April 12th

Well…running a little late this morning and it’s another one where I just can’t get started….I did get out to get the paper and drive the car for the first time in quite a while and the hla’s were clacking like crazy until it ran for a while….and the paper is now getting disappointing with most companies not putting out ads anymore since they don’t want too many people in the stores and that takes away one of my Sunday morning rituals that I have been doing since I was in my teens…not sure if it’s even worth it to get the paper anymore but we do need to support them so it doesn’t go away…I remember that we had two newspapers in this town when I was a kid along with weekly papers like the “Suburban Life” that covered the small towns that surrounded GR….I miss those days….I did get out for a bike ride yesterday but I think it’s only a matter of time before they close them, too…saw groups of people all over the trail with one of over a dozen who were blocking the trail as they walked…people, stay the hell home if your going to endanger everyone with your stupidity….so I may have to go back to road riding if that crap keeps up…downtown GR is a ghost town so that may be an option….didn’t get a lot done yesterday and won’t today, either…I am still trying to take weekends off but I may get out to work on the garden plot later….the front of the house looked pretty good when I was leaving to get the paper today and that makes me feel good that all the work I’ve done is actually starting to make a difference….more later….

The new stupidist thing I’ve ever heard…

Well…if you’re still listening to anything the moron in chief says, you’ve heard some pretty stupid crap come out of his face…but just yesterday, the stupidest thing I have heard come out of anyone’s mouth came out of idiot boy’s pie hole….I need to quote it so you’ll believe it: “the germ has gotten so brilliant the antibiotic can’t keep up with it….there’s a whole genius to it…not only is it hidden, but it’s very smart…”…okay…I’m shaking my head at the stupidity packed into those few sentences…a brilliant virus? The antibiotic can’t keep up with it? Cripes, the ignorant moron has just shown that there is another thing to add to the long list of things he doesn’t understand….first, viruses can’t be “brilliant” they don’t have brains, they can’t think…they are just pieces of RNA that can hijack host cells to replicate…and that is the only thing they do….they don’t look around and see “antibiotics” and run away from them….and second…doesn’t every second grader know that antibiotics don’t work on viruses? It’s even in in it’s name….let’s spell this out…anti means against something…and biotic means living things, which viruses aren’t….viruses exist in a gray area and are considered to be non-living until they infect living cells….god, I am so tired of stupid people running this country and killing people with their stupidity….this is the stupidest thing I’ve ever heard….until later today when the idiot opens his yap again….

More seeds spouted!

Well….can you tell I’m a little bored? I guess you can watch the sparrows on the feeder for only so long before you start to go bonkers…oh, seeds….I have my first green pepper seed sprouted…and I have two more jalapenos that have come up, too so it looks like the extra 4 of each that I planted the other day weren’t necessary…so I guess I’ll just make the garden a little bigger and will have lots of stuff to give away this summer….and I need room for the beans and cukes anyway…so now I wait for the weather to cooperate and that is going to be a little painful…I do need to get motivated to do the doors for the linen closet at the end of the hallway and that will finish up the interior painting….that will be next week…not going to do much today…might be able to get out on the bike in shorts today if I wait til noon or so…that sounds like a plan….

April 11th

Well…I wonder if they have jump starters for people? I sure need one this morning with not being able to get going at all…have been up for an hour and am just now getting to this…and I feel pretty crappy with the allergies just kicking my butt….I may have to take some generic zyrtec that my daughter gave me when I was out there to visit since I won’t go out to the stores anymore with the restrictions they have in place…and I can’t use the generic flonase since it suppresses your immune system and that’s the last thing I need right now….so I guess I’m just going to resign myself to being miserable for the next month or so…didn’t get a lot done yesterday but screwing around a little around here and it looks like today will be the same…I am going to do the kitchen floor but don’t plan on doing much else since I do like to take the weekends off…and my motivation tank is empty…I do want to get the recycling out today but that will take a grand total of about 3 minutes and that won’t do a lot to quell the boredom…ha, I’ll bet you haven’t seen anyone use quell in a long time…just heard a weird noise that I couldn’t figure out where it was coming from and then realized that it is from the sparrows on the feeder attached to the front window…it is almost empty and they are banging on the bottom of it…and the sound is amplified by the window….the little shits went through 2 pounds of feed yesterday and I even had a grackle try to land on the hanging feeder…he was a little too big and it was funny to see him try…probably should fill the feeders this morning…but not now…need more coffee first…more later…

A pepper plant came up….

Well…just took a look at my veggie starters downstairs and one of my jalapenos came up…and it is one of the original seeds that I put in a couple of weeks ago so maybe there is hope for the rest of them?  The tomatoes are almost 6 inches tall already and will be more than ready when this damn weather warms up…froze my butt off on the bike today and gave up after only one ride….I wonder if I should start the cukes, too…..or the beans? Nope, don’t have room for them and I think they can wait since planting won’t be for a month or so….can’t wait to get the sunflowers going along with the rest of the flowers, too and I’m glad that I got them before they shut down all of the garden centers…man, I can’t wait till this whole virus thing is over….just sitting here on hold until May 1st now and I am itching to get at the outside…oh, well….

Looting doesn’t have to be permanent….

