Well…don’t really have anything earth shattering to talk about today since I have been avoiding politics lately since it is all Trump all the time and I just don’t have the stomach to listen to that idiot or comment on him….not today anyway…I do want me some more of this el Nino weather…and no, it’s not global warming causing the temp to be 64 on Dec 13th….the same thing happened in the last El Nino a few years back and, if i remember correctly, I was out on the bike in shorts on New Years day that winter…hope that happens again this winter…I was out on the bike in a t-shirt today and it felt so good I did a long ride…my neck still hurts, though, and that is really a pain…for three days now….the car is back to normal after the dead battery on Friday and I am not curious enough to get the meter out and stand in the rain to try to find the problem….okay…dinner is ready and I do need to eat….
Monthly Archives: December 2015
December 13th
Well….it was an okay day yesterday but I didn’t get a lot done…I am sore everywhere and I think it must be a bug….have had a pain in my neck for the past few days and it just won’t go away and I’m not sure what the heck it is…I did have a nice running text conversation with T as she was working with her volunteers yesterday and that kept me from getting too bored…I di get a nice bike ride in but it looks like that won’t happen again today…there is s frickin thunderstorm going on right now and the rain goes all the way south of Illinois so maybe today will be the day to rest and try to heal a little…not much to do today…have an errand to run this aft and I’ll make a little cash so that will be cool…I should clean but I probably won’t since I am low on energy today and it hurts to just sit here….more later…
Oh Canada…
Well…with all of the posturing and bigotry by the repubs here regarding the Syrian refugees and their repeated attempts to make it harder for them to settle here, we only have to look to our north to see how the refugee crisis should be handled. You know I’ve talked about the Canadians before and how much I like and respect them for their good nature and resonableness…and yesterday was no exception. When the Syrian refugees that are going to settle in Canada arrived there yesterday, guess what he response was….not fear, not loathing, not bigotry like they see here in the US but a welcome from the prime minister in person who said “you are home” as he met them. This is the newly elected liberal PM Trudeau not the conservative ass that held the office before. What the hell is wrong with us when we can’t do that? Where is the “American exceptionalism” that the right goes on and on about? For a country with a 10th of our population and economy the Canadians are taking on more than double the refugees that we have committed to and that is just shameful…what would be a better way to show the world we care about something more than war than to do everything we can to help refugees from around the world? I salute our neighbors to the north for showing us what it means to be human at a time where we appear to have lost our way.
December 12th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I made a little cash so that was cool…slept crappy again last night and it has been so up and down lately I’m not sure what is happening….and I think I have a bug of some sort since I am warm and have been coughing for the past two days…don’t feel bad enough to stay off the bike, though, so I guess I’ll just weather it….did get out to have a couple with T and had so much fun…good conversation with a hot woman just made my day…I did discover why the center brake light wire was cut…there must be a short in it somewhere since, when I went out to start the car to meet up with T, the battery was dead and the car wouldn’t start….I did get to use my battery booster and that worked like a champ…so, I pulled the wire back apart and the car started fine this morning…might have to get my meter out and try to figure out what the problem is….not much to do today….need to get out on the bike this morning since Man U plays at 12:30 but then it will just be laundry and fooling around here…and two more of these today since I am already way behind for the month….more later…
December 11th
Well….it was an okay day yesterday and I got a few things done so that was cool…the car is clean and ready for winter and I did get the center brake light fixed…the wire to it was broken and I repaired that but screwed the radio up when I pulled the fuses…need to try to find the instructions so I can reset the radio clock and display…slept okay last night but I think I’m coming down with a bug since I have been coughing all morning and feel a little warm…I am glad I got everything done yesterday so I can take the day to rest today….thought I had the back sorted out but I was wrong…it still hurts today and I’m a little disappointed in that….did get a nice bike ride in yesterday but the wind was brutal and I hope it’s not like that today…it is warm enough to go out right now so I am going to as soon as I finish this…not much to do today….going to make a ham and maybe have a couple with T later…..more later….
