on about the birther nonsense…and that he is not an American…and on and on….I’m not sure what well they are talking about but the right has poisoned it, sold it to the Kochs and paved it over in the past 6 years…so, try not to laugh yourself to death when you hear this crap from the right…geez…
Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get anything done so that was a little disappointing…slept crappy and was up at 5 this morning so that was not good…I did get out to have a couple with K yesterday afternoon and that was fun..but the Lions and the Wings both lost so that wasn’t….and today I won’t be able to get on the bike since it is icy and that makes for a raised level of grumpiness…I am going to have lunch with T so maybe that will help with that…not much to do today…going to try to start on the kitchen this morning and then finish it this aft…need to do my oven, too so that will keep me busy most of the day…more later…
Well…have been thinking about this one since I read the article last week and thought I’d talk a little about it…if you are a fan of Led Zeppelin like I am, I’m sure you’ve read about the offer that Richard Branson (of Virgin everything) made to the remaining members of the band…that he would pay them 800 million dollars to do a tour of 32 shows next year…yep, that’s 800 million dollars….around 25 million a show…and the even stranger thing? Robert Plant said no so there will be no tour…now, I’m not sure what the hell happened between these guys to have Robert feel this way but turning down 800 million? I guess he doesn’t need the money….geez….
Well…going to try to get back into the political ones today but I am going to ease back into it with and oldie but a goodie…Obama derangement syndrome and its revival since the repubs won the last election. This syndrome was rampant on the right for the first term of Obama’s but it seemed to die down somewhat, or maybe it’s just that I stopped listening to the noise since the people on the right spouting this nonsense really are deranged. Now, it’s back with a vengeance with the impeachment talk that is reaching a new high since Obama said he is going to do something about immigration since the repub controlled House won’t. Anyone with any connection to reality knows that the steps that Obama is proposing are the same that Saint Ronnie of Reagan and other presidents have done but that doesn’t matter to these idiots….since Obama won’t just roll over and do what he’s told, of course it’s an impeachable offense…I can’t wait for these folks to actually bring the charges…I need a good laugh…geez…
Well…it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get much done…lost an earplug over night and that woke me up so the sleep was not good…not sure why I’m surprised at that….the turkey was good but it just struck me as funny that I had the meal and had everything cleaned up by noon yesterday….man, my life is boring….no cleaning at all yesterday but the kitchen needs to be done today but I’m not sure I’m motivated to do it….can’t get on the bike today since it snowed last night so that makes it 8:30 and I’m already bored…oh, well…not much to do today…just going to veg it until the Lions come on or the race…there’s not even any soccer today….more later…