Well…with the idiot trump firing everyone who was charged with making sure the bailout money went to the right places, to quote Neil Young “the looting has begun” as trump and his cronies just steal everything that is not nailed down….almost half a trillion dollars has disappeared with no oversight…even though oversight is written into the spending bill but the repubs are helping idiot boy give the cash to whoever he wants. Let’s remember one thing that these folks are too stupid and venal to understand…that the looting is not permanent…it’s only going to last until we beat trump in the fall and then the investigations of who got what and who did what and who broke what laws will start….and with a dem in the WH, there will be unfettered cooperation with both the house and senate committees who will find out where the money went and will “claw back” all of the stolen loot…with interest and I would bet that there will be criminal referrals, too….so hey, morons…it may look good right now that you can buy a few more yachts with the stolen money…but we’re going to take it back after November after your cronies are consigned to the ash heap of history….and you will be, too…

April 10th

Well…feel pretty lousy this morning and I think it’s just the allergies flaring after doing the lawn and other stuff outside yesterday…and not sleeping is a part of it too…one good thing is I think taking the day off the bike has helped the pain that I felt everywhere but I’ll be back on it today but in full thermasuit since it snowed here last night and is going to top out around 40 today…I was going to wash all of my winter hats and put them away last week but didn’t get to it and now that looks like a good thing…and it is going to be cold now for the next two weeks so I’m going to be on pause for a while…I did talk to my son yesterday and found that I need to buy a house and be out of here by the first of Feb next year so I need to get my butt in gear and find a house soon…but I want to wait for a while to see where housing prices are going to go with so many people out of work…the predictions are that they should drop by 10% or so and that will help…at least I’ll get a summer here and be able to enjoy my garden and the work I’ve done…and I need to save some cash to have at least 40K for the down payment…but today I’m not going to think about it…or not much anyway….it is  a little bit of  a relief to have a date to be working towards and I’ll ramp up the search here in  a week or so…not much to do today….I did plant some more pepper seeds yesterday since the first ones didn’t come up and I may just plant all of them and then winnow out the ones I don’t need just to ensure I get the head start that I’m getting with the tomatoes….and I need to clean some around here after being lazy yesterday…oh, and cook…have tacos and chicken to make today and then a pizza tomorrow to use everything in the fridge downstairs….I’m not going to go to the grocery store for the next two weeks or more…just don’t want to jump through the new hoops and really should get the freezer emptied…and I can use missing a few meals….more later…

Just couldn’t do it…

Well…you know, I was going to take the day off and just try to heal my self abused body for a day…it sure needs it but I just couldn’t do it… after getting to 10 am with only doing some work downstairs, I kept looking out at the lawn and the weird growth that had sprouted after the rain so I just had to cut it for the first time to even it out…and that lead to walking around and picking up sticks and part of the tar overlay on the cement driveway that I had shoveled up over the winter…and I am trying to get the 12 coats of paint off the copper downspout with some paint stripper that I put on and am just going to leave it on for a week and see how it works…I could buy new ones for about 60 bucks each and that may be a possibility if they are in too poor of shape when the strip is done…they look like they have been repaired a few times so replacing them may be easier….I did skip the bike ride today with the wind blowing over 20 and a high of 42 degrees…and the soreness, did I mention that? Everything still frickin hurts and it hasn’t been this bad in quite a while…I do feel better about how the front of the house looks but it still needs more work but it doesn’t seem so overwhelming….I can’t wait til I can get the outside projects started but it’s too big of a pain int he ass to try to get any supplies right now with lines waiting to get in and stores limiting everything…I guess I can prep and get ready for when things open up again…

They’re not even faking it anymore…

Well…it’s harder than I thought it was going to be to take the day off and want to get out to mow the lawn for the first time but using an electric mower when it’s sprinkling doesn’t seem like too good of an idea…so, I thought I’d come here and do this instead. Okay, it looks like the idiot in chief with the attention span of a gnat has gotten tired of this whole virus thing and has decided to not even fake caring about it anymore…just this morning, the WH announced that they are going to stop funding and running all testing for the virus across the country and are leaving it the states to pick up the slack if they want to…now it does seem a little stupid to unilaterally stop the one thing that would allow us to get a handle on the spread of the virus and to help apply resources where it would do the most good but that would take an understanding of science…something that not one of trump’s cronies has at all…and they’ve run out of PPE in the federal stockpiles so what’s the point of testing if you don’t have the material to help at all? This is just another instance where trump and his moron brigade are treating the supplies that were purchased by all of us as if they paid for it out of their own pockets and are trying mightily to figure out how they can make money off of these supplies for themselves and their business buddies. And now, the first trial balloons are being floated by these morons that they want to start “opening” the country back up and sending people back to work May 1st even though the pandemic still rages across the country…and this says that these assholes never took the federal response seriously but more as just a “PR” problem that could be solved by lies and propaganda…no matter how many people will die, these assholes are tired of having to work at all and want to take the easy (to them) way out…murderers all…

April 9th

Well…I really do need to take the day off today…everything from the neck down hurts and I think the only way to help that is to rest…I think the double rides every day for the past week may not have been such a good idea…and along with the beating that chopping out stumps did, I can’t even sit here without something hurting…I did get the power washer out yesterday and it took off the loose paint from the gutters but didn’t do anything to the paint that hasn’t started peeling…but, it still looks better so I can just wait out the rest of the paint…it was kind of a weird night last night with starting to fall asleep on the couch at 8 and forcing myself to stay awake until 11…and you would think that I would sleep then when I went to bed…but no, and I am worn out today from it…just noticed that my hands really look beat up from all the work lately and maybe the rest day will help them heal…they are really stiff and have cuts all over them and the blister still hasn’t healed all the way….oh, well….I did get some flower seeds from Meijers yesterday so I can plant them in a few weeks to add a little color to the front of the house…and I took my first shot at getting the shrubs trimmed up but they have been let go so long I’m not sure what I can do other than even them up some and make them look less shaggy…I did talk to discount yesterday and the new tires are being shipped in and should be here in a couple of days…so, I’ll have new ones by next week… and the car really needs them…more later…