Dream weirdness…
Well…with the return of dreams last night, I wanted to comment on it a little bit…not about the dreams per se, but how the process works for me…what I’ve found over the years is that there are incidences where there is danger in the dreams…whether being killed or arrested, or other bad things that you just can’t get out of in the dream. The weird thing is that I’ve developed a coping mechanism that allows me to avoid these dangers when they get to be untenable…I’m able to just shake and then I’m either awake or in another dream where there is no danger…after watching the Matrix the other day, it reminds me of when the agents take over people with a shake…or vibration, whatever you want to call it…the whole thing stemmed from a dream last night where my partner and I were trying to steal some rare old film from a library or something like it when a bunch of guys started to surround us talking into their cuffs like the secret service does…and when one sat down next to me…shake and out….pretty neat, actually….and I lived to tell the tale….
December 10th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I won at pool so that was cool…slept okay last night and had a weird but normal thing happen in the dreams that I am going to do one on later today….to get away from the politics as normal…my back has been good for two days now and I hope it continues…got the bike ride in in shorts yesterday and it looks the same today…it’s supposed to be almost 60 today and I may even get out in a t-shirt and shorts….and it looks even warmer Sat with almost record temps…I can take this all day long and all I can say is thank you El Nino…..have been good all week and I feel pretty good today so I have plans to get a lot done today…I do have to take the bulb out of the center stop light since Tom told me it’s out…hope it’s the same one I have a spare for in the junk drawer….not much to do today…going to do a winter clean up on the car and get it waxed one more time before it starts to turn into winter…going to wait a while to put the snowies on since there is no show in the forecast for the next week…more later….
This IS the republican party…
Well…it is too laugh when all of the so called “establishment” repubs run to the media to complain about the Donald’s racist, homophobic, idiotic rhetoric…nope, can’t even call it rhetoric, since that would imply that there is some logic there…when there is only a foaming pit of hate. But, this is just what the repubs have been fomenting for the past 30 years but doing it in a “nicer” form with the dog whistles of “states rights” and “religious liberty” which translated mean institutional, government sponsored bigotry against anyone that doesn’t believe as they do…that every Muslim is a terrorist and every gay should be stoned to death since being gay is against “god’s law”. Now, we see the distilled essence of the repub brand being exposed by the Donald and supported by this base of ignorant haters who have been whipped into a frenzy for so long that it had to blow at some point. I really do hope the Donald gets the nomination…and we crush this nastiness that is the repubs into the dirt….it is just so un-American to want to do harm to you fellow citizens…oh, not for the repubs, I forgot…they don’t give a damn about anyone but themselves…geez…
December 9th
Well…it was an okay day yesterday and I can’t believe how just adding another pair of gloves affected the bike ride…from freezing my hands so I couldn’t use them to warm is just weird…but okay…slept okay last night and I just noticed my back is not hurting as much as it has been…not as stiff, either, so I have hope that it will be better all day…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but I did watch Man U lose again and they are out of the Champions League, again, they just don’t look like the Man U I am used to and I blame the coach….what a bunch of crap….have been good for the past few days and I am starting to like it so I may just keep it up for the rest of the week…it would be good for me and my wallet….not much to do today…maybe pool but I’m not sure…I am sure that I am going to take the bike ride in shorts today since it is already 45…should be the last one but maybe tomorrow, too since it is going to be in the mid 50′s…more later….
The money is there…
Well….just watched the Daily Show with Jon Stewart as guest where he was visiting the senate to try to get them to re-approve the funding for healthcare for the 9/11 first responders…now, you know how I feel about the hero worship that cops and firemen get in this country…some deserved, some not, but when they are injured on the job, it is our duty to take care of them especially when there is clear data that connects the cancers and respiratory disease they are experiencing to their work at the WTC. The thing that just galled me when they talked to Rob Portman, a senator from Ohio, was that he talked about paying for the bill, that they needed to offset the costs by cuts elsewhere….hey, Rob, I got a cut for you….take a few billions out of the bloated military budget…you know, one frickin destroyer less would pay for it…and then some…the most poignant thing from that show was the panel that was there 5 years ago trying to get this funding passed…which had 4 first responders and Jon on it….now has three empty chairs for the guys that have died or whose health has deteriorated so much they couldn’t travel….what the hell is wrong with us? Billions to bomb but no money to take care of our own? This is the modern republican, folks…geez…